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Saw (Insert Subtle Here)


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Main goal of haunt:

  • Use traps not used in hollywoods version
  • Make it interactive
  • Try and make a good saw haunt.




Wilston Steel Facility

The main entrance will be HUGE, being 60 feet tall. A rusted decayed sign lies to your left, reading “Wilson Steel Machining Services, Since 1949”. To your right is a parked S.W.A.T. van, with the back doors open. Through the dilapidated windows, you can see various silhouettes of victims banging on the windows, trying to get out of the building. The front doors have been busted open, leaving wood chips on the floor. You enter into the building.

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(Main) TV Room

You then enter into a large lair. From your left is a fence with various TV’s showing footage of the traps (film footage and pre recorded footage). To your right are multiple traps, some are complete while some are in mid construction. (A drawing of the Reverse BearTrap, Razor Wire, a Needle, the Knife Chair, the Water Cube, and a Pig Mask.) Suddenly, the TV’s turn to static, as Billy The Puppets face appears on them. It then begins to speak. “"Greeting, and welcome. Right now you are probably screaming, and crying. Like a newborn crawling out of the womb. This is significant since today is your day of rebirth. The key to your survival lies only in the survival of the other subjects.. If the majority do not, then i'll leave you in this room to rot.... forever. Live or die, the choice is yours. Let the game begin *Billy laughter*" After he finishes this, a Pig Man emerges from behind one of the traps, and tries to slash at you with its arm razor. You run towards the next room...but there’s something different. There are two entrances to the next room.

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Scareactor Description 

Pig Man - 6ft, wears a pig mask and robe.



(Left) Oxygen Crusher

This room is large, with two men to your left and right, William and Hank. Both are standing on pillars bare foot, with a gas mask attached to their mouths. The masks tubes can be seen leading towards a crushing device that encases their chests. A T.V can be seen right in front of William, and it’s currently playing a Jigsaw message. He says “Every time you take a breath, the clamps around your chest will close in and crush your body. The only escape is in the other’s failure.” There’s a timer right in front of the exit door, and it’s currently counting from 59 minutes to 58 (clock will manually reset once it hits 58). Suddenly, Hank draws a breath, and the vices close around his chest, as you can hear bones break and blood sprays onto you. As you are distracted by this, William lunges out forward and tries to reach towards you, whimpering in fear. You then exit the room.

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Scareactor Description

William - 40s, has “explosive” clamps around his arms and legs

Hank - 50s, has blood caked around his chest.



(Right) Razor Box

You then enter into a small room. There’s not a lot in the area. In the center of the room is Addison, hands trapped in a glass box. There’s a small needles seen glued at the bottom, and a key at the top. Her arms can be seen dripping blood, as she screams in pain. She tries to pull her arms away, but they just cut deeper into it. As you are distracted by this, Xavier comes out from a door and swings at you with a nailed baseball bat, face bloodied and filled with rage. You then exit the room.

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Scareactor Description

Addison - 20s, black hair, arms are bloodied

Xavier - 40s, shaved, beard, muscular, has splattered blood in several areas of his body.



(Main) Hallway

You then enter into a long hallway. To your left there’s a security camera positioned on a wall, it’s red lights flashing. In the center of the room is a fence, where pure darkness is only visible. Suddenly, a light comes on, and you see Billy The Puppet on it’s tricycle. It slowly rolls up towards you, stopping mere inches from the gate. His face then explodes (audio, strobe lights, and audio), as it laughs at you. You exit the room, and see two paths like before.

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(Left) Mausoleum

You then enter into a large mausoleum. On the left and right are stain glass windows, letting the sunlight pour in. The walls are covered with tombs, where some have dents in them from a blunt object. There’s a pulley like contraption in the center of the room, where two chains can be seen attached to it. Besides one chain is a box, where there’s various weapons in it (a small axe and a hook). Suddenly, Art comes out from one side of the contraption, eyes sewn shut, as he silently pleads for help. As you back away from him, Trevor comes out from a nearby corner, eyes sewn shut and wielding a hammer. He blindly swings it, as he tries to ask who’s there. You exit the room.

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Scareactor Description

Trevor - 50s, bald, tall, muscular, eyes sewn shut

Art - 40s, gaunt



(Right) Ten Pints Of Sacrifice

You then enter into a large room. In the center of the room is a large table, where a metal box with glass pans on top lays. There are five holes in the box, where spinning saw blades can be seen (One without actors will have saws spinning, while others will be “moving” with strobe lights). Behind it is a timer, counting from 3 minutes to 1 (clock will manually reset). To your right is a TV, showing a Billy message on it. He says “"The human body is an astoundingly durable creation. It contains approximately ten pints of blood. Yet it is still able to operate with just half of that. The device before you is one of sacrifice. A sacrifice of blood. In order to open the door, the beaker must be filled to the marked level. A level that is of no coincidence. So now I ask you: How much blood will you give in order to survive?" Mallick and Brit can be seen shoving their hands into the saws, as it tears open the skin and spraying blood onto you. As you are distracted by this, a Pig Man emerges to your side and tries to stab at you. You dash towards the next room.

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Scareactor Description

Mallick - 30s, stubble, wears a makeshift tourniquet

Brit - 30s, wears a makeshift tourniquet

Pig Man - 6ft, wears a pig mask and robe.



(Main) Shotgun Hallway

You then enter into another hallway similar to the hallway from before. On the floor is a body. It seems to be a man, well what used to be a man. His head has been blown to bloody chunks that litter the area, as skull and brain matter can be seen seeping through the corpse. You walk towards it, and you hear a click. Suddenly, you hear the sounds of shotguns going over your head, as you are nearly hit with several bullets (air). You look up, and see several shotguns positioned on the ceiling, a small wire running from them into a small motion sensor in the wall. As you back away from them, the body lunges at you, gurgling for help as it clutches what used to be a head, as it goes limp. You enter into the two paths again.

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Scareactor Description

Sing - Mask, blood covered clothes.



(Left) Scalping Seat

You then enter into a large living room. The walls can be seen covered in photos, each showing multiple victims from the various franchises (Adam, Dr. Gordon, Amanda, Jeff, Lynn, Timothy, Cecil, Strahm, Seth, Etc Etc). Painted on the wall above the paintings are the words “See what I see.” In the center of the room is a disturbing chair, where various cogs and gears can be seen on the back. Attached to the gears is some bloody hair...and a scalp. As you are distracted by this, the door bursts open, as Brenda emerges with her scalp entirely gone, revealing muscle and bone. She holds a knife, and tries to slash at you with it. You dash towards the next room. 

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Scareactor Description

Brenda - 20s, wears a prosthetic scalp.



(Right) Impalement Wheel

You then enter into a large room. To your right is a broken window, where a cage lies on the ceiling. Billy The Puppet can be seen in it, giving instructions to the trap. “Once her device begins to rotate, it will pierce her eyes and mouth if you don't delay its movement for at least 30 seconds. To do this, you must step into the other machine and lift the bars to the highest position, long enough to close the circuit, slowing down her device. If you do nothing, she will wind to her death before the clock runs out.” In the center of the room is a large device, where Suzane (dummy) can be seen on it. She is restrained with several straps. In front of her are three rods. Suddenly, the contraption moves her closer to the pipes, as she screams in fear. The lights go dark, as you hear squishing and cracking. You then exit the room.

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(Main) Crawl Passage

You then enter in a hallway, and you immediately see the exit. In front of you is a small vent, where bloody handprints lay on the floor of it. You crouch down and enter inside the passage. There isn’t much light here besides the nearby exit, but from nearby you can hear timers going off and people screaming. As you are about to exit the vent, arrows emerge from the walls and try to shoot out at you (water and air). You crawl fast towards the exit, back to the two paths. (Note - there’ll be a small wheelchair passage for people who have wheelchairs or don’t want to crawl. It’ll be the same with the screams and arrows, but you can stand in this room). 

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(Left) Shotgun Carousel

You enter into the scene through an open door, that is painted with a red spiral on it. This room is MASSIVE, being 50 feet in length. In the center of the room is a gate, where a small pedestal box stands. Two spikes can be seen in it, all covered in blood. In the back of the gate is the carousel, and in front of that carousel is a shotgun. Six people can be seen on it (all dummies), and there’ll be screaming for help. To the right of the carousel is a TV, playing a billy message. He says “Six ride the carousel, but only two can get off. The decision of which two survive falls upon you. “To the back of you is a timer, and it seems to be set in 0:00 right now. However, as you are distracted by the carousel, the timer falls down (boohole), revealing William covered in blood. He screams in pain and holds up his hole covered hand, as he lunges out towards you. You run towards the next room.

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Scareactor Description

William - 40s, wears a prosthetic glove.



(Right) Horsepower Trap

You then enter into a MASSIVE room, being 50 feet in length. In the center of the room is a car held up by several jacks. The hood is removed, and doors are gone. In front of the broken window is a lever. In the car is Evan (actor) , glued to the seat. He’s seen tearing aways his back from the seat, as he screams for help (mix of makeup and suit). Below the car is Kara (actor), tied underneath the tires. She screams for help, and tries to free one hand to reach for you. Behind the car is Dan (dummy), with chains attached to his jaw and arms. In front of the car is Jake (dummy), tied to the garage door. A tape can be heard playing. It says “In 30 seconds, the jacks holding up this car will fall, setting off a deadly chain of events. In order to stop this from happening, you must tear yourself away from the seat to which you are glued.”You then hear a ring, as the lights go out. The sounds of gore and flesh being ripped is heard. The lights come on, and you are then scared by a Pigman from behind you. He holds a syringe, and tries to jab at you with it, as you exit the room.

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Scareactor Description

Evan - 30s, bald, wears a bodysuit

Kara - 20s

Pig Man - 6ft, wears a pig mask and robe.



(Main) Adams Apartment

You then enter into a small apartment. There’s not a lot of furniture in the room, besides the main ensteils (couch, sink, mini fridge, etc etc). This room is extremely dark, but every so often, you can hear the sound of a camera going off, and the room lights up for a second. You then hear laughing. You turn around, and on the couch is Billy The Puppet, just laughing. Besides it is a bat. As you are distracted by this, a Pig man emerges from behind a closet door and lunges at you. You dash towards the next room, right to the two paths.

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Scareactor Description

Pig Man - 6ft, wears a pig mask and robe.



(Left) Death Mask

You then enter into a small room. There’s a small mirror attached to a chair, and an open tool box near the corner. Inside the toolbox is a skull x-ray showing a key embedded into the eye, a scalpel, a pair of tweezers, some bandages, and an eyepatch. A nearby TV can be seen on, playing a Billy message. It says “I am going to give you a hint as to where I've hidden the key. So listen carefully, the hint is this: it's right before your eyes.” As you are distracted by this, Michael pops out from a darkened corner. He has the Venus Flytrap on him, and tries to remove the trap on him, as the ticking from the timer echoes. He begs for help as he re enters the darkness. You hear a ding, and then a CLANG, as blood (water) sprays on you. You exit to the next room.

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Scareactors Description

Michael - 30s, has a bloody eye



(Right) Steam Maze

You then enter into a large hallway. To your left and right are gates, covered in some pipes. This whole room has a red tint to it. As you walk past some of the pipes, they spray air onto you (there’ll also be an audio trigger of skin sizzling). Above you can hear William yelling at someone instructions of the game. As you walk past an open gate entrance, Debbie emerges from behind it. She’s weilding a buzzsaw, and has several third degree burns on her face. She blindly swings it around, as you dash to the next room.

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Scareactor Description

Debbie - 30s, has several third degree burns on her.



(Main) Evidence Room

You then enter into a large room. The room is littered with old traps used throughout the series. These will include the Magnum Eyehole, some chains, the Angel Trap, the Shotgun Collar, shackles, the Rack, a vice, metal columns, spikes, a spike gun, a Spine Cutter, the Water Cube, collars, a jar with keys, a bathtub, Screw Helmets, Explosive Bracelets, razor wire nooses, nail bed, and a whole stack of tapes. In the center of the room is a chair, where the bloodied up body of Jill lies. Her head has been ripped apart by the Reverse Beartrap, as blood sprays onto you (water). As you are distracted by this, Hoffman emerges from behind a cupboard, swinging a knife onto you. You run towards the two paths.

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Scareactor Description

Hoffman - 40s, stubble, blood caked onto his clothes.



(Left) Angel Trap

You then enter into a large room. In the center of the room is Kerry, hung up in a huge contraption. She wears a leather harness, which is secured by a padlock, put on her body and was suspended slightly above the floor by two chains. Attached to her back was a heavy metal device with two mechanical arms, which look like two fold up wings. Additionally, twelve c-shaped metal brackets were laid tightly around her chest, with six brackets on each side of the body. These brackets were hooked into her ribcage and were connected with the contraption on the victim's back by several wires.. In front of her is a beaker, filled with acid (a painted on jar). A nearby TV plays, revealing another Billy message. It says "The device you are wearing is hooked into your ribcage, and by the time this tape is finished, you will have one minute to find a way out. At the end of that minute... you should know better than anyone what happens then." She reaches out to you for help, but you hear a ring. Suddenly, the trap goes off, tearing open her ribs and showing her internal organs (suit hidden by the trap), spraying blood all over you (water), as you exit the room.

Music -


Scareactor Description

Kerry - 30s, wears a suit on the torso made to look like exposed organs



(Right) Glass Coffin

You then enter into a large room. The walls are made out of metal, and in the center of the room is a glass coffin in a slightly reclined upright position. The coffin is filled with shards of glass, and inside is Hoffman (dummy), with a blank emotionless face. On the ceiling of the room is a grate with two oxygen tanks over it, which are connected to the coffin. In front of the coffin is a small tape. It says “The only way to survive this room is by entering the glass box before you. Pain will be incurred, but you will have a chance of survival”. Suddenly, one of the walls start to push forward, as you can hear Strahm screaming in agony. As you back away from the wall, a Pigmen emerges from a hidden door in the other wall, and tries to swing a blade at you. You run towards the next room.

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Scareactor Description

Pig Man - 6ft, wears a pig mask and robe.



(Main) Hallway

You then enter into a short hallway. To your left is a fence filled with TVs, that now shows the aftermath of all of the traps you have experienced. The TVs turn to static again, revealing another BIlly message. It says “Time is now against you. Better hurry up ...”. You then find the last two paths of this haunt.

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(Left) Cycle Trap

You then enter into another large room. In the center of the room is a large funnel, and inside there’s a blade that can be seen spinning. You can barely see a leg hanging from the top of the funnel, as you can hear Mitch panicking and screaming. As you walk by it, blood sprays out from the opening inside the funnel (water), as you hear flesh tearing. After this happens, Mitch’s body emerges from the bottom of the trap (puppet), torn to pieces with most of its flesh gone. You run towards the final room.

Music -




(Right) Laser Collars

You then enter into a small hallway. In the center of the room is a podium, with two buttons. To your right, you see a collar on the floor, and some blood. To your left however, the body of Holloran lies on the floor, his head torn to shreds by the lasers. As you walk past him, his body springs to life, and tries to scare you. As you back away from him, Logan will emerge from behind a corner, and try to fire a gun at you (air). You dash towards the final room.

Music -



Scareactor Description

Halloran - wears a mask that makes the face look disfigured

Logan - 40s, stubble, wears bloodied clothing.



(Main) Bathroom

You then enter into an infamous room in the series ...the bathroom. The room is extremly dark, with the only light being some light pouring from the open door. To the right of you lies the beaten body of Zepp, and Adam is behind him (dummy), reaching out towards you screaming. To your left is the empty open door. Suddenly, Jigsaw walks from behind the door, and looks directly at you. He says “Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you, not anymore. Game over!”. As he says the final line, he slams the door shut, making the room pitch black. Strobe lights then go on, as one final Pig Man emerges from behind a fake wall, and lunges out at you. You dash towards the exit.

Music -



Scareactor Description

Jigsaw - 50s, has some bloodied clothing

Pig Man - 6ft, wears a pig mask and robe.


Alternate Ending - you then enter into a large room, and it’s different from the typical factory setting ...the room is made of flesh. Each flesh can be seen made into a puzzle piece, as you realize that this is the storage area from all of the Jigsaw pieces from the victims. As you walk past a wall, it opens up (fake wall), revealing another Pig Man. He chases you out towards the maze.

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