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A Word Of Warning

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I am not here to rain on anybody's parade or to spoil anyones fun but there are those who post things on youtube and the web claiming that they are either songs or audio from Halloween Horror Nights houses and/or scarezones that are just simply false. I know this because myself and the other users here who work on this song list project pretty much year round go thru and very painstakingly at times listen to multiple recordings from inside each house and each scarezone. Sometimes recorded on cell phones and sometimes actual source audio . I am not going to be so bold as to say that we never miss anything but I think a lot of what people put out there is wishful thinking and not reality. Which is fine as long as you identify it as such. I do a soundtracks to the event every year just like many of you do and if there isn't any audio I find something that fits as well. But I don't put it on the list here nor do I claim it is actual event music. Sorry I just had to get that off of my chest.

Edited by dkrfla
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JDW myself and many others greatly enjoy your tracks and I think it's awesome that people are creative and do their own thing. I would ever want to in any way stifle that creativity. My only issue is when some people claim that stuff was used in the house/streets when it wasn't.

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JDW myself and many others greatly enjoy your tracks and I think it's awesome that people are creative and do their own thing. I would ever want to in any way stifle that creativity. My only issue is when some people claim that stuff was used in the house/streets when it wasn't.

Oh I know you weren't implying it. :)

I just want to mke sure people know so there is no question.

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