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Halloween Horror Nights: Visions Of Fear


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[i made this in April '08 so...I'll post here so the forum isn't bare :)]

This event will be held at both Islands Of Adventure and Universal Studios.

Icon: The Orphan

Story: Daniel Spencer was an unlucky child. His mother had died while giving birth to him and his father committed suicide shortly after this, with no known relatives he was put into the old children's home in the town of Nobel [see if you can get the reference], for years Daniel grew up unloved and in-turn he felt no emotion what-so-ever...Happiness, Sadness were just words to him. However he cared for one person at the Orphanage, Elsa Strict who read him stories everyday, he particularly enjoyed tales in which gore/death was included, a personal favourite of Ms. Strict herself. When she 'died' Daniel was only 6 and he was heartbroken having lost his only friend, he wasn't even allowed to attend her funeral at the old Caine Mortuary at the other end of the town. He became an isolated youngster, for years he hardly ever spoke and spent all his time in his room situated in the attic of the old house, over time his skin grew pale and dark rings appeared under his eyes.

The other children and some of the other staff members were scared of the boy, when he wasn't staring out the small circular window of his room he went to the old Theatre where they showed late-night horror movies, Daniel fell in love with the genre but one night when a movie showed made by a Mr. Paulo Ravinski something inside Daniel awoke, he instantly became obsessed with the absolute fear and anxiety shown on the screen, so much so that he desired to recreate it, fear and anger now being the only emotions he has truly ever felt.

As the children's home grew overcrowded with constant runaways and orphans Daniel saw himself to provide the solution to the problem, he would become friends with his would-be-victims, when they fully trusted him he usually invited them to his room in order to show something 'secret'. He would knock his victims out cold whenever they entered the dark claustrophobic area. After gagging his victim and locking the door he would wait until they were concious to learn that their eyes had been sown shut, while they panicked and cried he would take a butchers knife which he took from the kitchen and would cut the back of their head, he loved the sight of blood trickling down the helpless writhing victim, after removing the skin at the back of the head and with a little handy-work Daniel removed the skull from his prey, placing it in a hole in the wall in which he covered with a painting... this went on surprisingly for a while as most of the staff and children simply thought the missing victims had run away, a common occurrence. However one night as Daniel was at the movie theatre one of the children was nosing around in his room, after knocking over the painting which covered over a dozen skulls of forgotten children, the child quickly ran downstairs to tell the social workers of the horrors he discovered. Upon investigation Daniel had hidden the bodies of 13 children underneath the floorboards of his room. Just as Daniel was returning home he saw the various police and ambulances outside the old children's home, Daniel thought nothing of it until he saw a medic carry out a box filled with skulls, Daniels heart was beating ferociously, avoiding capture he ran into the darkness of the night, towards the edge of the town and once again isolation...

Daniel wandered for miles in the countryside before finding an old abandoned Carnival, upon entering the truck with 'JS' marked on the side, a pleasant smell of death entered Daniels lungs, there he saw the corpse of a clown with a skinned face, slashed torso and seemingly diced internal organs he picked up the stick with a golden skull at the top of it with blood red eyes (Cane Of Souls) in which the decayed corpse held in its hands, the power that rushed through him that instant was over-whelming for Daniel, at last he felt like he was fully in control of something, he discovered an inscription etched into the edge of the Cane “Those with a heart colder than ice and blacker than hell, nightmarish visions will be theirs to tell”...his guess was as good as anyone else's, he learned that he could make his thoughts reality, this evoked a strange emotion in Daniel...was this what they called happiness? Either way he wanted to share his new power with everyone else and he just knew where, Universal Orlando...joy and harmony inhabit this tourist attraction. a place in which Daniel had dreamed of going as a child after seeing various magazine articles on the resort, a place where children's dreams can come true, dreams of his own which before could never be fulfilled...until now!

Dare you enter the demented and emotionless mind of The Orphan?


A Nightmare On Elm Street: Comatose Terror - UO

With Freddy Krueger claiming hundreds of victims in 2007 he had no subconscious minds to live off of, once again being cursed to become a forgotten memory in his twisted real of dreams, but the fear he created at Jack's Carnival has gathered over the past year and made him even more bloodthirsty and powerful, and with you taking part in a documentary exploring the most notorious houses of America, which involves spending a night in 1428 Elm Street, your group decide to sleep in the old boiler room of the house to provoke an interactive outcome, however Fred Krueger has built up enough power to re-enter the minds of the living...he just can't wait to become the man of your dreams once again!

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Dinner Is Served Severed - UO

The Hewitt family have been secretly living under the town of Travis County after the discovery of their brutal crimes, however the terror has not ended...the inbred family has been living in the sewers for years now. You are their fresh catch and night is approaching fast, will you escape the various macabre tunnels and freakish family members while a new Leatherface (Jedidah) has dawned the flesh mask, chases you, chainsaw-a- roaring...or will you become the main course? (there will be a jack-mask Leatherface in this house) [also one-armed Uncle Thomas Leatherface will appear at one point, with aged decayed mask)

Friday The 13th: The Voorhees Curse - UO

Friday The 13th is a date that has been regarded as being the most dangerous day of the year for the town of Forest Green, formerly know as Crystal Lake...foolishly you and your friends are camping in the woods near Camp Crystal Lake, humoured by the idea of Jason returning your group indulge in the three acts that warrant a death-sentence in Camp Crystal Lake, however there is a dark shape in the woods, a towering shadow of a man, the only visible aspect of him is a long, blood soaked metallic blade and a pure white hockey mask, Jason has found you and he hopes to make your stay at the Camp a memorable one.... [The Voorhees curse will have Jason's from all move parts, from Uber-Jason to even Mrs. Voorhees coming at you surprisingly in the finale of the house]

Halloween: The Night He Returned Home! - UO

It's been years since notorious mass-murderer Michael Myers spilled blood on the streets of Haddonfield, Illinois and the town is finally ready to celebrate the infamous holiday known as 'Halloween' but an old station-wagon has pulled up outside the old Myers house, realising that it has been demolished Michael is furious, before it was his family and those who stood in his way who were in danger of suffering from Michael's rage...now it's entire town of Haddonfield that Michael has his dark evil eyes set on! [Like Psychoscareapy: HFTH, neighbourhood area where you run from house to house with Michael chasing you]

The Orphanage - UO

Welcome to Daniels childhood domain, here he has corrupted all of the children of the old dilapidated house into thinking that you stand in the way of them finding a home and true happiness, the staff have all been brutally murdered while the children run a-muck, Daniel slowly wanders the corridors of the old house looking to use you to feed his eternal lust for fear, his anger and determination, will you escape this hell-hole alive or will your skull fill the inner walls of Daniels childhood room?

The Thing: Absorption - IOA - Jurassic Park

Following the outbreak in 2007 at a secret facility in Florida, the test subjects have escape into the general public, the world has broken into chaos, who is infected and who remains human? Only a few people still remain human in what was once known as earth, but they are not alone, grotesque creatures of all shapes and sizes that were once human wander the "earth" no matter the location or enviroment. No one can save you or the world from complete absorption...someTHING has now become everyTHING!

Face Your Fears! - IOA - Lost Continent

Daniel just loves causing fear to other human beings, so only a mind as twisted as his could come up with such a macabre and inhumane attraction as "face your fears!". Scared of the dark, how about a pitch black room with who-knows what lurking inside! Scared of clowns? How about entering the center ring of your nightmares! Step inside this house, we're garunteed to find something that scares you!

[House will have rooms covering most fears; darkness, bugs, clowns, loud noises, spiders, heights [illusion] etc.]

Body Collectors - More Bones, More Blood, More Bodies! - UO

The Orphan has brought forth one of the most notorious of industries early from one of the Terra Provinces, the Body Collectors process human body parts, blood and guts are all part of the business and the business was good last time they showed their faces and this time they're hoping that business will be booming!


Happily NEVER After! - Seuss Landing – IOA

Around this area your once loved fairy tales become have now become scary,

Come see chainsaw wielding Alice, the truly Mad Hatter or lamb killer Mary!

Once a place of colourful creatures and sights to behold

...will you escape alive, well that remains to be told...

Marvel Zombies - Marvel Superhero Island - IOA

Those who used to fight for our freedom and safety have now became the exact opposite, a viral outbreak has caused earth's mightiest superhero's to turn into flesh hungry monsters...no matter what there's no escape from the likes of zombified Spider-Man, Captain America or Wolverine...you best just hope for a quick death.

The Classics Never Die! - UO - Hollywood Blvd.

Step back in time to when horror didn't involve chainsaw weilding maniacs or bloodbaths, a simpler time when classic monsters such as mummies, vampires and werewolfs dominated the silver screen...watch out though, these guys may be classics and quite old but they can still bite, maul and choke!

Midway Of The Bizzare - ReFreaked! - Toon Lagoon - IOA

One thing Daniel loved from the old Carnival he wandered into was the variety of side-show games and freaks that they had to offer, Daniel has now taken the concept of Midway Of The Bizzare and now put his own equally warped purspective onto the Midway. Marvel at the Freaks and Clowns chasing you while you try to win the ultimate prize...survival!

Chainsaw Drill Team - New York - UO

ATTEN-TION! You'll be far from feeling patriotic when these maniacs are chasing you with their buzz-saw. when they start to gather you better hope that you're as far away as possible cause these guys are out for blood...conscription is manditory.


Bill & Ted's Excellent Halloween Adventure 2008!

The boys are back with their most excellent time-traveling phone booth for a comedy satire of this year's pop culture icons and celebrity screw-ups!

Rocky Horror Encore Show!

Your favourite sweet transvestite from transexual transylvania is back! Join Frank N'Furter for a second stage adaption of the cult movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show, this time with more thrills, more chills, more songs, more suprises and more dry humps than you can shake a high heel at, just for your absolute pleasure!

The Initiation

Join your host The Orphan as he inspects your sanity, then tries to break it. No-one is safe, The Orphan is very pleased to greet any of his guests up close and personally, he garuntees an encounter that you will remember for the rest of your life...if you escape with it!

The Theatre - Lagoon Show

As a youngster, The Orphan adored horror movies, now come and witness and understand his love for the genre with these terrifying clips from both classic and modern entries into the movies that terrified audiences all over the world.

All big attraction rides will be open (The Amazing Adventures Of Spider-Man,Hulk, Revenge Of The Mummy etc.)

Edited by The_Joker
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  • 1 month later...

Really nice ideas! Was quite enjoyable to read, and I could see it happening before my eyes. A few problems may arise though, for one, there is a slight lack of houses/scarezones for running the event in both parks. If they were to do that, I'd really like to see the biggest and best event yet. Also, if I'm not mistaken, they can not do anything at Suess Landing, due to some licensing issues, or something like that, concerning the friendly image of Seuss. Additionaly, as much as I'd like to see some of the things that we had last year, since it was truly a great event, I don't think repeating it exactly would be a good idea, although you did modify some of the themes slightly.

All in all, a very neat idea, and I'd like to see more of it.

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Really nice ideas! Was quite enjoyable to read, and I could see it happening before my eyes. A few problems may arise though, for one, there is a slight lack of houses/scarezones for running the event in both parks. If they were to do that, I'd really like to see the biggest and best event yet. Also, if I'm not mistaken, they can not do anything at Suess Landing, due to some licensing issues, or something like that, concerning the friendly image of Seuss. Additionaly, as much as I'd like to see some of the things that we had last year, since it was truly a great event, I don't think repeating it exactly would be a good idea, although you did modify some of the themes slightly.

All in all, a very neat idea, and I'd like to see more of it.

Thanks for the creative comments Tiffy :)

Alot of this was actually before the big reveal last year, actually I originally posted this in April, I believe.

I'm thinking of writing up a new event, I posted some ideas in the HHN 19: Spec. thread over at the Vault I think I could expand upon very well. :D

Edited by The_Joker
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  • 1 year later...

Also, if I'm not mistaken, they can not do anything at Suess Landing, due to some licensing issues, or something like that, concerning the friendly image of Seuss.

Indeed. In order for Audrey Geisel (Dr. Seuss' widow) to give Universal permission to build Seuss Landing, they had to promise her that, when HHN came around, Seuss Landing would not be used for anything scary. That's why, in the past, all they've done with Seuss Landing was have some odd lights and play its normal music backwards.

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