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iLuvStabWounds' HHNH Review


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Here's my review of Halloween Horror Nights 2011 "What Fear Fears Most," starting with...

La Llorona: Villa De Almas Perdidas

This maze was a major improvement on last year's scarezone. Since I am a fan of the whole La Llorona lore and the supernatural, I loved this maze! The costumes were fantastic, and the variety of characters and environments blew me away (esp. the bridge scene). Another great aspect of this maze is how it actually had a coherent story-line, starting with going to Maria's (La Llorona) children's funeral, to the graveyard, to Maria's tomb, and following Maria as she wreaks havoc in the form of "La Llorona" (I know I may be over-thinking it, but that's my interpretation of the maze ;) ). Even though they re-used some of the props from NoES (the statues) and Saw (the pigs) it wasn't too distracting and out of place. The only thing I can comment on this maze is that it's pretty tame on the scares in comparison to the rest of the mazes in the event (although the forest and the bedroom scene scared the sh!t out me!), nevertheless it was awesome.

Scares: 9.5/10


Overall: +A

Afterwards me and a bunch of friends decided to go to the Terror Tram...

Terror Tram: Scre4m for your Life

What can say about this? umm... it was a little better that Chucky's Revenge, but it was a letdown. I love the Scream franchise and Ghostface, but this year's TT was a very poor representation of Scream. Placing Ghostface in the Bates Motel for the "Stab-a-Thon" just lazy and to make matter worse they removed the chain-linked maze before I got chance to go it :( . The "fake" films was a clever idea, but it was the same as it always been by going to WhoVille and WotW sets. "Freakz and Tweakz" didn't make any sense and "Zombiez on a Plane" was the same old same old. Only "Meatstalk: Summer of Blood" was the only interesting section of the TT, one of the cannibals chased one of my friends around yelling "Where do you think you're going, Happy Meal?!" (best line ever, LOL :lol: ). On the plus side we got to see more of Ghostface in action.

Scares: 6.5/10

Environments/Decor/Sets: 6.5/10

Overall: -C (I'm being really nice about this)

Hostel: Hunting Season

The facade was freakin' cool! Loved the torture scene on the balcony and the interaction with the Slovakian chicks. I have to say that this is the goriest maze of the entire event. Had quite a number good scares and enthusiastic scareactors (one of them almost poked my eye out with a pair of pruning shears, I was so glad I was wearing glasses!). My favorite scene had be the Mrs. Bathory scene. But had this feeling that I was really walking through Saw minus the pigs. The whole torture factory environment had already been done to death thanks to Saw.

Scares: 10/10

Environment/Decor/Sets: 8/10

Overall: -A

Alice Cooper's Welcome to my Nightmare

Interesting maze, IMO it might rival La Llorona in terms of scares and originality. Even though the story behind the maze was confusing, I have to consider that the whole maze is about the nightmares in Alice Cooper's mind, so I'll let that slide. I'm impressed that they managed make maze based entirely out of the lyrics in AC's songs, and they did pull off quite a number of good scares (loved the Blood Nurse BTW). For a person who was totally against the prospects of an AC maze (I have to admit that I wasn't placing any high expectations for this maze) I was pretty impressed.

Scares: 9/10

Environment/Decor/Sets: 9.5/10

Overall: A

Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Corpses

Been there, done that. Nonetheless, it's still a good maze - it's just that there's nothing new.

Scares: 8.5/10

Environment/Decor/Sets: 8.5/10

Overall: +B

The Thing: Assimilation

Hmmmm... I thought this maze was over-hyped. The scares and props were really nothing to scream at (there was really only one room that scared me). The maze had too many empty hallways and rooms, and the truck "scare" was a little predictable. What bothered me the most was that it was freakin' humid in that maze! I was expecting it to be cold since I heard that they turned up the air conditioning in there. Oh, and "pitch black" corridor was a pretty big letdown, since it wasn't that dark and there were no scareactors to be found in there! Stilll the puppetry and animatronics made up for the rest of the maze. It was pretty cool to see the Thing in more than one form.

Scares: 7.5/10

Environments/Decor/Sets: 8/10

Overall:: -B

(Since I knew that Wolfman: Curse of Talbot was just going to be HoH with extra werewolves, I decided to skip it)


Scream - Loved the sexy go-go dancers :blush: ... but there's nothing else to say. There's only one Ghostface statue and the rest was just overlap of the Klownz.

Overall: -C

Klownz - Never fails to scare the crap out of me, but it's the same as it has always been... it makes me really miss Welcome to Hell!!

Overall: -B

Freakz - I can tolerate a scarezone showing up twice, but three times! Come on, just die already!!!

Overall: D

Zombieville - Finally a new scarezone! Loved the environment in good ol' London Street. Reminds me of Shaun of the Dead, but in a good way. :)

Overall: A

Reapers - IMO I thought the reapers had really cool costumes... unfortunately, due to the lack of environment and props I wasn't impressed.

Overall: B


Bill & Ted - Got a few chuckles out of the show, but overall I felt it was a little "meh."

Summary: Probably the best HHNH has been for some time.

Overall Grade: -A

Edited by iLuvStabWounds
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Great review! Even though I did find the Thing a bit of a disappointment, I enjoyed a second time because of the good scares I got in there. As for the maze on the Terror Tram, it really didn't feel like it added that much to the experience.

I'm sorry you missed out on Wolfman. Yes, it is pretty similar to House of Horrors, but at least they put a solid effort into making it fit.

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Great review! Even though I did find the Thing a bit of a disappointment, I enjoyed a second time because of the good scares I got in there. As for the maze on the Terror Tram, it really didn't feel like it added that much to the experience.

I'm sorry you missed out on Wolfman. Yes, it is pretty similar to House of Horrors, but at least they put a solid effort into making it fit.


BTW, there was actually an improvement to the HoH overlay? :blink:

I heard that the Mummy and Chucky room stayed the same, but I'm curious to know what improvements they made this year.

Edited by iLuvStabWounds
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Freak is crazy, they put no effort in the HoH lmao however, that doesn't mean you should skip it! It's always wise to go in and get your own interpretation of things. Like just now, I say the HoH was LITERALLY just the HoH with werewolves while Freak said it was something a bit more. Always do everything, just so you can get a feel for the event as a whole. Also, did you skip Bill and Ted? I see no review for it!

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Freak is crazy, they put no effort in the HoH lmao however, that doesn't mean you should skip it! It's always wise to go in and get your own interpretation of things. Like just now, I say the HoH was LITERALLY just the HoH with werewolves while Freak said it was something a bit more. Always do everything, just so you can get a feel for the event as a whole. Also, did you skip Bill and Ted? I see no review for it!

Well, I meant that compared to the previous overlays, Wolfman was the best in my opinion. You've gotta give them some credit for actually adding a few things in there. ;)

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