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Hey, all.

One thing I've been noticing about this year's event is that it sounds like there's ... a ... LOT ... of fog.

From what I understand, there's two types of fog that they use, and I know I can't breathe one of them. If there's only one, I can't really breathe that. I have to basically run through one or two scarezones every year because of the Cursed Cursed fog, and it sounds like it's everywhere this year - even in the houses.

Am I right ? Any other asthmatics out there been to the event this year? Is it like suffocating?

It stinks, too, because I know some of the places I suspect are foggy are going to be the coolest things to see. That projection of the building falling down in Acid Assault looks absolutely *phenomenal* but I get the feeling a scarezone called "Acid Assault" may be full of the stupid gas... Just like the other similar-sounding zone was ("Containment" ?).

I'm all about "ahh! that's creepy!" or "wow she looks like she'd bite if she were real!" but I'm not all about "I cannot breathe" ..... To be honest, I can tolerate it in scarezones - I just move through. You scareactors are usually very good at telling who is trying to get somewhere without getting a scare (or at least more than a "boo")..... But in the houses? You're elbow to elbow in a queue... I'm thinking of the Forsaken in particular - it sounds like that whole house is shrouded in fog!

Am I going to have to take an emergency exit out of there? That would be The Lame!

What do you all think?

For that matter, can anyone tell me what the really foggy parts of the park are this year so I'm prepared?


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Forsaken isn't bad for fog at all. The fog at the end is low lying fog, or it's supposed to be. The only other place there is fog is at the beginning.

As mentioned above, GE and Canyon is the only two SZs packed with fog. NM has a lot too, though.

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