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HHN 2011: Souled Out

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2011 is going to be a big one. For guests, we're being treated to some of the most exciting prospects in HHN history with all of the fun stuff Creative has cooked up. For the business execs up top, they're looking at a nice big cash flow that's been streaming in since tickets have been on sale for approximately two weeks and will continue to reap the benefits until merchandise is completely sold for discounted prices into mid-November. But underneath that, there's been a controversy brewing between management and the fans who support the event.

Despite your side on the argument and despite whoever is actually right and wrong, it's impossible to not see how things have changed from a business stand point this year. This essay will take a look back and then a look forward at all the changes management have made this year to make it successful for them, bring in profit and then possibly some extra cash on the side. For the GP, it'll be seen as a time where all the fancy ticket options they loved were taken away from them and they were screwed over. For us FANS, this is HISTORY and important in the development, evolution and metamorphosis of the event on where it once was, where it is now and where it's going. For the next 10 pages... just kidding... for the next couple of paragraphs, take a journey with me as we look at how Universal "sold out."

It was a quiet day in August; all was normal and things were going as planned. All the mazes were in construction, the scare zones were being readied to be installed, the masks and costumes were being put together and the PR staff was readying their attack for the post-Labor Day events. Fans at this point were stoked more than ever as all the properties and films they loved were being used this year and were highly anticipating purchasing tickets to guarantee them a spot at attendance to this event. It was then, on August 23rd, 2011 at approximately 5:28 PM that everything changed. A change that nobody expected while the execs were in a big fancy room somewhere, calmly deciding each and every HHN fan's fate.

It'll forever be known as the day that HHN "sold out." Now of course, nobody at this point knew that as this was the first of many other announcements... we all figured this would just be one tiny bump in the road but alas... we were wrong. But back to the point; it was the announcement that the Frequent Fear Pass would be eliminated. A shockwave was sent through the entire HHN fanbase. There was an immediate outcry and fans jumped onto their facebooks, youtube accounts and forum fansites everywhere to try and plead Universal to re-think this decision.

About a week later, Universal announced that they would indeed bring back the FFP - - but the catch? It'll only be for 5 nights, at a more expensive price than it was years prior and only a limited amount would be sold as a Facebook fans exclusive. The next day, the FFPs went on sale at 5 PM, only to be sold out literally less than 35 minutes later. This immediately arose questions such as, "how many tickets were even on sale to begin with?" Needless to say, many fans didn't get the chance to buy a Frequent Fear Pass and to this DAY there are people still asking for it to return.

Fans were heated but there were still many other ticket options that would comfort them and their HHN needs... until tickets went on sale to the general public the next day and they soon realized... that the Front of the Line passes would be good for only ONE time use. Universal tried to comfort their fans by saying they can get an unlimited pass by purchasing a RIP Experience ticket. It wasn't until almost 2 weeks later that the RIP option even went on sale while fans sat around anxious to have some FORM of ticket in the event that the regular tickets sell out and if they decided they don't like what the RIP has to offer. "First I can't go nearly every week and now I can't even have the option to pay extra to do a maze as many times as I want? How am I suppose to get my appropriate HHN fix?!"

But something else occurred this day - - the announcement that the Terror Tram's line would be closing at 9 PM on Thursdays and Sundays. One can assume this is a deal struck up with the neighbors so that the Terror Tram could even be possible but it begs the question, "couldn't something BETTER than 9 PM have been negotiated?" For anyone who goes to the event, they know the Terror Tram is one of the biggest attractions and damn near worth half the price of admission and that 9 PM is way too early for the attraction to close, seeing how a large percentage of attendees can't even make it to the event until around that time. However, the site says to "plan accordingly" but we all know... not everything goes to plan. Will Universal offer a discounted ticket for those who come later than 9 PM, which guarantees they're going to miss one of the main attractions even if they do purchase a FOTL pass? Most likely not. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, there won't be any sliders this year either. To some, that's like taking out chainsaws - - it's just like, "whoa, wait a minute!"

Those three things already are a lot of limitations on a fan who likes to get as much as possible out of the event. But it doesn't stop there. Universal then announced that they wouldn't be working with any retail stores to help buy tickets for anyone's convenience, including their prior affiliates Ralphs and Hot Topic. What other option is there instead? Coupons from Carl's Jr. - - but for practically the same price as the discounted advanced tickets on the website. And the likelihood of taking your coupon to the ticket booth on the day of the event to purchase tickets is slim as HHN is now prone to selling out tickets early the day of. So what can you do? Go to a special website, put in a code that Carls Jr. supplies that's worth nothing and basically buy tickets from Universal for the price they were giving them away in the first place. So in essence, the Carl's Jr. thing is just an advertising boost - - or for you to save literally ONE dollar, which is pointless anyway since there's a service charge.

Oh dear friends, I wished it stopped there but it doesn't. The RIP Experience finally went on sale yesterday and with that came the announcement that those who buy this option will be able to drink alcohol at the event. A two drink maximum but nonetheless, it's used as an incentive and the trouble percentage won't brew (no pun intended) too much higher than it was before but it's just a glimpse into the future for where this event will go. Before, alcohol was only available to those who attended the Eyegore Awards and ofcourse, anyone could drink their ass off in the City Walk and waltz right in. But this is the first time that a regular guest, with the right ticket option, can purchase a drink (pre-bought) and be in the park at the same time. Now let's say we see an increase in this ticket option and the execs think, "hm, they really loved that alcohol incentive - - let's just sell it at the park for everyone." This spells trouble for the future and maybe some will be over exaggerating on that aspect but people have concerns on this issue and they should be addressed.

Now we're a week away from the event officially starting and who knows if this greed streak will end and possibly find it's way into the event? Over priced merchandise, inflation in souvenir cups, making The Mummy lockers cost money - - who knows. Annual passholders don't even get a good discount this year. One has to ask - - where is all this money needed? Is it from the extra maze? Couldn't have been scarezones since The Reapers will include no props and almost half of the other scarezones are being re-used. Are they just cooking up an extra special, all out event that'll just blow us all away in every direction, down to the House of Horrors overlay? Or is management simply just trying to make EXTRA money this year before Transformers blows down the doors early next Summer which will surely change HHN 2012 in more ways than one?

I'm all for change, understanding of inflation and can dig an event asking for a bit more but I honestly feel that Universal did a bit of a "culture shock" to their fans this year by changing TOO many things at once. These type of changes need to be eased in, year after year. And many just expected that a lot of the things they loved about the event to stick around. I mean, seriously, who wouldn't love being able to go to an event they enjoy 9 nights within 30 days for just $69? And Universal Orlando already has a way of operations over there and we figured in some ways we could be the same and in some ways, we could be better. But apparently that now changes and who knows if we'll ever come back to the point of having such "cool" options. Until than, Universal to some fans, "souled out" to The Man.

*this is just for historical purposes and does not reflect the ideas, views or opinions of DTH316*

Feel free to chime in, add or refute any claims in this post.

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Devil's advocate time.

As a fan who opts only into the basic options every year, (I've never purchased FOTL, RIP, or FFP before, the wait is part of the experience for me, and if I go a second time, I want it to be when I want, not when my pass allows) the only thing that really affected me was the minor increase in prices, and the inability to pick my tickets up when I get my milk. HOWEVER, I fear for the future of the event. Corporate honed in on the one area it thought it would affect the least, the consumer with "disposable income," and fired a shot that hit the innocent bystanders that were unintended targets of this act of greed.

The FFP has a very interesting duality to the arguments, as I see cases both for and against elimination. For the fan who chooses to attend multiple times, this lends itself to a massive hit in the pocketbook. Where they once could pay somewhere around $100 for as many as 9 nights, it's now 5 nights for about the same price, and the nights are grouped awkwardly. On the other hand, with the sales of FFP, the park HAS to count those as sold tickets for every night of the event, which skews the admission numbers, and leads to inflated sales numbers, with them basically losing the price of an admission for everyone who purchased it (those who show up essentially get in with out paying admission, and those who don't show take away from someone who might have,) and also lead to "selling out" on nights when the park hasn't reached capacity. It's truly a catch-22 with the FFP situation. Corporate did what they felt was in their best interest, which unfortunately wasn't exactly in the fan's best interest.

FOTL passes create an interesting situation. Allowing only one admission lends itself to feed into the park's REAL money makers...the RIP experience, which allows unlimited FOTL entry, and the one thing some people have been begging for, booze. I for one think it's a TERRIBLE idea to lubricate the mindless masses that somehow always inevitably managed to wriggle through the hallowed gates of our ghoulish goings-on. As someone who bore witness to a mildly intoxicated attendee attempting to stand up to the SA who DARED commit the HEINOUS crime of *GASP* scaring him, I see nothing positive about allowing alcohol into this event. The last thing some of these people need is liquid courage...but I digress. It's a situation that lends to pushing the things that make them the most money.

We're trapped in a tough situation here. Higher prices means we suffer, and more money for the park. However (and I"m REALLY crossing my fingers on this one) it could also mean bigger budgets, more advertising, the return of our beloved cups, and all the goodies we've grown to know and love expanded and a monster created.

...or we get sick of it and turn our backs on Universal.

Get rich or go broke trying.

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Wow I enjoyed this But I must laugh at it. MONEY is the only thing HHN has ever been about period..Do you think back 21 years ago Universal said lets make an event for fans of haunts and halloween? NO they said we have no business in October and we need to do something, well seems that Knots Berry Farm does a Halloween event and draws a crowd lets give it a try. Well guess what? It worked fantastic and HHN was born. Fast forward 10 years the event is growing by leaps and bounds so Universal decides lets make our own Icon we can market again works like a champ. fast forward another 11 years the cash cow is now unstoppable and why because of all the fans the event has. So it has nothing to do with selling out it is a business decision keep raising the price keep making the money. I have said this for years the event has reach a limit that Universal now can do what ever it wants and people will come. I have done HHN for 14 years I have seen it turn more and more into dollar signs then a haunt event. Yes the event does a lot of things that are cutting edge to a lot of people but I also live in a state with one of the top cutting edge haunts NETHERWORLD and they do things that blows HHN out of the water. But they don't have the problem of having to run 1200-1600 an hour through a house. That is not some guessed figure that was a number told to us on out Behind the Screams tour last year.

Do the math on that one 8 houses that is 12,000 people an hour. And what happened to Sell Outs there has not been a sell out since HHN 13 now it is pile them in as deep as you can.

Then there is the Non peak Night lie that I have talked about for years. Sundays are not even close to non peak nights and what about Hell Nights those are all supposed non-peak nights.

So my point is as a Fan you are just a number to HHN as you have and will continue to be. As long as there is no other haunt competition in the Orlando area HHN will only continue to raise prices and do what they want. I will continue to go because I go with a group of friends and enjoy myself and there company. But I would never think that as a fan that Universal cares more about me then the mighty dollar...

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HorrorNights93 input.

So the years going by and its finally the time of the year when we start getting the good info for Universals 2011 Halloween Horror Nights event. Universal starts it off rather well announcing a number of great mazes and hey even adds an extra one in the mix. But all stories dont always have a good ending. Everyone's awaiting for universal to announce there ticket sales and once they were announced smiles turned to frowns as we learned about the true motivation of Universal....Greed. HHN has continually grown since its return back from the dead in 2006 rather quickly advancing each year to the point they have made a good fan base were everyone will come no matter what. If the economy wasn't already bad enough and for the people who have to save every piece of change they can to enjoy this experience it comes to a shock when universal gives them a good slap in the face. The ticket prices and deals have officially gone insane. History was made first when they announced the FFP would NOT be returning! Now for me personally the FFP is my MOST FAVORITE ticket to buy every year for hhn. Being able to just enjoy the event numerous times through the month, explore it with different groups and to just overall enjoy the experience hhn gets to bring every year was a dream come true. Once i seen the FFP would not be returning i was automatically filled with so much anger i could not control. it was a HUGE "WTF just happened " Viewing it from universal's side hey it was a great way to make extra $$ , rip the fans off and keep the parks lines in better control. After constant bickering on every social network hhn is connected to the executives stirred up yet another plan to make more money for them. The FFP was announced for a return of 5 nights for $75 !! Now lets take a trip down memory lane. Me personally have been going to the event since 2006 so i've been with hhn throughout the whole growing process. When the Fear pass was first announced it had a total of 13 nights !! wow what a great deal ? but then year after year the total # of dates decreased til now 5. It would be foolish to say i didnt see this coming. The continual decrease made me wonder if they even approved of the passes from the get go. My fear is it will get to the point when it finally cease to exist. On the current route hhn is going theres no telling what would happen. Now its in no way justified that universal should make us pay more for lesser nights. Hint 1 that universal doesnt truly care about their fans as they portray themselves to. Like i said earlier hhn has gotten to the point where alot of people will go regardless and as fast as those FFP sold out in half an hour showed universal was right. Although it was a lame deal i still managed to get me a pass. $15 for each night basically isnt to bad but compared to previous years this tops off as THE WORST FFP EVER BY FAR! Enough with the FFP lets move along to the FOTL pass. Now im not a huge buyer of the FOTL pass but anybody with common HHN sense knows this is also a rip off. In previous years although the FOTL was always a little more expensive then average tickets it still had a benefit of letting you skip through lines all night as many times as you want. This year that all changed when FOTL pass fans were stripped from that benefit. Not only did universal up the price but they said "hey were gonna only allow you to go through each house ONCE per night and than if you wanna do it again then tough luck you can stand in line with everyone else " Now wheres does this benefit the fans ? well it doesnt....every single price change this year is aimed to benefit universal...and universal only. Strike 2 ! Universal see's the fans continual disappointment and anger and announces there will be a pass with unlimited line access to be released soon called the R.I.P experience. For a more expensive price you get that and other benefits. One that stood out to me was 2 alcohol beverages. What is hhn coming to today ? it starts off now as two drinks but will eventually grow to selling alcohol beverages throughout the whole park. When universal see's another money opportunity they'll take it. and what does this mean ? well more fights and arguements with SA's and other guest...NOT a good idea. Plus we are in LA which means a higher rate of gang members attending the event which i noticed last year. could this lead to hhn becoming more unsafe ? who knows... Now were hit with more disappointments. Carls Jr. is the only one advertising coupons -____- and not only is the coupons not giving you a good discount but also the online tickets hardly give you any good deals throughout the month. sighs* does this mean an increase in customers or a decrease ? I am starting to fear the prices in the parks. Will merchandise go up ? the cost of food ? i enjoy getting hhn cups and full throttle shots and if i see a price raise in those im going to be a very disappointed customer. Its perfectly natural for a Business to try and find more ways to make more money but what Universal did to us this year was plain wrong. Our voices will be heard though to the snobby executives making these cuts in their air conditioned offices. Lets not forget our 2011 hhn survey at the end of the year...and BEST believe every single thing mentioned here will be put on the survey from me that things need to be changed. and i encourage everyone to at that. heck if you see murdy around hhn address this issue with him and maybe he can talk some sense into them. As for now theres no telling where hhn will be going from here. hopefully back on the right tracks. Is this part of our consequences for demanding an extra maze ? Possibly but what is for sure is we been "Souled Out " And FYI we also lost another SZ, 2 are returning, we lost sliders:( and we have a repeat maze...SUCKS!

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Grind, we DID lose sliders (unless it was announced TODAY that it was a rumor or something, I haven't read the rest of the threads yet haha).

But Trev stated that it was true, Freak said it was just a rumor and then Trev once again reinstated that no, it was indeed true. No offense to Freak, but I'm gonna believe a scareactor first on this issue.

Now let's talk a bit about how a business SHOULD work in relation to their fans/customer base. Ofcourse, each customer is another dollar sign whether it's a crappy business or successful one. The point is to make money, continue to and then thrive. But if a business wants you to return for repeat business and more dollar signs, they're gonna treat you right. This is something Universal did with all of their options - - they were fan friendly. It's like when you go to In N Out - - if they treated you like crap and raised the prices every day, you wouldn't go back. BUT they're polite, act like they give a damn about you and sell a quality product. A fan is born of their burgers and you return weekly. In N Out has continued that tradition to this day. Their burgers are inexpensive (it was only with the times were the prices changed but there's never been a serious hike in prices), of high quality and the customer service stays the same awesomeness or improves. HHN used to be cheap, their mazes were high quality but now, the fan friendly customer appreciation thing is going out the window. Ofcourse they'll do everything OTHER than what we wanted to satisfy us other wise but that's not what we wanted - - we wanted what we loved to begin with to remain in some fashion. The way I see it, it is a bit of a slap in the face. They treated us like we meant something to them; like we were a guest in their home and they were gonna try to do whatever they could to make us comfortable. And then we grew to love them. And then one day, they pulled the rug from underneath and said "look bitch, starting today, things are gonna change and since you're already in love with me, you're gonna have to just deal with it." We were conned. Their business module worked and the FAN was forgotten, discarded and no longer taken care of and now instead of being taken care of, we're just another number in the herd. It doesn't matter who I am. It honestly NEVER did but at least before, it was TREATED like I was. The illusion is a mighty one and they took the mask off. It hurts a little... it truly does. But when can I do? I'm now stuck in an abusive relationship with a girlfriend who decided to stop wearing make up. Now there's nothing worth staying for... other than now, you feel like you have no choice because you're blindly in love. But how long will that blind love last, Universal? How long will it take before fans start to drop, trickle off and forget to come back because something newer, better and has better fan friendly options than you do? What if they promise to NEVER forget the fan? I admit, if all those conditions were met, I'd be hard to convince NOT to jump ship. So back up a bit, put a new focus on the fanbase, because sure, we're expendable - - but think about it hard enough and you'll realize Universal, so are you.

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^^^^ what dth said grindhouse im not accusing you of being wrong by no means but im going to NEED SOME PHYSICAL EVIDENCE showing the sliders are staying this year because last i checked, they weren't.

Sure universal is a business and all and there motivation is going to make money but the way they went about it this year was a kick in our ass.Im not saying that prices would of never went up because hey they did and would eventually but i think the deals is what effected me most. Why should we have to pay more for lesser nights on a FFP ? i could see if it was $75 for more nights than i would have a clearer understanding. Once again the FOTL pass. Your paying more for a crappier deal than previous years. The list can go on but bottom line its kinda like DTH's example. They nicely invited us in their home and took care of us in our time of need and than through us back into the cold. If these prices keep growing and the deals become even worst my thoughts is how long is it before the fans begin to drop and start exploring other haunt attractions and dropping HHN from their to do list in October. i have no problem with a business like universal trying to thrive to make more money but honestly in ANY business the fans should come first. I mean come on there the one's making you money from the get go. It's important for an event like HHN to also look at the fans best interest because without them HHN wouldnt have grown to what it is today. I actually know alot of groups considering not to go this year because of the price changes and thats just more money out of universals pockets. The better deals and prices universal has the more money they'll make. The worst prices and deals they have the lesser money they make. It's as simple as that. Maybe this year you wont see a dramatic change because alot of people love what hhn has to bring but as the years go on the GP/fans will be thinking "hey this is becoming way to overpriced there is no way i'll be paying for that this year" and so on.

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Grind, we DID lose sliders (unless it was announced TODAY that it was a rumor or something, I haven't read the rest of the threads yet haha).

But Trev stated that it was true, Freak said it was just a rumor and then Trev once again reinstated that no, it was indeed true. No offense to Freak, but I'm gonna believe a scareactor first on this issue.

Ok its just the last thing I remember was Freak saying it was just a rumor

well IDK maybe to me since I always just bought a one night ticket w/o front of the line my ticket price just went up 2 bucks not to say that didnt feel like a knife twisting in my side but its survivalble to me and I noticed the price going up since 09 as far as fan appreciation they do seem to listen as far as the creative team which puts an effot with Twitter Facebook and the surveys every year interacting with the fans and basicly taking the smallest opions into consideration that being said it dont change the fact that the money making machines in suits are still the ones allowing Murdy to put this event on year after year even this year loosin some sponsers not saying that what there doing isnt totaly muffed up it just you gotta expect the sharks gonna bite you

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we understand the sharks gonna bite us maybe we just didnt think it would be this hard lol. Like DTH mentioned earlier it would of been different if they slowly did these changes year by year. Instead they just hit us with it all now which came to a shock. I guess it mostly only effects people who buy these special tickets. The regular general admission wasnt targeted as hard as these special tickets. Well actually the only good discounts you really get are on killer deal nights. The coupons hardly even help this year. But the general admission tickets time can be coming soon in the near future

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we understand the sharks gonna bite us maybe we just didnt think it would be this hard lol. Like DTH mentioned earlier it would of been different if they slowly did these changes year by year. Instead they just hit us with it all now which came to a shock. I guess it mostly only effects people who buy these special tickets. The regular general admission wasnt targeted as hard as these special tickets. Well actually the only good discounts you really get are on killer deal nights. The coupons hardly even help this year. But the general admission tickets time can be coming soon in the near future

the cupons are the same as far as the discount for GA tickets the night I always go (Friday of the last two weeks of october) are always 5 bucks off and and $25 max.

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No, coupons are WAY different this year. Last year, there were 2 $25 off nights, about 4 or 5 $20 off nights. A whole lot more $15 & $10 off nights and maybe one or 2 $5 off and 1 or 2 nights that you had to pay GA. I still have the coupons, I'll compare so we can see exactly how they measure up...

Okay, I was a bit off but last year still had WAY more higher discount nights.


$25 off: Sept 24/Sept 23

$21 off: Sept 25/Oct 1

$16 off: Oct 2, 8, 17, 21, 24, 28/Sept 30 & Oct 9 (MAJOR difference)

$11 off: Oct 9, 15, 31/Oct 1, 7, 16, 20, 27, 30

$6 off: Oct 16, 22, 29/Oct 8, 14, 21, 23, 28, 29

GA ($59/$62): Oct 23, 30/Oct 15, 22

So with 2010 being a few bucks cheaper already and having more nights with more off, it's easy to see 2010 had way better deals for regular tickets.

Edited by DTH316
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the cupons are the same as far as the discount for GA tickets the night I always go (Friday of the last two weeks of october) are always 5 bucks off and and $25 max.

well i wasn't referring to the nights you go lol im talking about overall. The minute i looked at the ticket discounts i could off the back tell that the deals were better last year.DTH just listed them above ^^

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well i wasn't referring to the nights you go lol im talking about overall. The minute i looked at the ticket discounts i could off the back tell that the deals were better last year.DTH just listed them above ^^

again thought the higest the discounts went were $25 and Im paying the same discounts on my night maybe the rest went up but it goes with the ticket prices just saying its no big surprise.

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Let's not forget about Annual Pass Holders. Universal really screwed them this year too. Even going back to 1997 annual pass holders had huge discounts, seeing as you have access to the park all year and are really only interested in the special themed event. The discounts this year SUCK. I am very interested to see how the hardcore fans, general public (social media), and annual passholders have an effect on ticket sales. They also really used to reley on night of sales. As mentioned before I wonder if all their "EVENT WILL SELL OUT" and overselling of tickets, running out of parking in past years will have a toll on walk ups this year (the lesson Knotts learned).

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Speaking of GREED, Universal is up to their trick from last year again. It appears the "advance" ticket price for this friday just went up $10 dollars online to $47.99. I guess as we learned last year with FOTL passes, Universal's definition of "Advance ticket price" is until we feel like raising it. I hate when they do this shit. It should be the same price until it sells out or day of event. This is really bad business.

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If it is so busy they should have never offered any discount and stop exploiting social media like the biggest Halloween event whores. FOTL and GA are still not "Souled" out for tomorrow. Also props to Knotts for doing this Sunday (and many more off peak nights). GREED! Nowhere else raises advance prices at a whim before events. Do we all agree that is shady and bad business?

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I agree. People plan to pay that price. Ofcourse there's warnings in the fine print that says the prices are subject to change but nobody ever expects that.

I remember last year saving up for a FOTL for $69 only to see it jump up to $99 about 2 days before I was going to finally pay for it. Flippin ridiculous. Oh and I didn't buy it. Luckily, I didn't need it.

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