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[Your Most Embarrassing Scares]

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(Decided to repost here to keep it more general.)

Whether it's scares that get you laughed at by your friends and family or scares that gets crowds surrounding and laughing at you, you know you've gotten some embarrassing scares.

I officially crown myself as the queen of embarrassing scares because I freak the fuck out. You don't have to limit the year to 2010 or to Halloween Horror Nights, you can reminisce about scares in 1985 at your grandmother's bachelor party! :lol:

Embarrassing Scare #1:

This scare was actually this Thursday at HHN.. I met up with a fellow fan and her mother and we were in the lower lot just about to leave when a pig began to follow us! I grab onto my friend's shoulders and scream at her to run. So she's running and I'm holding onto her shoulders and we're looking like a 2-person loud conga-line at hyperspeed and this girl decides to run up to the escalator going down! We're both running up the down escalator and she quickly gets off. I was about to leave, but there was the pig revving his chainsaw at the base of the stairs waiting for me. I kept running up (progress was futile!) and I was getting tired, attempting to jump over to the escalator going up (failing miserably) and people were just laughing their asses off at me.

It's only been 3 days since this happened and I still can't live this down. :blush:

Embarrassing Scare #2:

Another fun night at HHN when I was still rocking my fro.. I was in the Lunaticz scarezone getting chased persistently by this one specific lunatic with short hair, odd cheekbones, one hand holding a small weapon and the other hand bare. This specific lunatic chases me so much just to molest my afro. On this night, I made the mistake of running into the phone booth as shelter from him! It worked.. for a few seconds. Not only did this guy begin scaring me by banging the window, 2 SLIDERS JOINED IN! They began to sneak around the phone booth and randomly bang the windows anywhere I wasn't looking, and then some ugly guy (guest) joined in to make his friends laugh. Leave it to the scareactors, thank you.

I was getting so loud and so much was going on, people began to crowd around this scene and laugh their asses off. A girl was also recording this happening saying she was going to put it on Youtube. Absolute madness. All my screaming and freaking out also got me overheated, the windows of the phone booth were fogging up. They finally let me go and I ran out of there a hot sweaty mess. I was getting teased about it even far away from the Lunaticz scarezone from guests who recognized me that night. :wacko:

Embarrassing Scare #3:

Oh this was another scare that happened this past Thursday. I was still with my fellow fan friend, her awesome madre, and another group of fellow fan female friends (fucking alliteration, don't you love it?) and we were doing the terror tram!

Of course, I was freaking out, screaming like a banshee, running like a Thundercat on crack the entire way though. But at the end of the terror tram where the loading station is, Havoc and another scareactor decided to target me! They both surrounded and scared me into an extra pair of unused queues that were in the opposite direction of where everyone else was. I was stuck in those queues for some 10 minutes getting harrassed by Havoc and another scareactor and people waiting in line to be picked up where staring at this all laughing and pointing at me. Finally they let me go and I ran right into the line trying to get on the tram ASAP.

Then I hear the tram guide welcoming us back and she says "A girl got REALLY scared! Where is she? She's wearing a headband." I was wearing a headband. :playdead: People on the tram once again began pointing and laughing and I was shouting back at her. It was hilarious!

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I dont remember many embarrassing scares, but a recent one was in the HOTC maze.


In some of the hallways, there were little boo-holes on both sides in the hallway. And you wouldnt be able to "hug the other wall" because both boo-holes were pretty much directly across from each other.

I wasnt expecting it and as soon as a scareactor scared me, i bumped back and then the other actor scared me and i fell. And i pretty much stood up the line but I eventually ducked under and ran.

Guess who I ran into? my friends girlfriend, that was embarassing to me :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

one of the guys on the terror tram scared me 3 times in a row and everybody was laughing at me haha he was behind a fence right after whoville. i actually recorded it, sooooooo here it is lol.

when you hear somebody scream 3 times in a row.....yeahh.......thats me lol

and somebody was like "GEEZ CALM DOWN!" it was embarassing but funny haha

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  • 1 month later...

Not only did this guy begin scaring me by banging the window, 2 SLIDERS JOINED IN! They began to sneak around the phone booth and randomly bang the windows anywhere I wasn't looking, and then some ugly guy (guest) joined in to make his friends laugh. Leave it to the scareactors, thank you.

Hahaha. I'm so sad I missed this post. I was one of those sliders. Every time someone would enter that phone booth for peace or just to take a photo, myself, another slider, and one of the Lunaticz had the distinct pleasure of trapping them inside and banging on the glass.

Alas, I stopped doing it towards the end as I felt bad for the phone booth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The one that got me the worst was one of the Jigsaw pigs, he was simply hiding behind a trashcan and sprung up right in my face. Such a good scare.

One that was embarrassing for me and the scareactor was when I was going through London in all the fog. I guess neither of us were watching where we were going and at the last second we both turned and came face to face. Both of us jumped backwards.

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  • 2 years later...

Second hand story.

Coworker is at HHN and sitting down in a chair. Scareactor jumps out and startles her so she gets up and starts running. Now the problem is that her purse got caught on the chair. Now in her moment of panic she didn't think "oh my purse is stuck on a chair" she thought "OH GOD THEY ARE GRABBING ONTO ME!"

Not going to be bothered to look back or anything like that, she drags a chair while screaming. Somebody pointed out her error to her. She's never gone back.

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La Llorona was just one big humiliation for me last year. I have a special fear of ghosts and supernatural stuff like that, so that maze had me losing it at pretty much every turn. It didn't help that this asshole behind our group kept grabbing and laughing at me the entire time.

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