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HHN XX on Halloween?


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Hey everyone,

sorry if there is already a thread for this, if there is just please redirect me.

i'm showing up for the first time ever on halloween this sunday. a few people that i've talked to said it is normally dead on halloween... but i didn't know if there were any specific things i shouldn't miss being there on halloween.

last show of b&t? best time to go through some of the houses?

i'm assuming that the night has to be somewhat special since it is the cast and crews last evening?

any suggestions?


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For the last show of BnT they usually go off script a bit and have some fun. The park is pretty much dead. The scarezones are generally a little more goofy, especially in their last set. Usually when the last set is over the casts will yell and go nuts.

I'm hoping they do something in Fear Revealed with the icons, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

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I definitely recommend checking out the last night.

Bill & Ted usually change things up for the last show. My favorite was the year B&T would jokingly call Lex Luthor, "Dr. Evil!" and on the last night they do it but Dr. Evil actually shows up and knocks out Lex Luthor while taking over the role.

With just a few minutes left on the last night of 2007, I managed to get 11/13 Jasons to dance with me and my friends as we went through Friday the 13th. That was awesome! There was even a camp counselor chasing a Jason with a knife!

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