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Abandoned House

In front of you is a large derelict house. Snow can be seen coating the road, as you walk closer to the house. Occasionally, the windows “glitch”, and flash static (projection mapping). As you enter inside of the house, you hear the sound of a vhs tape going in.

Viewing Room

You then enter into a small, mostly empty room. To your left, you can see a dead eldery man on the couch. You can smell the early decay in the room, as the sounds of flies buzzing can be heard. To your right are rows and rows of TVs, with a stack of VHS tapes next to it. You see various tape names from the movies (Second Honeymoon, Thursday The 17th, The Sick Thing That Happened To Emily When She Was Younger, Phase 1 Clinical Trials). A tape can be seen in the vcr, labeled “Ameatur Night”. You enter into the next room.


You then enter into a small motel bedroom. Blood litters the walls, as you see the passed out body of Lisa on the bed. The ripped to pieces body of Patrick lies on the floor (with underwear), with most of his organs and face gone. As you walk past the body, Lily emerges from the bathroom door (she’ll have a bra on, either that or a skinsuit), and tries to attack you. You run to the next room.


You then enter into a short hallway like room. On the floor is Clint, with his arm broken in half. He reaches out to you for help, but he quickly tells you to look out. Lily then leaps down from the stairs, and claws at you. You run to the next room.

Motel Exit

You then enter outside, and you see a trail of bloody footprints out of the door. As you walk past a parked car, Clint runs up towards you for help. Suddenly, he is lifted in the air by a now fully transformed Lily (bungee effect). You run to the next room.


You then enter into a dark dirty basement. Some tapes can be seen in several boxes around the room, with cobwebs hanging on the ceiling. As you walk past a shelf, a skinny humanoid being lunges between the rows and tries to grab at you. You run to the next room.

Viewing Room

You then re enter the room, and it’s the same as before. However, the man’s skin can be seen slightly decaying, leaving his jaw muscles exposed. The tape seen in the vcr is labeled ¨10/31/98 ̈. You enter into the next room.


You then enter into a large attic. In the center of the room is a young girl tied up with ropes, as she tries to reach out to you for help. As you are distracted by this, a cultist member runs towards you, knife in hand. Suddenly, he stops, as he is then violently dragged back into the darkness (bungee). You run to the next room.


You then enter into a large foyer. The ground shakes violently, as you walk by a door. The door knob then disappears, as the window slowly closes. As you are distracted by this, a hand emerges from a nearby door. It tries to grab at you, as you run to the next room.


You then enter into a long damp corridor. Smoke fills the room, as various pale hands reach out to you. As the ground shakes some more, you run to the next room.

Train Tracks

You then enter outside. In front of you is a ghostly young lady, as she silently stares at you. As you are distracted by her, a large horn can be heard, as you turn to your left. A large train can be seen coming towards you, only stopping mere inches from you. You run to the next room.

Viewing Room

You then re enter into the viewing room, and it seems to be the same...except the bodies gone. You walk past the vcr, and see the tape in it labeled “A Walk In The Park”. You enter into the next room.


You then enter out into the middle of the woods. You can hear the sounds of groans and moans coming from the woods, as you see the bashed in body of a zombie girl with a bloodied rock next to her. As you walk past her, a mid-infected Mike wanders behind a tree. He’s seen with bloodied vomit covering his face and shirt, and reaches his hand out to you for help. You run to the next room.


You then enter into a large open field. In the center of the room is Mike eating the body of a biker. Blood squirts onto you, as the now zombified half eaten biker tries to grab at you. As you are distracted by this, a female biker zombie lunges from behind a tree and tries to bite at you. You run to the next room.

Birthday Party

You then enter into a large outdoor area. Multiple corpses litter the area, as you can see various zombies (dummies) eating them. In front of you is the nearly headless body of Mike, with a shotgun right next to him. As you are distracted by this, one of the zombie bikers lunges towards you, and tries to claw at you. You run to the next room.

Viewing Room

You are now back at the viewing room. The bodies back, and it’s more decayed than ever. Pieces of flesh hanging loosely from it’s bones, with the decay smell being worse than ever. The tape seen in the vcr reads “Safe Haven” as you enter into the next room.


You then enter into a small room. A fallen camera lies on the floor, with the body of Joni next to it. His throat is slit open, as blood sprays onto you. As you are distracted by this, “Father” emerges from behind a door, shirtless and covered with blood, and tries to slash at you with a box cutter. You run to the next room.

“Day Of Reckoning”

You then enter into a large, nearly empty room. From all sides are men wearing all white, and all of them are holding pistols to their heads (all of them are dummies). As you walk past them, you hear all say “Amen!”, and the lights go out. Suddenly, the muzzle flash from all of the guns go off all at once, illuminating the room (strobe lights). As the lights come back on, a door bursts open, as a cult member tries to shoot at you with a shotgun. You run to the next room.


You then enter into a large room. In the center of the room is an altar, and Lena's body can be seen on it. Her stomach is torn open, as gut and innards fill the floor. As you are distracted by this, a possessed cultist pops out from a door and tries to attack you. You run to the next room.


You then enter into a large corridor. From the doors in the halls, you can hear screams and demonic groaning. You walk past one door, and a possessed Joni bursts in from the door and tries to bite at you. As you run past him, a huge horde of possessed lunge towards you (animatronic). As you are about to run to the exit, a large 7 foot goat demon bursts in from a wall and roars at you. You run to the next room.


You then enter outside. To your left is a rolled over car, with blood stains on the ground. As you walk past it, you can see the unconscious body of Adam inside. Expecting a scare from him, you back away from him. Suddenly to your right, the demon from before lunges from behind some trees and tries to attack at you. You run to the next room.


You then enter the last room of the abandoned house. In front of you is a staircase, where you see the now living old man from before staring down at you. Right next to the staircase is the headless body of one of the looters, with fresh blood coating the walls. The lights then turn off, then turn back on. The old man’s now gone (pepper's ghost effect). Suddenly, one of the door bursts open, as the zombie old man lunges towards you. As you run to the next room, the headless body reaches out to you. Right next to the entrance to the next room is the vhs tv, with a new tape in it. “Slumber Party Alien Abduction”

Living Room

You then enter into a modern living room. It seems normal, with nothing out of the ordinary there. However, as you walk past the window, a blinding light pierces through the windows, as a loud horn is heard. As it turns off, one of the Greys emerges from behind a table and try to attack you. You run to the next room.


You then enter outside. In front of you, you see police lights, and a loud siren blaring in the air. As you walk towards it for safety, the lights then flash a bright orange, as the same horn from before is heard. Multiple Gray’s rush towards you from the trees at once, as you dash towards the next room.


You then enter into an open room. Up in the air, you see a large hole torn in the roof, and Gary is being lifted in the air by a UFO (dummy). He screams for help, but another Gray runs towards you whilst you’re distracted. You run to the final room.


You then enter into a room covered in static (projections). As you are walking through the room, a panel of the wall drops down, and reveals Lily about to attack you...but she does it in reverse. She pulls her hand back from you, puts it in the air, and roars at you. Another panel drops down, revealing a dead cultist. He then gets up, with the blood and bullet going back in, and then proceeds to reverse shoot at you (air effect from behind you). As you are about to exit the house, a grey dashes towards you from behind the wall and chases you out.

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