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Posts posted by Tman875

  1. On 8/18/2016 at 10:34 AM, F.U.B.A.R. said:

    Did you feel that Evil's Roots was affected much by the show last year? I thought that they did a great job with the close proximity.


    Evil's Roots was most certainly effected by having a show there.


    I was in the zone and when the show let out we were told to stay at the sides as the crowds made it impossible to work the whole street. I don't, however, feel that the actual stage or the audio was too distracting to the zone as I could always hear the audio that was playing throughout the zone.

  2. I wanted to just put this out there....

    Although they aren't listed anywhere, there are two/three groups (Clowns, Inmates & Traditionals) of chainsaws in the park. I realize that most people don't have a reason to walk by Transformers to see the Inmates or Traditionals, but I think they are worth a walk by just to experience the interaction. I have heard some amazing one-liners and crazy tactics from the female prisoners as well as with the Traditionals. In the course of the night you should make your way by Transformers as well as Animal Actors to visit these "non-zones".

    • Like 1
  3. It's funny watching people try to take photos in the zone with all the fog billowing around.

    It's great for the SA's, but bad for amateur photographers and the selfie generation.

    Speaking of fog, they have added more fog into this zone as of last weekend.

    • Like 2
  4. Look at American Gothic, War of the Living Dead, etc for zones in the "new" generation of HHN that had ambiance nailed.

    The two zones that you mentioned were in the same area.....an area that allows for a more intimate, immersive setting. Unfortunately, it  will probably not be used in the near future.

    With NY, it is hard to get a truly immersive with the vastness of the area. Even when they only use a portion (not Sting Alley or the side streets) of the area, it still feels massive and "uninhabited" by SA's. Unless they can somehow bring in the zone, it will continue to feel vast and have "too much dead space".

    I think that "The Fall of Atlanta" (2 yrs ago) did a good job to immerse you with the barricades, the helicopter lights/sounds, the victims and the walkers. I think they did a good job of utilizing that area.

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  5. I feel there are too many SA's who want tons of photos of themselves so they pose for every photo that comes their way. That's all well & good, but that makes those who are there to scare and don't stop/pause for a photo seem like asses. They weren't hired to be a photo-op (I know some are) so why should they be expected to be?

  6. The street opens at 6 and they do 45 minute sets.


    Also, Scareactors aren't required to have their photos taken and guests need to respect their wishes if that is the case. I am in another zone and we are told that if you are taking pictures, you need to get to one side of the zone so a line doesn't form in the middle, blocking the walkway.

    Inevitably, if you take a picture with one - more will take the opportunity to get one with you.

  7. okay so a certain someone hinted a few pages back there being OTHER GATs in the house...

    anyone find any others besides these four?

    - Big red button

    - "Do Not Pull" rope

    - Slot machines <--Incorrect! You hitting all of the buttons does nothing. Sorry!

    - Buffet control room

    unless there is actually one in every scene... if this is the case, then thats awesome..

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