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Everything posted by HHNMongrel

  1. I'm going this weekend, so I'll see if I can spot anything juicy. ;-) I'll be sure to bring back some pics!
  2. I'm interested! What time are you planning the meet up to be at?
  3. Are those icons in the area of the lantern you said you found some? I think I found Julian's flashlight in the orange/black lines but I haven't deciphered anything else.
  4. Hey guys, I see the lantern dissection image is going around a lot! I wanted to update and let you guys know that I edited the post about the dissection breakdown and I’ve added some arrows pointing out specific areas of the creatures I found within the lantern to help everyone see what I see. I’ve also included comparison photos to help visualize. Hope that helps! I'm still trying to find the other icons within wavy lines that Dr. Raymond Holmes was talking about. Here's the update.
  5. That's true. But you're right it's all we have to go off of. That's an interesting thought about the fire and the caretakers house. The idea would make for a great opening event clip ;-) of how each icon came to hold the lantern.
  6. Hey guys! I know a lot of people have been curious about what the lantern could mean for this year's Halloween Horror Nights XX so I decided to do a little analysis! The image on their website is kind of hard to see so I used the picture from Universal's e-mail they sent out to do a bit of zooming in on. ;-) I haven't come up with any concrete evidence on what this could all mean, but if you look very closely "from the flickering light eerie shapes begin to take form" literally ;-). You really have to look hard for the figures, but I've pointed out areas of the lantern that look like creatures or characters hidden in the lantern design. I personally think, the clown, the cloaked character that looks like the scream character and Wolfman can easily be seen. I'm going to update the article soon with some images to compare to so it might make it easier to see the hidden creatures. Look at the blown up images and see what you can pick out and let me know your thoughts and speculations. Remember that Universal created the lantern from scratch, therefore it's likely they gave us some Easter Eggs within the lanterns design. Not sure if that means we will see what's in the lantern at this year's event, but I thought it was pretty cool to share my findings. I wrote a whole article with a huge image of the blown up lantern included, explaining what I think each item is and a breakdown of each figure on my blog. If you want to read it and see the HUGE blow up lantern image check it out here. What do think?? Any thoughts on what this could mean?? Click here to view the image.
  7. Hey Guys! I'm new to the forums. I love HHN and am glad that I found a forum to talk about all things HHN! So, I thought I would start my first post off with a discovery/thought. I believe I may have figured out what one of the houses will be for this years Halloween Horror Nights XX. The Thing house. With The Thing (movie) being released in early 2011, I have no doubt that this house, first seen at HHN XVII: Carnival of Carnage in 2007, will reappear this year. It will most likely be called The Thing: Resurrected – or something along those lines (as seen with previous repeat houses such as Scream House: Resurrected seen at HHN Sweet 16). The Thing house was also brought up in previous event clippings seen on the new teaser website for HHN XX, so I really believe that this could be one of the featured houses this year! I know there has been some rumors that there won't be any movie houses this year, but I really think even if it doesn't show up as a house, I'm sure we'll see it incorporated somewhere. I wrote a long blog post about why I believe this house will appear at this year's HHN on my blog, so if you want to read the entire article you can check it out here. Otherwise, what do you think about it? Do you think this could be a possibility or not likely? Interested in what you guys think!
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