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Everything posted by SlasHer

  1. We both have the same trouble. I am from attractions and since we aren't from entertainment, we have to be released from our supervisors. I'm pretty sure we got casted, we just have to be released.
  2. Haha! I was in your group! Yay for being a minion of Ihmotep!
  3. Oh man! Me too! I was like, "WHAT? REALLLY?" But I am confident, since everyone else in my group got casted, and I had some vets with me who have done it for years! So I didnt feel so bad!
  4. Think I got casted! #48! Since I was internal, they didn't let me know. My whole group got casted too! Yay! Anyone else?
  5. Thanks C_D! I'm hoping not to fall flat on my face!
  6. Wonderful! Thanks! (: I will definetly make a triple note of NOT TOUCHING THE TABLE Keep fingers crossed for me!
  7. Haha, yeah, I have been reading! Thoroughly! I was just wondering if anyone had any other advice! Thank you!
  8. I am so excited to audition this year, and since I already work at USF (at a ride that has a theme of scaring guests) I got signed off and everything already! However, Does anyone know the concrete date and time for internal or reunion auditions? Also, I do scare guests while working, but I dont talk to them. I sneak up on them and stare creepily. (Yay big blue eyes!) I think my voice is terrible and annoying (hahaha), but I dont want to do just stand there during auditions! Any helpful hints to make me sound less dumb?! Thanks! SlasHer
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