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Everything posted by Rhi

  1. sooo, I was rewatching some doctor who, and happened to notice one of the girls, in one of my favorite episodes, is moaning myrtle from harry potter. My two loves are united!!! :D

    1. Dr. Jimmy

      Dr. Jimmy

      she ended up becoming a pavement tile.

    2. Rhi


      I was expecting her to start crying and screaming that someone made a game out of absorbing her xD

    3. Mae


      I remember that one!

      I just rewatched the episode with Eve Myles yesterday and saw Tosh in one today. Doctor Nine was full of surprises!!

  2. I'm going through mardi gras withdrawal! I need to go back soon! :(

  3. so much fun at megacon :)

  4. such a busy week ahead but megacon next weekend! anyone else going?

  5. neon trees tomorrow! woo! anyone else going??!!

  6. I hate being sick sooo much :( :(

    1. Stephanie


      feel better soon!

  7. soooo much fun tonight at mardi gras :) FREEBIRDDDDDDDDD

  8. SOOOOO much fun at mardi gras tonight! got to see josh, jake, stephanie, james, and some other awesome people :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stephanie
    3. Rhi


      *dances like a hipster grandpa*

    4. Venom


      *does Pitbull dance*

  9. mardi gras tomorrow hopefully, although I'm not sure anymore, freaking parents :/ if you see me out there say hi!

  10. Mardi gras tomorrow!! meeting up with steph and james and then B-52S!!! if you're going let me know :D

  11. I'm suddenly in a really crappy mood. awesome.

    1. Stephanie
    2. Rhi


      lmao <3 I'm better now!

  12. You would think going up to someone you know on here to meet them for the first time in real life would be as awkward as it is...or maybe it's just me ><

    1. Josh


      Totally just you :D

    2. Rhi


      probably xD it literally took me like 15 minutes to get up the nerves to say something D:

  13. I'm going to Mardi gras tomorrrroooowww :D *happy dance*

  14. I kinda wanna diss wheat thins on twitter to get a bunch of free boxes...except I don't like wheat thins

    1. Josh


      Give em' to me!

    2. Grime
    3. Rhi


      LOL I would totally sell them xD Joish doesn't deserve any wheat thins! :P

  15. going to uni sunday! woohoo!

  16. Hope everyone had a great time at hhn tonight :) I missed talking to ya'll

  17. being sick is horrible :( I miss hhn

  18. I'll be there october 1st with a group of about 6 other girls, I'll hopefully be wearing an altered halloween horror nights 18 shirt (if I can get it finished) I want as many scares as possible, and if you happen to be there the same day feel free to say hi I'm not shy! my hair is quite a bit redder now, I just redyed it, it's bright and in no way natural looking xD
  19. I got a pic, I'll crop it and have it posted in just a minute Edit- here it is I can't figure it out, I don't think it's meant to be there. Edit 2- OOPS! sorry >< I completely missed the fact that you posted a pic already, studying for my AP class has me completely distracted
  20. Is anyone else having issues with the newest video?
  21. I'm probably grasping at straws, and I apologize if it's been mentioned, but it couldn't relate to bloody Mary could it? I mean it was in '08 and the name happens to be mary...I'm probably wrong, but figured I would make a guess
  22. well looks like catacombs is out for me :/ everything else sounds AMAZING though, I'm sooo ecstatic now!
  23. I think the caretaker needs a pink feather boa
  24. Oh dear god. now I have an image of someone on stage announcing "Welcome to Halloween horror nights-twenty years of HOT, with the sexiest bloodthirsty demon you'll ever meet " and then fear strutting on stage and stripping xD
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