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Dr. Phibes

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Everything posted by Dr. Phibes

  1. Thanks. I'm sorry I haven't delivered on the black magic concept. I was trying to think of an original angle to take with it, plus I've been planning a video project which has a deadline, so I had to check my priorities. Hopefully, though, I can deliver in a timely manner.
  2. So with all these hints about the Caretaker's continuity and Cindy, am I supposed to expect some sort of house where she has usurped her father or some such.
  3. I don't have anything from year 13, so I was thinking of picking that cap up.
  4. I wouldn't read too much into the facebook pages, considering that all the icons, including Eddie and Cindy have had myspace pages run by fans for years now. Given that Jack's page consists of copy-pasta with poor grammar, and the fact that some aspects of his profile are kept private, I'm certain it's just a fan-page. The same is almost definitely true for the Cindy Page.
  5. Not necessarily someone new. In 2006, they we summoned by Darkness, the villain from the movie Legend, who made no further appearances besides The Arrival.
  6. A fascinating idea. Allow me to take it a step further, by suggesting that perhaps while each house may appear to be brand new, but on a more subtle level relates to, is similar to, or is perhaps even a continuation of stories we already know. Hence, the cameos of familiar characters would be the little "stinger", as it were.
  7. I'm inclined to believe that past HHN characters will be playing a larger role than a mere "Best of" House and/or scarezone. Since 2006 I've been expecting them to do something similat to Sweet Sixteen in 2010. Based on the fact that they went through the trouble of hiding their faces in the lantern, and on some of the remarks Dr. Jimmy made, I do think that they will be taking a more active role in the event and story than just appearing as cameos. Particularly since I haven't seen any information pointing towards a new master of ceremonies.
  8. If you're a decent enough person, alcohol probably won't turn you into a raging prick. But if you are a prick to begin with, well...that's how props end up stolen, exit signs kicked in, etc.
  9. I have an annual pas to Universal, so the Frequent Fear Plus Pass is looking very reasonable this year.
  10. She never really struck me as the fun-in-the-sun type, personally...
  11. That actually doesn't sound as bad. now if only Universal could open up a stand to capitalize on it.
  12. I'm the basketball.

  13. Well, the speculation threads have never hesitated to repeat themselves before, so why start now?
  14. I'm definitely one Icon short, though because of the somewhat ambiguous nature of the images, I can't say who. Most likely, all six of them do appear in flame, and I'm just missing the last picture. But the point remains the same: The former Icons were deliberately hidden for us to find, which means they'll most likely be making appearances this year. EDIT: Now that I take a moment to think about it, the large flame is probably him, and the missing Icon is Bloody Mary, since Universal no longer holds the license to that character.
  15. Here are some still-shots of them. They bear an uncanny resemblance to some old friends, don't you think?
  16. That seems likely, and the tickets that surfaced on ebay were either used in media shots, or were early versions of the tickets for the media gifts, or the tickets meant to be handed out to guests. And yes, I bought the glasses. For $3, I think they'd be a nice little what have you.
  17. Well, the questions raised over these auctions were quite legitimate. Few of us will remember that the Universal Palace was once the Universal Plaza, and the picture of the glasses posted in the ebay listing wasn't very flattering, so I can see why their authenticity might be called into question. But regardless, at least I got a new pair of glasses out of this thread.
  18. Without alcohol sales, HHN would be massively less profitable, to the point where it would likely not be good business for Universal to stage it every year. Therefore, I accept the sale of alcohol as without it, there very well may not be an HHN to enjoy. As for me, I've never had a drink at HHN, but if I had to guess, a few drinks would probably make the mazes significantly scarier for me. I'm one of those people who can't help but try to anticipate where the actors are going to come from. It's like some weird game I play with Universal, to see if I can outwit their designers and actors, and for some reason I can't just stop. So, I reason that being buzzed would reduce my ability to foresee where actors are going to come from, and make it easier to get scared.
  19. I'd pay a couple bucks for it. Maybe wear it to HHN for laughs.
  20. Well, if ever there were to be an authority on HHN memorabilia, it would probably the Horror Nights Collector, so I guess I'm inclined to believe him.
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