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Everything posted by localHHNfan19

  1. damn this is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!almost time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! edit::this thread is moving the fastest it has since last year this time.i bet A&D is seeing this laughing knowen there playing with our emtions.
  2. i think ethier 12 am or 3am.theres a old saying that demons are allowd to walk to earth for one hour every night at 3am to mock god,cause 3am was suppose to be the excat time he dead. NOT SURE IF THIS IS TRUE THIS IS JUST WHAT I HAVE HEARD!
  3. anyone know where this sign is located on I-4?
  4. agree! this is speculation, there iS no right or wrong during SPECULATION.
  5. WOW! not much going on here yet,im glad there keeping everything very secret this year! great work A&D.IM HOPING THE COLLECTORS COME BACK THIS YEAR! fyi where can i find a link to add the counter to my FB?
  6. so the rumor of b&t being 3d is debunked
  7. they work for me but lag a tad bit.i really dont see any hints in them drawers??and i looked though everything twice
  8. i tried it dont do anything,the pointer arrow dont turn into a finger so i can click it.
  9. anyone have any clue on how to open thefile cabnet in behind the screams??btw i love the Midnight Syndicate song they choose for the teaser site!!
  10. Yeah I knew it was a teaser page but I didn't catch last years so I wouldn't know if it was the same or not. Tickets seem a little steep this year, considering money is tight. Anyone know when the site got updated?
  11. Hum?? I know there's clues to this years event on the site! keep looking closely we are bound to find something interesting! When did the site get updated today? I checked this morning but there was nothing there. btw that cd cover on the site looks alot like the one that someone did for the horror nights documentary over at the Vault.
  12. yea like a inside look on house construction,the process of interveiwing scare actors,process of custome making and make up.i think they should have been doing that evry year same with makeing a video,i know all of us on here would buy them,plus UO will be making extra money off it!
  13. heres pics of my first year sorry i didnt get to many pics with a mix of to many drinks and having to much fun i forgot i had a digi at times.lol http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?...;albumId=770931
  14. well he could be considered a CLASSIC icon (i know he wasn't used) but i would like to see him as well, from the way his backstory started before 9/11, it would have fit right in with the saw series.
  15. well i dont really care what will be the theme or houses im going for sure.
  16. no saw theme/house now maybe a cool little gory toture show would be pretty cool.but as far as making a house or theme after saw wouldnt appeal to me cause i really dont like the movies.
  17. i have to agree with ya for many resaons 1.saw isnt scary its gory 2.there wouldnt be no REAL scare actors in the houses only saws victims,so tel me where the hell are the scares??? 3.i seen almost all the movies and they really werent all that good to began with. 4.it will make UO cost more cost cause they had to pay for the RIGHTS YET AGAIN for a house 5.what the hell saw is just a damn puppet!!!!!!!!!! need i go on?IMHO its just a bad ideal i rather see the NLC 3 come back with totally differant look.
  18. thats something i would also like to do take the hhn tour.does orlando also have the terror tram like over in hollywood?
  19. ill be going the weekend it opens,i dont live out of state im lucky enough to live 20 mins from UO.
  20. just throwing out an indeal here but what do people think of the crypt keeper coming back??
  21. and u still go now thats a TRUE HHN FAN!I didnt get to go to the frist one but i remeber it being on tv.
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