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Cooger and Dark

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Everything posted by Cooger and Dark

  1. I like the civil war idea. Since the original description said that they have existed forever and come out during wars and natural disasters, I was thinking that it would be cool to have the Nightingale's set up as nuns in the medieval times and have them preying on the wounded during a castle siege. I would also assume that with the natural disaster angle they could do any number of things like a city post earthquake where they are set up as nurses at a hospital. There are so many possibilities with the Nightingale's that it just seems natural that there would be a sequel at some point. In fact, when I did the lights on tour, Nightingale's was a house that they mentioned was being looked at to be a franchise. As long as they do not oversaturate, I could see the Nightingale's being around for quite a while.
  2. I know that I have asked this before, but do we have official cast times yet?
  3. The concept of this house is really incredible but I have one concern. The picture of the room with 'The Tell Tale Heart' manuscript on it looks like an amazing reimagination of the scene yet the picture of 'The Pit and the Pendulum' looks very literal. I can see the HOS house doing much more literal interpretations but I expect better from HHN. My idea based on this is that given that 'The Tell Tale Heart' manuscript is directly in that room in that picture is it possible that this is a transitory room like the little theatre seats in 'Silver Screams'? Is it possible that we really are going to see the madness of Poe as our transition scene and then a scene literally adapting one of his stories. For instance, what if the person in that picture is supposed to be Poe going more and more insane like his character and the next scene is quite literally a scene from 'The Tell Tale Heart' with a scareactor and all? Thoughts?
  4. I knew it varied, I just did not know if we had official times yet. I figured with rehearsals starting soon we would have more firm times by now. Thanks for the help.
  5. What are the different times for Cast A and Cast B in the houses and scarezones?
  6. Okay, so based on this and some earlier ideas I am putting forth the idea that if we have some female icon along the lines of Lady Luck we are looking at a scarezone. I personally will throw my money on Sting Alley. My reasoning is that it is absolutely perfect for the speakeasy time period. Also, there have been rumors of hags or some sort of Coven spin-off so why not instead of it being The Coven it being our icon scarezone. This would fit perfectly given that there are supposedly lots of women cast in this area. Instead of witches or even sirens what if it is just our icon. I believe earlier Dr. Jimmy implied that our icon could have multiple personalities and even the HHN facebook has implied more than one face so why not many different incarnations of Lady Luck in this area. Even some of the names could be attributed to emotions felt while gambling. Thoughts?
  7. The cards came from a facebook game where you had to be one of the first 21 to respond to get the card. They have now officially released the image onto the facebook page so you can find it there. As to all the speculation on the card markings and the spot, if you look at the picture on the facebook page it is clean implying that those markings had no real bearing on anything. If there was any significance, other than making it look cooler, they would have posted the same image as the one that they gave out.
  8. Assuming this is true, could we be seeing a mini-icon? I mean, if they have the start of the house at a college campus with a professor (as implied by the game) could he be sort of our guide into the fantastical, demon haunted ruins? I feel like somewhere on this site someone once mentioned a professor who studies famous killers and having him as an icon. If we assume that what the doctor say is true, I think this house may be working off of a spin on that idea.
  9. I would like to give my personal thoughts on two of the topics being discussed. First of all, I just do not see them doing anything Poe related. Even though the raven is present in the office, I see this as much more of a Lovecraftian story. Sort of someone in search of greater, otherworldly knowledge that unleashes evil upon the world. As to whether it is the professor or the students who may be stealing the test grades I do not know, but I am not getting any sort of Poe vibe from anything in that game. Second, I just do not see them putting all of this time and effort into building the house of cards and the opening video without some sort of payoff. I do not see it as being a casino (speakeasy maybe) but right now more of a mansion set during the big band era (I am just basing that off of the cards). All I know is if I see anything remotely resembling that house of cards as a set I will be mightily impressed. There has just been way too much build for an icon house for there not to be one. My only other idea is that maybe the entrance gate is what will be designed to be the house of cards or mansion. That I could absolutely see. This would lend more freedom to the icon (assuming it is a person) to roam around or appear in any number of houses without necessarily tying them to a single house of their own. That is just assuming they do not squander the icon the way they did with fear. Thoughts?
  10. I just keep remembering them saying last year that they never forgot an old idea. By that rationale, and the fact that this quote uses the word fate, I have to believe that maybe some incarnation of fate is the icon. I guess this could tie in with Lady Luck, but I feel it is more fate than luck right now.
  11. I am actually glad to hear that A&D may not be tied down by trying to make everything fit into some overall theme. My question to you, Legacy, is what do you consider to be the first holiday? It could be either New Year's Day or Valentine's as far as I can tell (unless they decided to be controversial and do MLK day). If Valentine's I envision us entering a bloodstained Valentine's card which would be amazing. For New Year's day I have no idea.
  12. First of all, I love the idea of a holiday haunted house, but how will it tie in to the overall theme? Not the icon or the concept of gambling, but the ideas of fate, chance, and death that seem to be the overarching themes of this year? I mean, the most I can think of is that the house represents holidays that come in different seasons (as in stages of life) and it would probably lead up to New Year's Eve in which the old year 'dies' and the new year begins, but that feels like a stretch. Is there any possibility that the event does not have an OVERALL theme? Also, on the Chance conversation one page back I want to know why we all believe it has to be the same Chance? It just seems like since she was so minor, she is an easy character to change. The speculation about her having any ties to Jack past, present, or future just seem crazy to me. Personally I think they could just as simply make it a completely new character and keep the name intact. Heck they could even make it a guy for all I care (not likely given the cards on the table, but you know what I mean).
  13. Maybe this is farfetched but the whole Full Circle aspect and the Born in Death keeps making me think of Cindy. The part about being a new terror and a new superstition could spoil this, but given that she has never been an icon or had her backstory told maybe that could explain where they are coming from. In general, the quote is contradictory as it implies the old and the new so for me Cindy is the best example.
  14. Thank you for adding me. I was surprised given that I have only had one post.

  15. New to the boards and I just wanted to say that all this talk of the sorority house mixed with the Cthulu theories has me thinking of Miskatonic University. For those who do not know this was a central setting in the world of H.P. Lovecraft where there were multiple attempts to summon forth Cthulu, a copy of the Necronomicon was kept, and also had as a student a certain Herbert West aka The Re-Animator. Just a thought.
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