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Everything posted by val

  1. well i enlarged this, and then screencapped this from the video posted in the thread... but as i went back to quote it it was deleted. but here it is anyhow, from pha_q's (i believe) video i'm not sure what standpoint this is from, so just to clarify again, i did not take this photo!
  2. holy cow i loooove this.
  3. val

    Onca's FanArt

    first sketch is my favorite, great portrayal of a skoolkid but i gotta say that chance sketch is coming along really nice too.
  4. so i was doing some speculatin' on jaws because i have nothing better to do with my time. i did some googling about swingsets and fires etc in horror movies and found some more relations to michael myers (someone earlier said nightmare man may be a reference to him). a huge stretch i know, but figured i'd put it out there. "As a child, Michael inexplicably murdered his older sister, Judith Myers, on Halloween night. Locked away for his crime, he escaped fifteen years later and embarked on a legendary killing spree in his hometown of Haddonfield. He intended to relive Judith's murder by killing his remaining sister, Laurie Strode, but was stopped by his childhood doctor, Sam Loomis. Believed to have died in a fire, Michael Myers lived on and committed various crimes in the state of Illinois before catching up with Laurie twenty years later. His current wherabouts remain unknown. " "Knowing that Loomis was tracking his movements, on Halloween, 1989, Michael played a game with his former doctor. He left a clue on Loomis' map pointing to Haddonfield Elementary School. When Loomis showed up at the school with Marion to investigate, he found a wounded dog with a drawing of himself stapled to it. Loomis recognised Michael's attempt to humiliate him; that he was "like a dog, a stupid obedient fool" for answering Michael's call. At the same time, Michael murdered a teacher inside the school. The woman, who had just advised her students to chase their fears away with a smile, was found strung up on a swing set, her face contorted into a twisted smile with barbed wire.[10] In 1991, Michael stalked a young beauty queen who was named "Ms. Haddonfield 1991". Mere moments after she was elected, he attacked her in her dressing room and decapitated her with a knife. Her corpse was found "staring" at itself in her dressing room mirror.[11]" i honestly doubt the house relates to myers in any way but i thought it was interesting. and some random stuff i found... "Valedictorian is an academic title conferred upon the highest ranked student among those graduating from an educational institution. The term is an anglicized derivation of the Latin vale dicere ("to say farewell")" & "valedictorian [ˌvælɪdɪkˈtɔːrɪən] adj also valedictory 1. saying goodbye 2. of or relating to a farewell or an occasion of farewell" ^perhaps maybe one of the final scareactors in the house, instead of being a strictly academic-type role, maybe "valedictorian" refers more to the farewell aspect horror movie called "nightmare man" : http://www.nightmaremanmovie.com/ list of horror movies with children in them: http://horror.about.com/od/horrortoppicklists/tp/20killerkids.htm just somethin to chew on~
  5. thanks for all your answers. i'm new at this obviously, so you guys are helping a lot. a lot of you are saying cast b signed in at 7. i was placed on cast b, and when i got my role phone call, i was told that sign in was 5:45. was i misinformed, or is sign-in house/street dependent? or was this possibly just for rehersals?
  6. white rabbit was in the asylum scarezone as well. ^my bad, i should read more of the thread before posting. anyhow, if the jaws que does indeed turn out to be a cindy house, i'm pumped. i'm not seeing where the cast body bag or valedictorian fit in very well, though.
  7. okay, i'll bite. after some googling i get a movie called Flames of Fear. i gotta say, i'm not exactly well-versed in older movies, and with a lack of a summary on the imdb page i'm not catching the reference. unless you're just talking about the title, which obviously relates, but i don't see the importance other than on a really literal level.
  8. see you at the orientation then strangeoneout quick question for previous scareactors... i remember reading but cannot find it at the moment.. someone mentioned that being on a particular cast, i believe it was b, allowed them to experience some of the event before they were needed for their set times. can someone clarify this for me? being on cast b seems like this would make sense, but it seems strange to me that they'd let you roam the park as the guest while you're on the clock. this is worded really poorly but i hope my sentiment gets through clearly enough for an answer... thanks in advance!
  9. kay, so i might be reaching here, just an observation.. in the first video in the update, there's a woman... running around in "bed clothes"... seeing the caretaker in her "nightmare"... also, fourth picture from the bottom from HHN XII... "knightmare" sounds like some jaws que roles?
  10. -guests who try to scare other guests or even worse, the scareactors. there is a reason you are not getting paid to do that job. -guests who point out the scareactors to other guests. it completely ruins the experience. -guests who constantly are pushing on you to move forward. yes, i understand we are in a conga line. yes, i understand you are scared. that is no excuse to push on someone that you don't have any relation to. if i'm waiting an hour to experience a house, i'm not going to run through it.
  11. due to the last-minute scarezone last year and various hints from hhn higher-ups, everyone's just expecting some sort of blast from the past. not sure about the movie correlations. i'm with you, though. i hope its 90% original, 10% tribute. riddling xx's throughout the park would be pretty cool. it'd be something to look out for, kind of like the flying rats in grand theft auto.
  12. #1 - 5'1ish average/slim build #2 - 5'3-5'5ish average/slim build #3 - do not know personally, friend of a friend so, not like chucky-small, but not tall amazonian women either.
  13. maybe i just have the mind of a criminal... but if i'm going to risk it all and trespass into the damn parade building, best believe i'm gonna come out with more proof than a shoddy bloody mary picture. i don't buy it. and some food for thought... i know of 3 people who have been cast into the jaws house. it should be of note that all 3 of these people are female. i know its a small sample, but 3/3 at this point seems a bit "different" to me. i feel that the scareactor database is mostly male-dominated, so this stuck out to me. maybe i'm just reaching, though.
  14. anyone schedule an orientation for the 5th..? and the actor auditions sound interesting... however, i've never done a "formal" acting audition like that where one must have prepared a monologue... just some odd ones for disney/uni where no experience is really required. does anyone know how these auditions go first hand? if someone like myself (read: dedicated, yet inexperienced) were to try and prepare something, would they have a snowball's chance in hell? or is it another opportunity where whether you look the part or not is pretty important (although, likely not the MOST important)? i hope that makes sense.
  15. i do believe we crossed paths a few times, yessir.

  16. if that were the case, i don't think it'd be such a big deal to post your roles anywhere. if it were a meaningless code name, i don't think you'd lose your job for stating it. for that, i do think the names are directly related to the roles, its just probably something that won't make a lick of sense until after the event/more information is known for sure.
  17. what does everyone make of the castings for the jaws house? # UPDATE: Bed Clothes - Jaws # UPDATE: Valedictorian- Jaws # UPDATE: Nightmare Man #3 - Jaws # UPDATE: Cast Body Bag - Jaws there doesn't seem to be ANY sort of cohesive theme here.. maybe a NOES-esque feel? but you guys are better at putting things together than i am. "full/half dow" reminds me of some kind of animal...
  18. got my call!! my role sounds exciting and "right" for me, but i'm in an outdoor house... gonna burst into flames. heres to hoping for a cold october! or a revealing outfit. or both.
  19. "TALL WHITE GUY"? haha blonde, short, black alice-in-wonderland-wannabe headband.. when did everyone get their calls? morning, afternoon, night..? i've had my cellphone on me almost religiously because i don't know when to expect it. i'm afraid they're gonna call my house phone instead though, which has been going out sporadically...
  20. "oreo" from the vault... was cast this tuesday. will be my first year scaring after about 4 of screaming. no call yet, supremely jealous of you that have received one. gatoralex, i'm pretty sure we were in the same group. i was ms. 516
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