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Posts posted by Stephanie

  1. I loved it! Very cool. The costumes and colors are like whoa. This was my most anticipated scarezone, and it's my second favorite but a very close first. My opinion might change, because I literally walked through 2 minutes before closing. It has potential to be really freakin great.

  2. Many people say "This house is going to suck because little kids don't scare me" Well, you're wrong. These little kids are extremely scary. The house itself was just amazing. It does feel like you're in a building that is burning down. The house is terrifying if only two people are walking through it. That happened to me and I was the target in every scene :mellow:

  3. Let me tell ya one thing. Havoc is a terrific house because of the scareactors! Cast A, you guys pretty much made me say "Wow, I love this house" I had a lot of scares in there. I was impressed with the craziness everyone had. Looking forward to this one again on Friday!

  4. This was my first house of the year, and I gotta say that it was pretty impressive. I wasn't looking forward to it at all at first, but it's definitely not a bad house. I personally loved it and think it's going to grow stronger once the actors get used to their roles. I was one of the first few people who walked in and I pretty much screamed in every room...you got me good. Good job to everyone who worked it :)

  5. Good luck to all of you scaring tonight! I hope no one gets hurt. Although, from what I heard it is impossible to not get hurt because guests can be rude and stupid. I will be there tonight and if I see someone doing something they shouldn't be doing I'm going to give them my mean face. :angry:

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