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Posts posted by gatoralex

  1. So I get to audition with the "Virgins" on Tuesday, If it is your first year, GOOD LUCK. And to all my HHN family that received a role at the reunion auditions, I HOPE YOU DIE!!! Well not really, just expressing my displeasure of not being able to make the reunions, Congrats Brothers and Sisters!

    As ive already said, i am a virgin auditioner, i wanted to ask a veteren who was auditioning tuesday, what time are you getting there? I plan right now on 2, but if thats too early or late i wanna adjust it.

  2. when it comes to being passionate, im no less passionate than you. i'd say i know more passionate, but to each their own.

    when its comes to being seen before other people, absolutely it can better your chances to secure a role. though there have been returning SA's that have been told no multiple times, and by the last audition they went to ended up securing a role that was very commercialized. so for myself, sure i wanna be there early tuesday, though half the reason is just to see everyone again.

    if your asked to perform some scare tactic, honestly just be yourself. do whats natural/comfortable to you. just because bryan(cd) did something, doesn't mean you will be scary doing the same thing. you've got girls 4'7 who can use their height to their advantage, or people who have the most absurdly loud voices. so from a snarl to a creepy body movement, just be you and be outgoing.

    right now your just over thinking everything, but really it doesn't have to be that way. i did the same thing my first year, and afterwords was just like, damn. that was painless and easy.

    if you get cast, your excitement will change in spurts. initially its, omfg yes! im gonna really being doing this. then its filling out the application work, getting your id, signing up for orientation. (which by the way, like "dont touch the table!", dont fall asleep.) after finishing your app work and what not. now the favorite line comes into play, "hurry up and wait." you wait, for up to the time you show up to orientation to find out what role you've been cast for, this can take weeks! though what you find out is only a codename giving you a very vague idea of what you may be. but you know your zone/cast/character. oh what a relief it is.

    sorry for the rant, could talk about it all day. there are just so many exciting steps/phases of this...from auditions to rehearsals where you meet your cast, and actually working!

    get pumped for tuesday!!

    Yea I should have worded that better, I wasn't trying to say I'm more passionate, that's impossible being I've never had the job, I was saying that you can understand my passion because you posses it also. But thanks so much for your help and I know I'm over thinking it because i always do that haha even with HHN speulation themes. I have injected all I can into my brain in prep for this audition so I think I'm ready an and if your auditioning tmrw good luck and I hope to join yalls fantasic cast!!

  3. wow, your getting a little intense with this. last year i wore shorts with a tshirt, and this year i plan to do the same. if your gonna show up that early, your going to be so uncomfortable in pants and button up shirt.

    you dont need a resume, or anything else for that matter, because they provide the pen and paperwork to be filled out, so just know your schedule.

    all you need are clothes, just be yourself/comfortable. doesn't matter how early or late you show up, showing up at 2 only means you'll get home earlier...it doesn't mean the process will be shorter.

    yes, this is a job. though its also has very little to do with what you look like, but rather your body. have fun with this, dont turn it into something it isnt.

    Haha i know I know but this is something I'm passionate about and it's my dream so I think you can understan why I want it to be perfect. I will chang to shorts and a tshirt and thanks for the other tips. So showing up way early won't better your chances for a job because if you show up near audition time then they could have already caster someone in the part you could have gotten had you of been in before them right? That wAs somehig I read here and on other tip places about auditions. Otherwise I think I'm ready, ready for any question they ask they only thing that's unpredictable for me is if they ask todemonstrate scare tactic, maybe I'll reenact CD last year when he scared he frack outta me, stupid bride distraction!

  4. Ok so i have been reading everything, because im super nervous, first time auditioner. I plan to only request one day off for family to see HHN and me with them, I plan on jeans and a button up shirt? and i plan on bringing a resume? and i plan on getting to the door no later than 2 for a 6 O'clock audition? i know this is worded wierd, im just confirming those three, if not let me know which changes to make, once again super nervouse about audition but this is my dream so its understandable ha.

  5. Welcome! It's been said, but no worries cuz it's not all you'd expect. They are casting body types, and with them having a picture of you before you even enter the room. There's a chance they may have you chosen for a roll, all the need to know is you can be loud and outgoing. So, that being said. I had to do a scare tactic, being a noise, voice, movement. Some get asked favorite color or movie. All they want to see from you. Is if your favorite color is pink or movie lion king. You've gotta be loud and crazy about it.

    Don't be shy, trust me, they will be loud when you get in.

    Thanks i appreciate the welcome, but i appreciate your info too, i just was wondering what is your scare tactic? did you jump at them and scream, growl, etc. Sorry bout the 20 questions of auditioning i just wanna make sure im ready,

  6. Hey im an old Vaulter...RIP..., came over off of a recommendation, finally found another fan forum but anyway.........

    I plan to audition this year being that i transfered schools down to Orlando, and ive read the thread and its amazing it has helped but one thing it hasnt done for me is tell me what happens inside the audition room(with the creative team), what do you do??? do you scare them?? do you act like a character like Disney auditions?? what happens?

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