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Posts posted by Lambier

  1. ok so can I just say Cindy was just delightful in that video??? lol

    And I think Mary Shaw and the cheerleader jumping up and down like a couple of over excited school girls could quite possibly be the highlight of my day xD

    And yeah....Fear still just kinda stood there :/ I would have definitely done something bigger..even though that looked like a hell of a time!!

  2. Well you know, The UPT was located in Carey, too. So I wouldnt have been surprised to see anything of hers in the Silver Screams house. And LTC...I didn't know that was her head!! Damnit I wish I had been paying better attention!!

    Dr. Jimmy raises a good point.....I wonder what would happen if somebody were to....eat.....her. Ick. I bet she didn't taste very good....anyway, I bet some part of her wickedness got passed on....hm....i wonder if we'll be seeing that brought up later on...

    Btw does anybody have a picture of this by any chance? I would love to see it.

  3. My vote is for Silver Screams!!!!

    That was probably one of my favorite houses out of all the years I've been!! I love how they incorperated Julian's story to everything that was going on! It gave us the feeling he was omnipresent, the way he popped up just about everywhere. And despite the fact I got stuck in a room with a hysterically screaming woman, it was TOTALLY worth it :]

    The other houses were good too; Leave it to Cleaver was definitely a close second. this was just my favorite by a long shot :P I do have to mention though, I didnt get the pleasure of going inside the Wolfman, Frankenstein, or Saw houses (Saw was WAY too long of a line, Frankenstein I just never got around to, and it was either Wolfman or BT at the end of the night....so I had to choose.)

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  4. lol there's so much they can do along the lines of some sort of evil artist (just....no evil muscians please xD)

    Artists, Writers...those sort of things :P

    Hell, there could even be an evil comic book artist!! (cue dramatic music lol)

    As for a closing ceremony last year, I dont think they had one. Or at least I haven't heard of one. There should have been though. I mean....wouldnt it have been interesting to watch the icons dissapear into a fiery oblivion of the lantern or something along those lines.

  5. Ok my guesses so far?

    Christina Agularia screwing up the national anthem (lol)

    Probably a reference to the new Hangover movie coming out in May

    ALOT of superhero references (xmen, captain america, green hornet, green lantern etc.)

    Lindsey Lohan and her in and out of rehab fiascos

    Black Swan (duuuh)

    The Walking Dead (this one Im not so sure about, but since it's gotten so popular and this IS a halloween event, I wouldnt be surprised)

    Ghost face will probably make an appearence

    Those r my predictions....for now :P Im sure we'll be seeing alot more as the months go on :D

  6. Right?! I can picture it really well; like, we as park guests are submersed into his/her world. All the houses could be based on "stories" the writer has written; the website could have exerts and such from novels so we know what we're getting in to :P

    And JW, I LOVE the idea of having a creation take over at the end of the event. OOooooooh wouldn't THAT make for an interesting closing night? There could be a special show of sorts planned that night and everything. :P

  7. Yes, that's a good idea. Opening Scaremonies. Why did they decide to do away with them? I, unfortunately, was never fortunate to witness one in person, but I have watched plenty of youtube videos.

    (Yes.......Im one of those people who sit at the computer, watching videos of HHN of the past....the closer we get to the actual event, the more time I spend doing this......dont judge lol)

    Do we know why Universal hasn't been doing them for the past couple events? Those would make introducing icons to the public a hell of alot simpler than ...say....parading the icon around on stilts or something silly like that....o:)

  8. Agreed. I officially want to be like Dr. Jimmy when I grow up lol

    Being a big fan of the Hannibal series, I was surprised when I hadn't put the two together before. Wouldn't THAT be an interesting concept??? However, I won't lie when I say a Dr. Jeykl and Mr. Hyde sort of icon would be INCREDIBLE. It reminds me of a Bloody Mary sort of year- a story we all know (and fear) so well has come to life and is wrecking havoc on life as we know it. I think I might be in love with the idea.....

    or even yet....a year ALL based on different literary evils....all run by an icon-an evil writer perhaps? Or would that be too clique? Oooh or an evil librarian!! LOL (I just pictured a fat version of the storyteller with her big finger pressed to her lips, telling you the library is no place for noise as you scream in agony..........LMAO.....ick....I'm not sure if that's funny or kinda creepy )

  9. Black7mask, I believe the reason they decided not to use her was because the idea of "21 years of Fear" (aka Fear being the icon the FOLLOWING year) would have just been silly. At least that's what I heard. Unfortunately I didnt get to attend the VIP lounge :/ so I could be wrong. If I am, anybody feel free to correct me :D

    I would have loved Cindy as the icon over Fear, just like I'm sure plenty of you would have. But we have to remember, we're the die-hard fans lol The majority of HHN goers don't read into the stories and such like we do. Hell, I bet half the people in the park last year didn't even go onto the website to check out the scarezones and such before attending. Like it's been said: people go for the scares, not the backstory. Fear (or at least the concept of Fear) most likely would have attracted alot more people then Cindy (even though WE all know how badass she truely is ;P)

    I do hope we see Cindy again though. I mean....it's possible.....

  10. There was alot of potential there for Fear. I agree, if they had maybe expanded on his backstory (instead of just saying hes been around ofr the past 19 years and all that jazz) or if they had even put him physically in the house (Even though, yeah yeah "fear is in every house!" I would have loved to have seen him lurking around the corners....i mean yeah, that would have meant taking him off the stilts and all....but still. you get the picture.)

    I still feel Universal seriously dropped the ball with Fear -- maybe if the did a little re-tooling....then we could talk about seeing him again :P

  11. The old Hard Rock building? Idk how likely that is but it would be awsome having another scarehouse this year...I mean this IS the new age of darkness....I think that could include some expansions in the house area :P

    And you know....thinking about the phrase "the new age of darkness" sort of reminds me of something apocolyptic....I know we've already discussed a 2012 theme, but thats what it sort of reminds me of. Is it likely? Not really lol but still......it just leaves me with this ominous feeling.....like there's something looming, watching...waiting. And whatever it is, is gonna be alot more terrifying then Fear on stilts lol


    then again...it could be all the coffee I've had today that's making me on edge lol

    and Yes Dr Jimmy, A Jack Offspring lOL took me a minute to get that one :P

  12. I have to agree with the majority here: I'm going to believe Emeric before anybody else simply because I know him to be honest. This doesnt mean I'm going to be dismissing any other ideas. This early in the game, all we have is speculation. Hell, we could end up having a weird Jack/Chance baby as our icon this year!

    (Oh Lord, please no...)

    Legacy, I like your idea of Cindy as a grim reaper sort. Will it come to pass? Time will tell. All I know is that I would really like to see a female icon this year. I think HHN is seriously lacking in the femme fatal department (minus mary and cindy of course. Whether or not you would like to count someone like Chance is entirely up to you.) I just think it's time for a badass, ferocious female :P

  13. In regards to Bloody Mary, Green Ghost, I'm with you on that. With all the legal issues surrounding Bloody Mary, there isn't a whole lot Universal can do in ways of bringing her back as the icon we all knew and loved (and, more importantly, it's starting to look like we'll never get a chance to see ROF done right....*sigh*....what a waste....what...a...waste....)


    I have been hearing alot of rumors, however, about her returning in the upcoming years. This has even been supposedly "confirmed" by my friend's buddy who works for the park. Like I said though, I'm not buying it. I do wonder, however, if we will be seeing little miss cain though....

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