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Posts posted by Lambier

  1. Yes I saw the update on that -__-

    No offense to HOS here, it's a fun event, but...come on. COME. ON. Zombies? Really?

    I think if HHN had a zombie icon, I would just cry D:

    However, seeing as some sort of zombie is usually incorperated into the event every year, there's no doubt we'll be hearing some whining >.>

    BTW.......does anybody else wish we got updates that early??? lol

  2. i thinj they'll put an extreme house. If not this year, than the next.

    It's the hot thing right now; HHN won't allow itself to be out done by HOS. I guarentee you we will be seeing one soon enough :] I really hope its this year...while I did go to HOS last year I didnt get the chance to go into Alone :/

    And a seance show? Like,we watch someone summon something? Well.....there was the 08 press only show they had where Bloody Mary was "summoned" to talk to the crowd. But I dont think that really counts lol

  3. As much as I would love to see MS perform live, I would have to agree. An arrival show, or something of that nature, would be amazing. I think it's a really good way to introduce the icon to the public and of course, it's a field trip for us hardcore HHN groupies :] lol

  4. I think a terror tram would be incredible!!!!! I've never been to the event out in Hollywood, but come on.....even the name....terror tram.....it sounds thrilling!! Whenever I read about the year they had The Director "loose" in the terror tram, I get so jealous >.< hah

  5. it would be really scary house-I can picture all the sorts of things they could do with IT. It might be a little touchy, what with all the dead kids that pop up in that story, but I think Universal is pretty ok with stepping on toes sometimes hah but you're right Dr. Jimmy, Pennywise, as terrifying as he is, really is very similar-physically-to Jack. What a shame :/ well....maybe now that our clown buddy is taking a hiatus....maybe there will be hope for Pennywise in the future :D

  6. lol very true JWFearman! A fog machine and eerie lighting does not a scarezone make hah

    That area just always seemed like it has so much potential. I remember a few years ago, when I was there for Grad Bash and they ushered us between the parks, I thought how cool of a scarezone it could make. This was before, obviously, I knew mych of anything about HHN lol

  7. Nah Kenny there's no such thing as noobish questions....well....there is.......but trust me, that's not the worse we've seen. If you came in here to ask WHAT HHN was, that would be noobish lol

    While I'm not 100% sure, since I didnt have the good fortune to attend the event back then, I believe that there were scarezones in between the parks the year we had it in both parks. (Somebody jog my memory: wasn't field of screams located there? And another one too? Harvest of souls maybe? I'm having a brain fart; somebody back me up here! lol)

  8. While Im skeptical, I think the idea of a sleepy Hollow maze (if done right, of course) could be really freaking awsome.

    And I'm all for the Candyman idea; I feel dumb for not thinking of it before!!! That movie is chilling; Idr the name of the actor who plays him but everytime I see him I get the goosebumps ><

    It could still definitely be TrT too....ugh.......so many options!

  9. An IT themed Alone style house? I honestly think I would crap my pants!! That would be horrifying...a personalized terror......::shudders::

    And yes the book was 20 times better than the movie...Tim Curry is incredible though, no matter what the roll. SOmetimes I still think about that movie whenever I look into a drain. Especially when my sister used to use cinnamon toothpaste and leave globs of it in the sink so it looked like a nose............

    ...changing subject now....

    ...That's something I would love to see at HHN: an Alone themed house. Now that HOS has done it, it's only a matter of time. You guys think HHN will have something like that this year?

  10. Yeah i dont think they'll bring HHN back to IOA until they can figure out what to do with all the space they CAN'T use. Unless they wanna do another cross over year (using both UO and IOA at the same time.)

    Then again, they could be using IOA as a back up. Maybe they figure when the crowds start thining out at Universal, maybe they'll swap it back over for a while to get ppl amped up. It's not a bad idea, if you ask me.

    I just wonder what they would do without being able to use WWOHP and Suess Landing. Hm...

  11. It's a shame that King won't let them use his books....I think an IT house would be terrifiying. (Idk about you all, but Pennywise is DEFINITELY the stuff nightmares are made of >.<)

    The Shining would be awsome too; imagine exploring the rooms of the hotel!!! eeriee!!!!!!!!!!

    You guys made a good point though....some of the books like Cujo, Christine, even Carrie (whose book I cant see being workable, minus the gymnasium scene) wouldn't be able to stand on their own. A collaberation tho.......that would be incredible!!!

    I think what I would most like to see would be a modern day Dr. Jeykll/ Mr Hyde sort of icon. It falls into all the literature talk that's been floating around.....like I said, just some wishful thinking <3

  12. Hey Ross!! Welcome to HHN :] Nice to have a new comer! Ireland huh?? I've always wanted to go there; I hear it's gorgeous!!

    Anyway, as for HHN at IOA was done in the past but there's been a fair share of complications. (Such as the Suess Landing area being all but hands off due to Dr. Suess's widow's unwillingness to allow Universal let it become something scary. She says she didnt want them tainting her husband's work by making it anything less than childfriendly.)

    And as for a scarezone in Harry Potter, yes it would be amazing, but JK Rowling said she didn't want it used in HHN :/ Regretfully.

    All these things make HHn at IOA a pretty faint possibility.

  13. Ah yes-the ever important alcohol theme.

    How could we all be so blind as to miss it! lol I think that would DEFINITELY bring in the GP with no problem XD Not that they don't already stagger around drunk as it is lol

    But you know, on the subject of people not knowing who Mary Agana is, I don't that really falls into the catagory of them not caring about an icon. Mary Agana was a crutial element to the backstory, which, regrefully, is something the GP knows nothing about. But most of the people I spoke with that year knew BM was the icon and were excited for her.

    Then again, alot of that has to do with the markerting. 08 had a hell of a marketing campaign; I dont know about YOU guys, but those BM billboards were off the chain!!

    Thats soemthing I would like to see return this year: bad ass marketing. Last year was eh and 09....well.....i would see a billboard with the movie icons maybe once or twice on the drive to Orlando.

  14. I mean, they COULD I just feel it would be a step back for them. I dont think HHN is willing to give up one of the biggest components of it's events. We as fans would go either way, but it would definitelty effect the general public.

    I just cant see it happening, no offense :/

  15. I think we need to face facts guys.

    Regretfully, we have all been spoiled.

    Spoiled by awsome icons, mind blowing backstories, incredible interactive websites-the works. No matter how amazing/stupendous the years without an icon were (which, while I wasn't lucky enough to go to a year like this, I'm sure they were as amazing as all the others years have been :D), there really isnt any going back.

    A New Era wouldn't mean taking a step back in time, but a step forward. They're going to evolve the ideas they've had; going back to the way things once were ,while it would be interesting, wouldn't be effective for Universal. Black Mask hit the nail on the head when he said having icons is what really sets us apart. Taking away crutial elements from what the public has come to associate with the event, while it wouldn't phase us die-hards too much, might prove to be not-so-great in the way of the average joe going to the event on any given day.

    Im not saying its a bad idea-I'm just not sure how likely it is.

  16. I agree Fallow. I really want to see a good website this year. So far, nothing tops 08 and 09 in my book. Last year, even with all the build up, was a big let down for me. I love the intereaction, the stories, the clues, it's all so much fun to follow! Hopefully Universal will take the hint and give us something to sink our teeth into.

    and LOL BlackMask...I remember that scene.....it's kind of hard to forget >.< lol

    But in regards to what demonfalconking said, yes, we've noticed that too. I really do hope this year has something to do with literature.....the idea of getting to face off with somebody like Mr Hyde or Hannibal Lecter makes me wanna faint in excitement xD

  17. On the subject of whether or not HHN should go the route of 04 and opt for no icon, i would have to disagree. I think the icons have proven to be too much of a crowd pleaser/money bringer in the past. The icon draws people in, I think. Yeah, alot of people will never know the backstory or anything like that, but it's a face people can associate with event. It gives all the houses a sense of unity and it gives them a theme to work with. If it were me, I would keep the icon. I'll go either way lol but I just love my icons :D

    and as for the idea of writers/librarians/artists/etc. being rehashed and/or variations of people like the storyteller: remember when Julian was introduced and alot of people were quick to compare him to the director? Julian proved himself to be his own entity, just like any other icon would :] (PS I like that idea of an anitmator; glad they went with the director though!)

    The thing is when it comes to comparing the idea of the librarian or a writer to the storyteller or bloody mary (remembering this is all still speculation of course), I will admit the librarian would be VERY similar. However, with the writer theory, you could have the event centered around the stories the writer has written. In 05, the event was centered around one story (a very good one at that). So while it would be similar, it would still be different. Im just saying: it's possible. ;p Universal is filled with all sorts of creative people; I mean, come on, they've used zombies tons of times and almost always bring it to us looking as new as possible. lol

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