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Posts posted by Lambier

  1. Keosilver, as cool of an idea as Fate is, I can't see us not having an icon in the foreseeable future. The public has become too dependant on the idea of having a "face" for the event. And while many of them have no idea WHO that icon is or what their backstory is, it's a recognizable part of the event that people can come to know and, ultimately, fear.

    And on a more personal note, I'd be so disappointed if we didn't get an icon. :/ It adds a more personal touch to the event for me. I like having a face to tack on to the ensuing nightmares.

  2. yeah the HHN facebook page keeps refering to luck which, as you guys just mentioned, could take us right back to the gambling/casino/vegas/21st idea.

    Now this is just an idea-just running with the whole "luckl aspect (and pardon me if somebody has said this before) but what if we had an icon that was the personification of Lady Luck? Only she could provide her patrons with just the opposite; they come to her looking for good fortune and she brings on death and destruction.

  3. Well there hasnt really been an opening scaremony in a while so I don't think we'll have to worry about that.

    But you make a good point about the park presence. Maybe we can hear her thoughts? Maybe she speaks through the books and what we hear is some narrator who speaks her words for her.

  4. lol I'm not sure when I'll be coming out to HHNH; I know I'm going to HHNO during the first two weeks of October so I'm assuming I'll be out there after I visit m'old stomping grounds :P If thats the case I'd be more than happy to bring you out a lanyard :)

    And yeah....the saw twins >.> I just find them narcasistic....and childish....but I'm glad to know Im not alone :) :)

    And yes-excellent. Im so happy about the HOTC news. I hope it's for real . If not, well, I've never been in the house before so it'll at least not be a repeat for me. Still not a fan of Rob Zombie though lmao

  5. The idea of her mouth not being existent would be amazing. There could even be a single, ugly scar where it should be (like she was born with only that there) I don't think there's ever been a completely silent icon before, has there?

    I can see people being tortured and her, standing over her victims with a vacent expression. She could keep all her emotion in her eyes! Ooooh I love it .

    With the right touches, this sort of icon could be totally diferent from the Storyteller. She doesn't even have to be an older woman either; she could be younger, like Bloody Mary was. Not as young as Cindy obviously, but you get the idea.

  6. I've actually been really into the idea ever since I heard somebody (Im not sure who or where it was) suggest that maybe Gabriel Fell was a jeykll/hyde character. While I dont think that's the case, I still don't want to loose hope of seeing this dasterdly villian haunt an HHN in the years to come ;)

  7. I just spent the past 2 hours reading the entire thread (damn slow internet) But I have decided to put my two cents in, seeing as this will be my first venture out to the West Coast to visit for event :)

    The thought of having a TrT maze is really exciting to me, as well as the Scream maze. I agree with the majority of you in saying Insidious came up WAY too late in the game to become a part of the line up this year. It's actually a bit annoying over on the HHNH facebook page where people keep rambling on and on about wanting it. Anyway, I too am bummed over the HOTC maze simply because I am just NOT a Rob Zombie fan. I think he butchered Halloween and ever since then....well......I haven't really liked him since then.

    Other than that, everything else sounds like it's going to be a dream :) I look forward to going to BOTH events this year. I've been to Orlando for the past 3 years (this being my 4th) so I can't wait to see the differences :)

    ((Ps.......yeah....I can't stand those little kids the "saw twins" either. They're all over the fb page......but most children give me a headache -_-) Gotta love the HHN enthusiasm though, I will give them that.)

  8. I need some help jogging my memory.

    I went in this house as the one before the last house of the night. The last house being Legendary Truth; both these houses were really great and beautifully done.

    However, I cant remember which of these houses it was that I saw the Storyteller in!! There was a projection of her face on what appeared to be smoke. (I was also running at this point lol) But I can't reemmeber if it was this house or LT. Also, I'd like to know why she was mentioned in that particular house. (Jack and BM I can understand but Elsa?)

    Am I crazy? Did I imagine the whole thing? Help me out :)

  9. It really would be an interesting concept. And as it was said before, it doesn't all have to be "traditionally" scary stories, even thought I think Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde would be an AMAZING icon/house concept. But with the tradition of books like "pride and prejudice and zombies" being so popular right now, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a house with these kind of concepts popping up in the future.

    But seriously: I would LOVE the see Jeykll/Hyde someday at HHN. Like a modern take on him...or even traditional (even though I think there's so much oppurtunity when you retell that story. I've seen so many good (and pretty horrible) adaptions.

  10. Im sure whatever icon we end up getting will be amazing....I would love a librarian though. I think the thought of having a literature based year would be amazing; I mean, we've done movies so why not? I just wish we had some more solid evidence to base our suspecions on!!

  11. One might have argued a Clown would have been too cheesy. Or an usher. Or a caretaker.

    In the hands of the brilliant minds at Universal, any profession can be a tool in our utter terror ;)

    idk how a bartender would work....but it could prove to be interesting.

  12. What about all the troll PARENTS? The ones who bring their little kids, get drunk, and than yell at the scare actors for coming near them because the kid is crying?

    Um....your kid is crying because you brought them to HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS you stupid douche >.< seriously. ugh.

    I've seen some trolls in my day. Nothing bothers me more than the people who walk around talking about how "not scared" they are. My little sister's friend was like that....but then she ended up pissing her pants in the Spawning house. Terribly rewarding to watch >:D

    Im actually a little anxious about this year. I'm going with my friend's boyfriend who enjoys scaring OTHER people and Im afraid he's going to do so at the park >.< he's by no means a troll but...in this setting....Im afraid he'll come off like one >.<

  13. The FFP would be perfect for me. I ALWAYS go the first weekend of October, but this year I'll be going the weekend after that as well. (it'll be the first year going multiple times :') Im so excited; what an excellent 21st bday present hah) So this pass would be perfect for me -aka the broke college student who gets by from one waitressing paycheck to another. I really do hope they go through with it...though I'll be honest....I'll just buy 2 tickets if they dont'.......the other way would just save me some money.

  14. I definitely think we'll be seeing X-Men as well! I think maybe they'll take a jab at the obvious bro-mance between Xavier and Magneto. (hilarious)

    I think Charie Sheen and Oprah will be apart of the villian team; maybe we'll see a Trump and Oprah smash up.

    Rebecca Black is a little too obvious. Maybe she and Edward Cullen will take turns to see who can annoy the auidence faster.

    DEFINITELY Green Lantern. I feel like this year will be big on superheroes. (Green Hornet, Green Lantern, X-Men, Captain America, etc.)

    I think the Barbara Stristand song will make an appearence. That song is too ridiculous to not rear it's head at the show.

    I definitely think the whole "remake/sequel" theme from Scream should be played on. Think about it; seeing as theres all that talk of making a new Bill and Ted movie, maybe our favorite dynamic duo will have to come face to face with (gasp) a new film!!! SO NOT EXCELLENT!!!!

    either that or Oprah is going to take over the world.

  15. @Jumboshrimp: It was something strangeoneout said on the first page. I thought it was clever and worth repeating. Originally, I believe the little saying is from a poem about the days of the week.

    @strangeoneout: I know its probably going to be the latter, but we can hope for the former. After all, we were promised a whole new era of terror. Maybe this means we can expect a different set up as to getting our website? I mean, we already got our update (as small as it is) before Hollywood which, if I remember correctly, is a first in the past couple of years.

    But it probably has something to do with poor planning (sigh)

  16. Tuesday child is full of grace? Hm.......Tuesday.

    I'm happy to finally see the skeletal hand of fate beckoning us onto the dark, twisted road which leads us to HHN every year.

    I've never seen a year where they redirected us to the Universal page though; I wonder what that means. We can only hope that it means they're planning something big.

    (is it silly to hope that we see a great website like we did in 08??)

  17. I agree with the comment about the Librarian icon. Something to do with literature would be amazing; imagine being transported inside of your favorite stories!! (I also think a Dr. Jerykl/ Mr. Hyde sort of character would be fun too) And yes, it would be linked to the Storyteller in the way the Director and the Usher were, but even then, those were two totally different icons!! (and while I love the Director, I agree that Julian definitely had more of an oomph to him. His backstory had a lot more meat than the latter)

  18. That's probably because Elsa doesn't REALLY have a backstory. We know a few tidbits about her, but compared to the others, she's alot more flat. However, that could definitely work to an advantage too. Because she doesn't have a full backstory, IF they decided to make a movie, they would be able to do alot of whatever they wanted with her. It would be more room to play where as with somebody like Jack, things are more set in stone.

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