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Everything posted by Karras

  1. Listening to A&D talk about the concept for this house at the tweetup I really believe we will see sequels in the future. The Nightingales during different destructive events.
  2. The Rush of Fear pass is the way to go if you wanna avoid crowds and not waist your hard earned cash on Express. Towards the end of the month the 26th-31st shouldn't be too bad. I've heard Halloween night is dead.
  3. The Adventurers Guide to Halloween Horror Nights 21 Above is a good article on traversing Horror Nights.
  4. There's a difference between a tagline and a title. Halloween Horror Nights 15: Tales of Terror - Title No One will live happily ever after - Tagline
  5. With a week till the event I doubt they'll release an event title now. It's like 2004, it had a tagline but no title.
  6. Wow. Good call dude. First thing I thought of was Castle Vampyr but it's great to know they're even older.
  7. I'll be in attendance opening night. That's when my guard is usually down so don't hold back.
  8. I know it's posted that the event opens at 6:30 but most of the time they start letting people in a little after 6.
  9. The teaser picture for this zone was very misleading. Too many people are hanging onto that idea. I think Canyon of Dark Souls looks really menacing and different. Especially when night hits.
  10. I'm assuming the heads are going to randomly drop down to cause a distraction and actors on the streets will do the scaring?
  11. Middle of the month, worst time to go. Stupid busy. Teenage kids everywhere. Drunks. Oct 13th - 23rd?
  12. To each his own. Yes, it's effective but I would think by now the spinning tunnel would be retired and something new would be implemented.
  13. The Adventurers Guide to Halloween Horror Nights 21 <- Click here. I stick to a pretty strict house route every year. I'm always able to do every house, a ride or two and B&T. This years route. **Rip Ride Rockit** 1. The Forsaken 2. Saws n' Steam: Into the Machine 3. Holidays of Horror 4. The Thing 5. B&T 6. Nightingales 7. Winters Night 8. The In-Between 9. Nevermore What path of Horror do you fancy?
  14. 1992. Wow. Now it really needs to go. See I love that. Makes the effect even better. Most of the time I *yawn* and wonder what the rest of the house is going to be like.
  15. Yeah. 2004 - 2011. Don't get me wrong it was a cool effect, but it's time to find new effects.
  16. What SZs still need to go up? 7 and Luck?
  17. The spinning tunnel needs to be retired.
  18. Evilution at Islands of Fear (2002) used people in half-man half-dino costumes. It's not that hard. Most of the animatronics during 07 were terrible. Making the same repetitive motion over and over. It's not scary. Also all the animatronics take too long to reset. You can easily miss most of the house if you walk through at the wrong time. It's not practical.
  19. The Sprung Tent houses in the past have trumped the soundstage houses. I think Nevermore is going to be a really special house.
  20. Was not a fan of Assimilation (07). However The Thing is easily in my top 3 scariest flick of all time. I would love to walk away with this being one of my favorite houses. No puppets. No animatronics. No military guys. Real actors in mutated costumes.
  21. You could be right. I'm not down for the remake either but it was right in the middle of my most anticipated list. This is A&D's 3rd attempt at "The Thing" and it's in a soundstage. I think it's going to take a lot of people by surprise. An Exorcist house would be amazing. I'm assuming Nightingales is popular because of its original concept and venue. Plus War of the Living Dead was an excellent scarezone.
  22. Some examples: Creatures - I walk into one room, there is a large man dancing between a door way with his shirt tied around his belly. I start laughing my ass off. Next room a giant alien attacks a fence and scares the shit out of me. Leave it to Clever - Everyone is waving and staring at me. Next room someone is dancing on a desk. I shrug my shoulders.
  23. I still have my doubts about this zone. However... if those projectors are implemented somehow, my mind will explode. Thanks for posting those.
  24. Wasn't a big fan of Leave it to Clever or Zombiegeddon. I hope Holidays of Horror finds the right balance of cheese and horror. ex: PsychoScareapy 3, Creatures
  25. I think Lady Luck will be torchering someone on the wheel. Her "alter ego" will be out scaring.
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