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Everything posted by Oysterhead00

  1. I know somewhere else it said 10. But I think one of the Soundstage houses this year is supposed to be HUGE so it could potentially be longer. Also, I know nothing about scenes or anything like that, but I know I saw 10 scenes per house in a previous post.
  2. Did a quick look through the topic and didn't see anything similar...but maybe it's elsewhere so I apologize if it's a dupe Took the photo of fear and went into photoshop to lighten it up a bit and bring out some "hidden" details. Original PhotoShoppped
  3. I'm sooooooooooo psyched for this year! As much as I LOVE the houses, I enjoy just doing laps around the park going through all the Scare Zones more. Last year was a real disappointed as far as the SZ's...this year is looking like they're going ALL OUT on them and I really hope they are. Nothing would make me happier than kick @$$ SZs. Have a few beers and wander on through with my friends, making sure to look back at them talking making myself the perfect "mark" for the scareactors to tee off on. Looking like a GREAT year! ***EDITED to remove my stupid typos!
  4. I saw him 2 years in a row (can't remember the years...maybe 07 and 08?) and the first year I thought he was "mehhhhh". Nothing special. Second year he did the SAME EXACT ACT and that really annoyed me. The first time I found the cellphone trick mildly amusing. The second time, as soon as he started it, me and my group walked out. Had said I definitely wouldn't waste my time with it this year. Started watching the Webcast replay and was ready to scoop my own eyes out with a melon baller. Then I fast forwarded a ways ahead to see what happened and I have to admit, I'm mildly intrigued. I think one one of the 3 nights I'm going, I'll see if I can get my friends (4 of the 5 of which saw the two other shows with me and hated it too) to go and give it a shot. Get seats by an isle so we can easily leave halfway through should it be another boring replay of his previous acts, but I think I'm going to give him a chance.
  5. Let's see, if we're having a big Christian event which area would be the most offensive to them to decorate with "satanic props"? I know, right between Shrek and Jimmy Neutron! Ha ha ha. One of the areas with the most kid-friendly rides has the first horror decorations
  6. Some highlights of the Webcast for anybody who hasn't listened to it..... First off, I was multitasking while listening to the call so I didn't take great notes and nothing is really an exact quote. "Any question in quotes" is from a participant on the call...and while in quotes, it's paraphrased. This is a jumbled mess full of typos, but don't feel like cleaning it up. My MP3 player isn't the best for rewinding and stuff, so I just did my best to capture the big points. I probably switch between semi-quoting (typing stuff like "we tried to....") and then talking in the 3rd person ("they decided..."). That's just because after listening to it for 50min and doing some work while listening, I confused myself The three biggies in my opinion are highlighted in RED. There will be future Psychotherapy and Body Collector Houses. We still have a few things under our belts that we have to announce about fear over the next few weeks. We're going to say goodbye to some of the sequel houses you're used to seeing....for a few years at least. New houses and zones with new characters to see which resonate and which ones will be the icons in 21, 22, 23, and down the road. History house and scarezones will each have some characters from streets (in houses this year) and from the houses (in streets this year). We will be incorporating Open Flames into once of our houses for the first time. No past character is off limits either within the houses or streets. "Does that include Bloody Mary?" I stand by my statment. The LT house was ready to go a couple years ago, but then they scrapped it until now. You may see a couple IP characters, maybe a Wolfman, maybe a Frankenstein...something like that. But we didn't want to dedicate a single IP to a full property this year. In the future, we might go after IP properties...if something is hot enough and popular enough, yeah, we'll look into pursuing it. Orlando and Hollywood are completely different development teams. Hollywood is mostly movie related and they start developing muuuuuuch later in the process so if we have something good and moive related, they might develop the same theme but, take it in a different direction The latern is extremely important and represents the past 20 years...and the fear that has been building for 20 years has created a physical embodyment of that fear. "Did any inspiration for the Z-Day house come from the Zombie Survival Guide?" Ummmm,it's a great book! Ha ha ha. Today, you cannot do ANYTHING zombie-related without pulling some inspiration from ZombieLand, World War Z, and all the other Zombie movies and books that have come out the last 10 years. Zombies are very Chic now...they are last years Vampires. You'll be happy with the direction we took with the Zombie House. If you you Google "Zombie Rules" you'll be surprised at the thousands of pages that come up, each with their own set of rules. You'll be happy with the set of rules we came up with and our take on what would happen if the zombie apocalypse were to actually occur. How would you deal with that? Who would you turn to to teach you how to deal with zombies? Bill & Ted is in it's 19th year and still going strong. The last 5-7 years has really changed the show with all the YouTube watchers...attention spans have gotten extremely shorter in relation to entertainment. We've had to adjust the focus of the show to fit this shift in attention spans. It's rare for anybody to sit for more than a minute watching the same thign, so every minute or so during the show, we ahve to introduce something new. Every year there is a plot...a VERY loose plot. This year, in the story, Bill & Ted might face the possiblity of replacement. I'll leave it there. And IN THE STORY!!!! They aren't going anywhere so don't start complaining about getting rid of the Bill and Ted show. Main speaker (sorry, not sure who it is...Aiello maybe?) said it's his LAST YEAR involved with Bill & Ted. He's been involved for about 9 years and directed it the past 5 years. "Did you already have this story in mind years ago when you introduced all the various icons?" (pause) I have to say that's an answer we really don't want to reveal! Some of us weren't even involved with the planning 20 years ago, but TJ was...I was a member of the Chainsaw Team back then. Manifesting Fear as a physical presense is a scary thing. To literally be within Fear's grasp. We decided that a while ago and over the past months TJ and the Web Team have fleshed that out and developed a whole back story. "In 2002 you had to abandon your icon (Cindy) to to events and you very publically said you were changing it. What changed that made you tink it was OK to do a house based on a child this year?" Cindy has always been a psuedo icon. When we put her out there and introduced her to the fans and then we pulled her from the event...there was an outrage there from the fans. That was the Caretaker year...if we hadn't pulled Cindy, we never would have had a Caretaker. We've known that since Cindy was created she's had a backstory that has basically been created by the fans. We placed images of her in houses that the Caretaker was associated with. This year, she is not the Icon of the event, but we knew in the 20th year we had to have a house for the fans that centered around Cindy. We've known for a long time that fans wanted to see more of her. In the 2009 Shadows of the Past Zone added at the end of the year, Jack would be right there and people would run by him to get their picture taken with Cindy! "How do you take the concept of fear and bring it to live to actually have a face? What is this guy going to look like?" We can't comment on this right now, because as the weeks go by, you'll see more and more of Fear revealed. We've only revealed part of his facial structure so far...there's a lot going on with this guy, he's a BIG BIG THING. As the weeks progress, you'll see more of him and how he progresses and how he's linked to the past 20 years. He HAS been with the even for the past 20 years and you will see and undersand that. He's more monsterous and less human than the other 5 main icons. He's a bigger presence. "Is he a presence that we will actually physically see in the park as opposed to something more of just from an advertising standpoint?" They will see it, feel it, taste it. He is an all encompassing figure. "I ask because the Usher wasn't really seen in the park, but he was a force in the advertising campain" The Icon that is fear has a presence in the advertising campaing...but yes, absolutely, he is represented physically in the park. And maybe in the entryway video as you come into the park. "You might be rolling your eyes at this one, but do the trees have anything significant to do with this year or was that just something to throw us off?" To be honest, trees came up early in the year and they sorta fell off the table (got some feedback on the recording so I might have that part wrong) but as you can see there are still roots involved with the latern and stuff. They definately have a visual impact this year.
  7. For anybody who's interested, here is the Webcast in MP3 format: http://www.filedropper.com/01hhnxxwebcast I'm not much of a techie, but I wanted to make an MP3 to listen to it on my MP3 player. Recorded it in Mono via Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/) and then exported as a LAME MP3. File Dropper was the first legit looking hit on "Free File Hosting". It's about 40MB, it zipped down to about 30MB but I know that ZIPs often hide viruses and make people nervous. No promises about the audio quality or anytihng, but figured I'd share with anybody interested. Of course, this stream is by Behind the Thrills (http://behindthethrills.com/?p=2090) and I have NOTHING to do with it...just captured the audio for those who have difficulty streaming it. Worked fine for me on my MP3 player (Zune....didn't make a WMA for Apple iPod users) and figured I'd share.
  8. 1. Zombiegeddon 2. Orfanage 3. Psychoscarepy 4. Horror NIghts 5. Hades 6. Havoc 7. Catacombs 8. Legendary Truth
  9. 1. XX - Fear Revealed 2. HHN: 20 Years of Fear 3. Zombie Gras 4. The Coven 5. Esqueleto Muerte 6. Saw 'n Steam
  10. DEFINITELY go with the first option if you are ONLY there for the 10th. As a Sunday, it's hit or miss on the business. I've been there years where Sun has been dead, and others where it's been busier than Fri or Sat (probably because of the discounted tickets). The Stay And Scream is cool as you usually get "released" a little early...you'll probably get 2 houses done without any real lines, but you could probably do those same two houses in 20min if you came in the main gate and made a B-Line for the back of the park instead of starting with the first few houses when you get let in like 85% of the people do. If you get in line about an hour before the gates open (as they'll sometimes check your tickets and let you in a little further) you shouldn't have a problem getting all the houses done by Midnight. I've gone every year but one since 2004 and with the exception of a Sat when Freddy, Jason and Leatherface were there, there wansn't a night we COULDN'T have done everything we wanted to. We usually go the first or second weekend before the crowds get too crazy, so we're probably talking the same timeframe. But to GUARANTEE you get everything done, the Express option is your best/safest bet.
  11. DEFINATELY looks like that! The other hearse one looks familiar, but looking at my pictures I don't seem to have one handy...though the year Enigma was sanding his own face in the Freak Show by The Mummy, I remember it being there on the corner. I live in NY and the ONLY time I go to Orlando each year is Horror Nights for 3-5 days so I'm not up on all the lingo and areas and stuff. Sorry!
  12. I might be the ONLY person on this forum who says this...but I'D LOVE for the parade to come back!!!!!!!
  13. New Photos as well as well as Behind the Screams are now LIVE!
  14. Ummm, that would be cool if you could get in without a ticket. $75 sounds a little steep for a movie double feature
  15. I just sent a text via Verizon and it worked fine. Totally non-top related...but did anybody else text 46464 or 646464 or something last year (possibly after too many drinks like myself) and get a return text from the Black National Congress? Ha ha ha. I got 2 calls from them in early November last year, but haven't heard back since...but got a text about 2 months ago asking me to "renew" my contact info with them
  16. From Screamscape http://www.screamscape.com/html/universal_orlando.htm
  17. Contamination had less soap suds than my sink doing dishes, but they DID have a little foam coming out of the corners. And yeah...I'm one of the drunks would would probably fall on his face, but I'm a cool trunk who doesn't F*** with others and would laugh at myself for months if I fell in soap suds!
  18. That's from SAW VI...the merry go round thingie with the Dog Pound (the people doing the research to deny insurance customers coverage) on it with the shotgun trap. I think Billy the Puppet had swirls since SAW1 too, but could be wrong.
  19. Please the Treaks and Foons pic mean that the foam machine will be back! That's before my time and I REALLY want to experience that
  20. M Night Shamazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Lady in the water was the most boring movie ever. The Happening was the funniest movie in history...without trying to be. Haven't seen Last Airbender and have no desire to. I think they'd be well advised to stay away from ANYTHING he does until he decides to make Unbreakable 2. As much as I hate most of his movies, I really enjoyed that one and it was definately an "origins" movie crying for a sequel and I really liked it. Universal wanted to remove his name from the promotions, but I guess "From the Mind of M Night Shylamalamadingdong" didn't count: http://geektyrant.com/news/2010/7/7/universal-removes-m-night-shyamalans-name-from-devil.html M. Night Shyamalan isn't doing very well these days. His latest film The Last Airbender is one of the worst reviewed movies of the year, and it was only a matter of time before it started affecting his career. Universal Pictures has removed M. Night Syamalan's name from his upcoming produced film Devil. They've decided to retitle The Night Chronicles: Devil to simply Devil. I honestly don't blame Universal for making the change. Shyamalan has lost his touch, and he's no longer a marketable or profitable name. The Last Airbender was his last chance to pull himself out of the hole he's been in, and he failed.
  21. OK, this has nothin' to do with nothin' but.... I REALLY hope Hellgate Prison comes back! That was the first year I went and I thought it was awesome! Then in hindsight, I always wondered if it was a result of it being my first ever house, but it scared the bejesus out of me and the Scareactors were amazing! They went all out to scare us guys (most seem to ignore us for the girls that will scream) and some of the stuff they said would make a sailor blush. I mean, it REALLY was a "Rated R" house and not just for the gore, but the stuff they said. There was a girl in front of us the one scareactor took a particular liking to...and lets just say he paraphrased Multiple Miggs and his comment to Clarice Starling in Silence of the Lambs. It was just so intense and imersive. In subsequent years, it seems more like "let's walk through, look at the gore and amazing props, and get the "boo scares". The first year, Hellgate Prison was just crazy and honestly SCARY. Some dumb woman brought her 8-12 year old daughter with her and she came running out crying while her drunk mother tried to drag her back in. We were about 20 people behind them and when we went in (like our 3rd or 4th time doing the house), the first guy running around inside was bragging about some not-so-plesant things he did to make her cry. I'd love to see them ramping it back up in intesity again! Last year was the most risque Bill and Teds since my first year where they used all kinds of four letter words, so maybe they are moving in that direction. I hope they go all out for XX and tell the scareactors that EVERYTHING is game and to go for broke.
  22. It's unusually hot and humid in the Northeast...I'd guess that it's the same in Florida (my father lives in Myrtle Beach and said it's CRAZY hot and humid there). My guess it's just some kind of humidity and heat related thing. Like a cold glass sweats in heat...hot air rises, so leaking down from the top is no surprise. I doubt there's water involved in the house...and even if there is, I doubt it's "running" in July.
  23. Pick a general area (like 1/4 of the lantern) and focus on that quadrant...you should see a FLASH, really quick, that is different. Those are the faces. I don't know how many FPS (frames per second) that the flash runs on, but you really can't see and discern the pictures with the naked eye. You need someone who has the flash applications and can go into the SWF file and "take it apart" or decompile it. Someone did that and took out the single frame images. So don't feel bad that you couldn't see it...you aren't meant to.
  24. I COMPLETELY agree with you there. But they had the Carnival of Carnage and as someone who went a few years before that, the crowds were MUCH larger that year. I think the recognizable movie icons made for bigger crowds and Universal is a BUSINESS and bigger crowds = bigger money. Last year, they followed up with another 3 big movie icons and again, huge (if not record) crowds. I think it would be a disservice to their stockholders to break away from that formula. Bill & Teds is just popculture show based 90% on movies and/or movie stars and is a huge draw every night. I think it just makes sense for them to stick with the movie houses. But that wasn't really my question...my question was WHY is everybody saying "NO MOVIE HOUSES THIS YEAR!!!" and getting pi$$ed whenever anybody mentions a movie house? This is a SPECULATION site and I haven't heard any OFFICIAL confirmation that there will be no movie houses this year. The site updating their character list shows movie icons. They've had 3 MAJOR movie Icons each of the last 2 years. I just don't understand how Roddy leaving automatically means no movie houses...like he was the ONLY person at Universal who actually liked movies. Personally, I'm hoping for NO movie houses and a "Best Of" reunion for HHNs 1-13...the years I didn't attend. It sounds to me like most people don't want movie houses so they're irrationally latching onto the rumors of no movie icons and declaring them gospel and berating anybody who thinks otherwise. Just asking, is there definitive proof that there will be NO movie houses this year? EDIT: Thanks Dr Jimmy...your intelligent and very explanatory answer was posted while I was composing my novel
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