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The Director of Horror

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Posts posted by The Director of Horror

  1. I didn't really know whether to PM someone or post it here so:

    Just like the past eight years for me, I'm having a very eleborate halloween party. This year the theme is horror movies. I'm using the title Silver Screams for this years haunt, except my version of Silver Screams will have Frankenstein, Dracula, and the Wolfman. Along with the Palace Theater, I will make a drive-in, The Moonlight Drive-In. It will have a fairly large drive-in screen, two cars, vintage drive-in speakers, a wooden concession stand and clips of intermission ads and trailers. Anyways, the Moonlight Drive-In will have Regan, Norman Bates, and the SAW Pigface, representing "semi-classics" and modern. Do any former HHN actors have any tips or pointers for them. Also any pointers for the house actors (Julian/Frank/Drac/Brides/ Gypsies/Wolfman/ect. would be great!

  2. I'd love to chime in! I have done A LOT of floorplan blueprints on paper and some on Revit. I've done a very elaborate home-haunt for the past 8 years. I design all the sets, some costumes, and a lot of other things.

    So I'd love to be creative director or mostly any other thing, but not shows, I have hardly any sense of humor. :lol:

  3. If your talking about a Frequent Fear Pass for Islands, then sorry but there is no such thing. I think you are asking about the ticket that gets you into IOA about 3 hours prior to the event for $15.00. I think its called Scream Early or something like that. When I got that ticket in 2008, we got to IOA at around 4, did every ride and walked out the main exit for IOA and walked into HHN through the main entrance. They tell you you can go to HHN through a backstage entrance but idk I never did that.

    "Add Halloween Horror Nights to your regular daytime park ticket!

    Daytime guests to Universal Studios® Florida and Universals Islands of Adventure® can save on admission to Halloween Horror Nights® with a Stay & Scream upgrade."

    From what Oysterhead said, it sounded like you can go to USO during the day and stay in a holding area and then go to a couple houses in that area, whether it's NY or Kidzone. (which all of that is true) But when the website said USO or IOA for Stay & Scream that made me think the same about USO, they'd escort us over and hold us in NY.

    But now I understand. (Scream Early wasn't what I was thinking of though.)

  4. Scary Tales (didn't go in it, but loved it so much I made a "remake" of it for my 08 garage/yard haunt)

    Leave it to Cleaver (wasn't may favorite house of RftSS, but loved the theme/feel/vibe)

    Silver Screams (favorite house of RftSS)

    S.S. Frightanic (from what some say, it sounds like it was a cool house)

    H.R. Bloodengutz Presents: Holidays of Horror

    *HHN Ripped from the Silver Screen was my first year, but there are such things as reviews, photos, and videos*

  5. I wonder if they will have a 'big honking Evil Tree' as the enterance to the park? Or perhaps in the area The Arrival and Carnival of Carnage shows occupied.

    I am so ready for this year. I need some serious scares to relieve some stress.


    I posted my idea for one HHN year, and it was called "History of Horror" that showed, well... the history of horror on another site. It had a scarezone where Cirque du Freak was last year, between Central Park and Kidzone. It had this huge tree "coming out of the ground" from various spots on the circumfrence of the circular layout of that area. My creation went up about 30 feet into the air. Is a somewhat abstract thing to visualize.

    Is this practical, probally not, but it's a neat thing to think about.

    What would it be made of, I don't know.

    A good sized portion of the budget would go towards this, but it would be the main scarezone, the heart of the event.

    Was Cirque du Freak freakishly crowded, yes!


    I found these images when I was looking through Charles' facebook group and noticed a couple of new photos: (there has been some speculation on an AVP house)





    The rest of the photos are on facebook.

  7. How/why/who would they have a contract (with) to use a prop every year? Not saying your wrong, just doesn't make sense.

    Truly, I have no clue. I was searching on the internet and found this. I really have no clue as to where they bought it, or why they have a contract. Wish I knew more, but I could ask our guide on this year's UTH tour (if there is one) about it.

  8. Dr. Jimmy, Michael did say "It's all in the audio." to a guest when they asked why Bloody Mary, Director, and the Storyteller weren't there, right. I think I remember him saying that somewhere along the lines when someone asked why they weren't there. So if you look at it in an abstract way, the scenic and actors were there in the SZ, but the audio was the main clue to HHNXX.

    HHNAmber, about the vortex: I heard our tour guide on our UTH Tour that HHN has been on a contract with having to use the vortex every year at HHN. I think they've been using it since 06, mabye earlier than that. I think the "vortex" listed on the scene name permits was the same old vortex used in Chucky, IT, ect. But if they have the vortex in the house to be possibly themed toward another Dungeon or "Years Past", that probally means no 3-D/funhouse.

  9. Does anyone else ever see the subway commercial with the song that played in pyschoscareapy by midnight syndicate and it just makes you think of Halloween Horror Nights and that scare house or is it just me? I cant be the only one...

    It was also on that car commercial. I always turn up the volume on the tv really loud when it comes on.

  10. About the scene names, I wouldn't necessarily like to have a Medusa/Greek house for HHN's 20 anniversary. The houses should be best of the best or icon houses, something along the lines.

    In spec. thoughts: Body Collectors: CftP & The Hallow were based on myths (the website clearly stated that.) Medusa was a mythological creature, right. About the Parade Building house: there's going to be the vortex , and most 3-D/funhouse houses have the vortex, does that mean, no 3-D/funhouse type of house. Also, the Rat Lady Corridor is room #9, the second to last room. Could that mean you enter the house set during recent years and travel back in time towards Fright Nights and the first appearance of the Rat Lady?

    Sorry if my ideas are too far-fetcher or "out-there". I seem to over-interrogare things.

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