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Leonardo Van IcePickasso

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Posts posted by Leonardo Van IcePickasso

  1. I hope you scareactors don't mind when me and my friend play along with you!

    We were walking through HHNXX scarezone and the director was talking to us. We asked if we could be in his movies and stuff and he kept talking about wanting to kill us. My friend wanted the bloodier gorier death and the Director was willing to give him that part.

    I enjoy doing that with the scareactors. Everytime we see the Pumpkin we keep wanting to talk to him for a few minutes.

  2. I agree with Stephanie. When me and a friend went on Employee Preview, we didn't get to go in the house because it was either too busy or down for technicals. No big deal, we were planning on going Opening and having it be one of the first houses to get to(whatever houses we didn't get the first time around got top priority) so when we got through the gates, we hurried to Orfanage. The line was dead, so we went into the house alone. It was brilliant, but I can see how beneficial it is to be with people ahead of you because it's hard to navigate and the house was pretty dark(probably because our eyes needed more time to adjust after coming through the light) and so we got jumped by everyone! Us going through it alone was like going through HOS' 'Alone' house but not having to pay extra for it :D

    We got to go through the house twice, but waited a while the second time for opening night. It was later on at night by the time we got there a second time and the scares were much more amped up the second time around. We saw more Cindy that second time around.

  3. Maybe he's related to the Terra Queen? Hahaha. I kid, but that's what I thought when I saw glimpses of the top of his head in the video.

    This year is interesting because every year, we've had well known characters from either movies or popular culture to sort of guide us. This is a "back-to-basics" feel this year, more on ideas and stories than just characters we've known and loved before. Yes, we have a few returning ideas from past HHN, but everything else is very based on myths, paranormal activity and horror favorites like zombies and ghosts.

    Most excited: Hades, Psycho-Scareapy, Orfanage and HHN Hallow'd Past.

    I totally agree. Even in Bloody Mary year there were some houses based on movies, but we finally have original houses. I'm excited to see everything. But most of all, Hades, Orfanage(not based on the film mind you), Hallow'd Past, Even Legendary Truth may be really interesting.

  4. Sorry, haven't been on in a while. Last week I had to deal with some jury duty thing and plus work and other things kept getting in the way. I don't mind if you want to use the creatures as a house instead and replace it with the mutated bugs. It still fits with the theme of the zone. Alien Invasion is alright too. HHNFan sent me a lot of the ideas for Bill and Ted that we brainstormed, so expect that coming up when we get to write it. I have a lot of the ideas swimming around in my head for it!

  5. I'd be more than willing to help HHNFan out with show writing, I've taken lots of writing classes before and have pretty much finished my original task of scarezone creating. If he hasn't heard anything back from his co-writer.

  6. I don't know if the house designers and so forth will be able to make the deadline, I think we should figure out where we're at right now in terms of what we have done what else needs to be worked on.

    The icon himself has the Trick R Treat house, but with his backstory and all, I don't think we would be able to come up with 8 mazes all based on traditional Halloween stuff. I can see how you want to stay out of the 'making houses based on movies' idea and I can respect that, but I don't think the main focus should be so much on making sure they connect with the icon, heck a few scarezones I have aren't in connection.

    The theme and backstory of the icon we have could be pretty much tied up in one house. They don't all have to be centered around the icon. 08 did a great job, connecting them all but 09 had a few houses that were borderline not with the theme i.e. Cleaver and Spawning. Julian was more of a fan of classic horror, even the Wolfman house was referencing to the remake more than the old Wolfman, and I wouldn't picture Julian giving the new Wolfman the time of day. Silver Screams, his house, did indeed feature a lot of recent horror movies and Phantom was really the only classic, yes, but it is a bit about marketing. The house appeases to the general public. They knew most of the people going to the event were familiar with the newer horrors more than the old, so the newer ones were featured more.

    During Jack's years did every house involve clowns? Director's involve all of his movies? Caretaker..whose theme was originally more for Cindy than him?

    So in conclusion, the icon and theme are fine, it's just very limiting to make it all about traditional halloween customs and Sam's version of Halloween, I'm sure house designers are probably pulling their hairs trying to figure out how to make their houses connect with Sam.

  7. Just to let you guys know, I finished the scare zones and submitted them to Agent. I'm happy with what I came up with and hopefully you'll find at least one you'll be happy with too! Special thanks to Director of Horror and Agent for the ideas you gave me and I modified them a bit but still kept a few of your most important points!

  8. Haha i know I know but this is something I'm passionate about and it's my dream so I think you can understan why I want it to be perfect. I will chang to shorts and a tshirt and thanks for the other tips. So showing up way early won't better your chances for a job because if you show up near audition time then they could have already caster someone in the part you could have gotten had you of been in before them right? That wAs somehig I read here and on other tip places about auditions. Otherwise I think I'm ready, ready for any question they ask they only thing that's unpredictable for me is if they ask todemonstrate scare tactic, maybe I'll reenact CD last year when he scared he frack outta me, stupid bride distraction!

    my audition last year was showing up and having them ask us what our favorite horror movie was. They'll be simple questions like that, or they'll have you say something using a scare tactic. My experience in all kinds of auditions is to relax and show some confidence, don't sit there and talk talk talk. Oh my god, when I went last year they asked us that question and some guy talked and talked explaining why his movie was his favorite horror and I'm sure everyone was like 'shut the fuck up' hahaha.

  9. eh I'm not sure if I would do another zombie scarezone. They seem to always have a zombie one. But you know what would be kinda of a neat twist? having zombies, vampires and werewolves all in the scarezone and they're either all teaming up or at war with each other and the guests are caught in the middle....

  10. I like that it takes on a traditional approach to Halloween. I don't know if my idea I sent you for an SZ might fit into the mold of traditional Halloween, but sometimes scarezones don't always have to be tied in.

    I liked Reaper's idea for a Voodoo House instead, maybe we'll do a voodoo theme at the next event, who knows, but I did like it as a house instead of being the center of the whole event. Whatever ya guys wanna do with that.

    I think it would be cool to add to Sam's character that he really hates what Halloween has become over the last 10-20 years. It doesn't seem to be as big of a day as it used to be, and now he's looking to bring it back?

    Scarezones that are currently under construction:

    Trick r' Treat(title may change though to not be confused with the house): This is mainly reference to Sam's "helpers" and idea that pumpkins are a traditional icon of Halloween. His followers who wear pumpkin or scarecrow costumes sent to hunt down their latest victims on Halloween, getting vengeance against those who mutilate pumpkins. The helpers are here to decapitate the victims and make THEM the icons of Sam's Halloween. Carving out their heads. The zone is decorated with already carved victims, with their eyes poked out and for creepy but cool effect, the heads have their skin still attached AND candles are placed inside the victims' heads!

    credit: Agent and Director of Horror

    **Any ideas for a location?

    Salem(working title, any ideas for a title are fine): Thanks to Director of Horror for the idea of witches. I was also able to add to it by sticking to a scarezone centered around the Salem witches. They aren't traditional witches with the broom and hats, but the innocent men and women of Salem who were put on trial then burned, drowned, etc. They are back to haunt, and the costumes they wear resemble that of the Salem days, but they and their faces are burned, wet(for the ones who are drowned), etc.

    **Location ideas?

    The Halloween Tree: The tree is set on a scaffold standing 30 feet! Still under construction in terms of what would go on in the atmosphere and with scareactors.

    Credit: Director of Horror

    Location: Between Central Park and Kidzone, last year's Cirque location.

    As for the idea that I had which I mentioned that might seem out of place in this traditional halloween theme, but I did like since it would have monsters and creatures:

    Do you believe in the Mothman of West Virginia? Big Foot? The Beast of Bray Road? You will when you wander into this scarezone. There are more humanoid creatures out there that have yet to be discovered: Humanoid Birds, Canines, Felines, and many more scareactors run amoke after they had been captured by officials, held up in Area 51 but escaped. Unfortunately, I don't know if Loch Ness Monster would make an appearance..

    Location idea: Where Army of the Dead was last year.

  11. Yup, I like Adise and Oji as first names the best. Those could be his real name, but he might have a "killer" name too like Caretaker has a real name and so does Director... I think he could have a cool personality, maybe he does head shrinking too or something?

    I'm liking everyone's thoughts so far!

    Who should I contact about scarezone design and characters? I can come up with ideas for things, but am not much of a designer for either. I ran my first idea by Agent and he liked it...

  12. I told him to check the forum out again when he gets the chance and told him he had been given a task. May want to have a backup person to do the task just in case, as he's a major procrastinator and could be forgetful for these kinds of things haha. I'll submit the idea I have already for a scarezone to ya via PM and will continue to think of more!

  13. That's good for me. I definitely don't think I'm creative enough to do a house or anything, but I can submit ideas for them or icons or something. I have a scarezone idea anyway. Do you want me to try to think of more though?

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