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Posts posted by USHER6998

  1. So after carefully thinking about this for a few weeks the line up I would love to see is

    1. Jordan peele’s candyman

    2. The conjuring universe

    3. Nightmare on elm street 

    4. 30 anniversary house

    5. scarecrow Sequel

    6. Slaughter sinema sequel

    7. Leave it to cleaver sequel

    8. Body collectors sequel

    9. OG house

    10. OG house



    1. The final purge

    2. Saw

    3. Icons

    4. OG

    5. OG



    1. Lagoon show

    2. Bill and Ted : Reunion Tour feat. AOV

    • Like 2
  2. My line up I would love to see next year would be 

    1. Nightmare on elm street:cause you can never have to much Freddy. 

    2. The Witcher: if a Netflix property is to be featured I think a bad ass monster hunter house would be cooler then haunting of hill house.  I just personally feel like hill house wouldn’t translate that well into a show. 

    3. Candyman: Jordan Peele got a US house this year and is apparently happy with the final results so I can absolutely see his sequel coming to the event next year. 

    4. Halloween 2018: having the first before Halloween kills comes out a month later just makes sense to me

    5. 13 Ghosts: it’s probably the least likely of the 5 IPs but would love to see this house eventually!!!

    6. Dungeon of Terra Cruentes: it’s been said why this house needs to be done above and I just absolutely think this is a bad ass name and could be a seriously twisted house!

    7. Slaughter sinema 2: the first house was such a huge success and the ideas for this house are endless and I could see it becoming the new scary tales. 

    8. Nightingales vs Body Collectors

    9. Scarecrow sequel

    10. A brand new original house because I don’t want to see just old properties the entire event

    • Like 5
  3. 4 minutes ago, itsabee said:

    Oh okay cool !! The guy was a vamp last year and he was very close to me because of the vibe of that zone, going to the extent of growling in my ear. I’m kind of just like...yikes about that. I love adult energy in general, just not around him because I know his history, I guess.


    I know next to nothing about Rob Zombie’s music because metal isn’t really my thing. Do you know of specific songs I should check out as a little bit of HHN prep so I can understand elements of the zone?

    DRAGULA and living dead girl for sure. My personal favorite is demonoid phenomenon! Honestly I would just give the album hellbilly delux a listen takes like 40 min start to finish!

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, HorrorUnearthed said:

    After seeing this, am I the only one who sees the circus tent from Killer Klowns From Outer Space being the facade? 

    I mean an announcement coming out of nowhere isn't new coming from Orlando and Hollywood, it's happened before, I hope it's Orlando releasing either the other originals or more information for tickets even if it's in a video package or something. 

    Personally I’m ready for some scarezones

    • Like 3
  5. On 5/10/2019 at 12:27 AM, HorrorUnearthed said:

    As much as it looks that Stranger Things could be the main house this year, my money is on Ghostbusters, I mean both have been sorta long awaited but Ghostbusters has so much, so it'd definitely be a safe bet that Ghostbusters would be getting much more of a due this year. No offense to Stranger Things.

    I mean they are definitely playing it safe, but they definitely have to pay attention how much time they have left in releasing everything in one go, 119 Days left till the event and there is a lot of dead space for them to use. With Harry Potter though getting a lot of promotional coverage at the moment, looks like we might be waiting till June.

    I think we are probably good for a announcement next week more then likely scarezones if it goes by last years schedule. I think potter won’t bother anything till the week it opens but I have a feeling that July will be hard for announcements with all the galaxy edge publicity happening. Also academy of villains will prob be announced. 

  6. Bill and Ted approves of the page number. 

    52 minutes ago, Rikku said:

    Could Tooth Fairy be part of the Scary Tales franchise? But I hope that house is as dark as the one in Knott's was, I really liked that house over there.


    But reviewing the map again and if it is that line up, I'm not mad at the list this year (except for like I said maybe Ghostbusters, but will see I'll try to give it benefit of doubt), it is quiet the eclectic line up....very unusual or at least from what we have seen at the event recently. Not to many really striking fear or really pushing the horror in horror nights....will still be wonderful as always it just is interesting....not trying to totally stir up the debate again of gore vs no gore and all that from a few pages back just again it is an interesting line up

    I really hope toothfairy isn’t part of scary tales. We just had it last year and it wasn’t that great last year. 

    • Like 3
  7. 55 minutes ago, HorrorUnearthed said:

    Yeah it sounds like a really cool concept and honestly I thought they were still taking a break from 3D houses, I honestly just wanna enjoy Killer Klowns as it's own thing no 3D, they could make it really colorful and stuff then again I mean after seeing Asylum In Wonderland, I mean it would be really cool to do it but I hope they don't make House of 1000 Corpses in 3D then because that would be an eye sore, some houses deserve the 3D house treatment and others just need the really good visuals.

    If I’m not wrong didn’t Hollywood do house of 1000 in 3D?

  8. 10 minutes ago, Luigi18512 said:

    So are we as the guests going to be the ones doing the hiding, evil monsters hiding, or a bunch of kids hiding and we watch the consequences of them hiding in a graveyard?

    I would assume a mixture of the three. Kind of gives me twisted traditions vibes with the kids opening the church.

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