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Posts posted by electro_killer

  1. ok i got another question for anyone who can answer this one.

    i checked last years prices and it said FOL was 69$ is that the price for the ticket to HHN and FOL or is 69$ added to reg ticket price?

    I bought that last year. Its $69 TOTAL. (including park admission) BUT if you're buying FOTL and printing them at home, be sure to get there a little earlier than you normally would because you need to go to a booth, give them those tickets you printed, get them processed, and then they will actually give you the FOTL pass.

  2. Whoa the facade for Walking Dead is shaping up to be pretty epic. Idk how that person got so close to get such great shots of it, but kudos. When I was there in July it was gated and the curtain was up. The TT prop cars have always been out, they're just normally covered up by storage containers and what not, which have now been moved thus making the cars visible. Am I to understand that the Mummy queue maze has been flipped? So we are now entering through the other side? And while on the subject, how are these updaters always able to "drive" by that other side? They always seem to be on some sort of cart driving by.

  3. I was there right before the 4th of July. Terminator queue house is coming along nicely. I'm a little worried about the JP house though, there is literally NOTHING down there. But the same thing happened last year with Terminator and they still pulled it off. I saw a few steel drums on the backlot as far as TT is concerned. I can't wait to see more pictures and videos. I won't be able to make it to the park until HHN.

  4. My story didn't take place DURING HHN, But happened @ HoH, or it may have still been Van Helsing at the time. But as we exited the maze, my nephew and I decided to stand at the exit and watch everyone come running out scared. As we stood there a group of girls came running out, and one of the girls immediately ran off to the side underneath the emergency exit stairs. They stood there for a good 5 minutes until an employee told them they needed to clear the area. As they began to walk out, we realized what had happened. One of the girls had peed her pants XD.

  5. I think youre forgetting that House of Horrors itself is/was an overlay, prior to that it was Van Helsing: Fortress of Dracula. Not to mention prior to that it was the Mummys Tomb. So my vote would have to be HoH. Everything after that seemed lackluster. I'm sure someone is going to defend HoH and the fact that they cant do anything with it due to day time guests blah blah blah. But it still needs to be revamped. How long has it been Van Helsing/HoH?! Mummy didn't last long, its time for a MAJOR makeover.

  6. Terror Tram was a total let down, which really sucks because normally its the start of my night and it sucked the big one. The new fence maze in front of the Bates Motel was a complete cluster fuck. It slowed us all down and due to the fact that we were conga lining our asses through there it lost its scare factor. And every thing else........ eh. I have full faith that Murdy will improve this for next year.

  7. Wow, I'm surprised to read such mixed reviews on this. I thought this maze was amazing! Then again it wasnt high on my expectation list so maybe anything would have sufficed. But I loved it, the costumes were great and I liked the atmosphere. (I know I'm SUPER late on writing reviews but Ive been hella busy with school.)

  8. I really think Ghost Face could have been an amazing icon. But I don't think he was utilized properly. I mean if you think about it, he knows all about horror movies and could have turned the park into his own horror movie, or it could have been an all movie based year and he could have taken us into his favorite scary movies.

    Other than that I've always been on board with Sam from Trick R' Treat.

  9. same thoughts here. After seeing the video i wasnt to impressed by the costumes or the SZ. well the costumes looked descent but im really upset to that after 2007 they no longer decorated the lower lot. Its like they took 1 step forward and 2 steps back. We upgraded and than downgraded. Hopefully in the upcoming years the lower lot will receive more love

    I guess I can see the logic in it, it can get pretty crowded down there, so I guess they need the space. Idk. The lower lot just SCREAMS (no pun intended) for some lovin.

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