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Posts posted by nellie_lovett

  1. This song personifies Big Band. The layout gives me such a great Boardwalk Empire vibe.

    As someone who primarily loves The Director because of the use of "You Oughta Be In Pictures" in his promos, I couldn't agree more. If they do go with that era, I would love to hear them use old big band and swing classics to at least set the mood.

    And as anyone who has played Bioshock knows, oldies being played on an old gramophone in a dark room is always creepy, despite how cheerful the actual song is.

  2. I've listened to several different versions of "Luck be a Lady". The song on the page doesn't sound like any version I've heard. I've been searching for different Big Band era Gambling related songs, I've got nothing so far.

    Its definitely not "Luck Be A Lady". Especially if we're keeping with the speculated time period of the 1920's-1930's, as that song wasn't written until 1950. You're looking for big band (later 1930's and 1940's) and swing (1930's).

    Think Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw...the like.

  3. Sorry if I confused anyone before with my throwaway comment about "Luck Be A Lady"...obviously its NOT that song, which I'm pretty sure wasn't a standard until the 50's.

    I'm trying to figure the song that is playing, however. Is it just generic music or is it a section from an actual song? It makes me thing of Benny Goodman.

    Any fans of big band recognize it?

  4. Well, I don't know why I didn't think of a gambling theme sooner. Especially with it being HHN 21...the blackjack connections and all, not to mention that HHN is legally able to drink in the US. ;)

    But I think the theme of gambling would work, especially if kept to that 1920's gangster-esque theme mentioned before. Or maybe that's just because I love vintagey things in general. But that would be interesting to say the least.

    But we know A&D likes to twist things up, so I'm expecting to see something a bit more interesting than just a scary blackjack dealer or possessed casino.

  5. My graduation was terrible. It started to rain a bit so they skipped right to the diplomas and stuff. And then we did the tassle thing and threw our caps. Then the rain cleared up so they decided to go back and do all the speeches they skipped. And then it rained hard.


  6. Hey guys...anyone remember me?

    Because I'm back. Back again. Alex is back. Tell a friend.

    To quickly catch you all up: Tomorrow I will officially be a high school graduate (provided I don't kill myself during the long, dreadful graduation ceremony) and by August 26th I will be living in NYC doing a double major in Archaeology/Anthropology at Hunter College.

    Time flies...remember when I first met a lot of you back during HHN 18? I feel old.

  7. Sorry to be "that guy" and go back to something that was mentioned a while ago (hey, I've just came back to the forum after a long hiatus)...but I really love the idea of literature gone wrong. But I think it would only work if it was non-horror literature. I mean, there's plenty of obvious horror literature targets (Frankenstein, Dracula, anything by Poe, Lovecraft, etc.). But sort of along the lines of taking something that has very few horror ties and twisting it would be good, but not in the vein of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies or Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. That's more along the lines of adding absurdities for the sake of quirkiness. I mean like, something has gone terribly wrong with these books and they're being twisted to the point of pure, unadulterated horror. But there is the problem of an Icon...while I could see an event like that working without one, having one would cut it too close to the Storyteller. Although an evil librarian would be cool, as mentioned before.

    Or maybe someone who writes too much fanfiction and starts twisting classic works to meet their sick, fanficiton-y needs. Some fanfiction writers are pretty scary.

    That was all more of wishful thinking than speculation. Sorry guys. I'm still a bit rusty. Here's to a new update soon!

  8. I agree with the Facebook thing. That was a disaster, really. So much frustration from going on that page every day for more information and then seeing people fighting and complaining. I feel bad for whoever at A&D decided that would be a good idea...it really got out of hand, didn't it? Which is a shame, because it could have been so good.

    I really hope they stick with using the LT website (or maybe a website for the new, separate faction that split from LT?) for major updates and maybe they can use the FB page more for general information, pointing newbies in the right direction, etc.

    Or at least keep the FB profiles going so that hardcore fans can get deeper into the whole game and keep in contact with the LT people.

  9. You would think that the fact that the event has started there would at least be a warning in the LT page....ugh this year is so boring

    Well, do remember that LT was introduced later during the event in 2008.

    I also recall someone saying that A&D was going to wait until at least after the 2nd week before they get into more LT investigations.

    Patience, padawans!

  10. My personal view is that Facebook isn't the right spot for LT, too much chaos and static. They need to go back to their website and start developing things again.

    Its weird, because on one hand I think it was a great idea. The game got more personal with FB and it was interesting to have this one on one connection at times with our superiors.

    On the other hand, between spamming and very confused people, it gets frustrating. Especially when you're trying to find information that you missed and such.

    If anything, LT should give more time to its website. I know that it was part of the storyline that the website was "hijacked", which explained how little it was used so far, but its so much easier to get information from there. Especially doing Q and A's, thank goodness we had people from here copying and pasting answers from it in a neat post.

  11. So suddenly within the last week I learn my Dad needs to have open heart surgery (which will happen Tuesday), wow so far 2010 sucks....

    D'aww, I'm sorry. I hope everything ends up alright for you and your dad. :(

    .....quickly switching gears from that....

    Now, not to be spammy or be crazy with shameless plugs, but I'm entered in an art contest that could win my high school's art program much needed money and laptops. It would be lovely if any of you guys could just go on this link http://www.dosomething.org/make-art-save-art/design/daytime-city-art and use the buttons on the bottom to either share it on Facebook or Twitter?

    My high school has been having bad budget cuts and we have so many talented art students there that deserve the best, so it would be great if you guys could help.


  12. But what if...what if instead of serving FEAR, or being sacrificed into some sort of magical flame to bring forth FEAR...what if the 5 icons ARE FEAR? What if, somehow, FEAR had been split into these 5 beings, each very powerful in his or her own right, but each only a shadow of the whole? What if the power of the Portamentus is not to create a gateway to another world...remember Aiello (I think) specifically stated that FEAR had ALWAYS been with them...but to actually somehow physically merge the icons into one single being?

    We've heard again and again that we would be seeing the icons at HHNXX in a way they've never been seen before...and this sure as shit would qualify.

    Or...maybe I've had too much to drink. Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash.

    Nah, I get what you're saying. Personally, however, I think the 5 are just going to be used as minions, but your idea would be cool.

    Not gonna lie, I read that fast and thought, "what the hell, is he talking about Horcruxes?"

    Whoo, I'm tired.

  13. I seriously think for the most part the investigation is stalled until closer to the event, and that last night was an attempt to entertain and clear things up that had in some ways the opposite effect. It may also be the case as has happened before in LT, that we have figured things out before we were intended to and caused a hiccup in the timeline.

    I agree, especially since I can't pull much useful information from the Q&A about LT's specific case (Fear) other than the Portametus.

    Although it did amuse me that everyone starting jumping all over the LT members for conflicting information regarding the Device. ;)

    I guess at this point we wait. Or start a drinking game with the LT Page. Every time someone asks for the password or where they get badges, take a drink!

  14. Do we know that its definitely the Spirit Seekers or was it a LT operation gone wrong under the supervision of Mr. Richards and/or Dr. Thorncastle before they went "rogue"?

    I guess that could be a question someone could ask at the Conference tomorrow.

    IH also admitted that they are very wary of a collaboration between GW, RR, and Thorncastle, but that's pretty much a given. Wonder if we'll see that happen, they seem to be the Big Three in regards to opposition to LT.

  15. I hope the Collective is planning on being at HHN the last Saturday of the event... because that is the 81 anniversary of the Wyandot Murders.

    Ah, now that is interesting.

    Imagine there's a bit of a showdown between the LT that's working with the Collective and the former LT employees?

    ...I want videos of everything that happens at the parks, mate.

  16. one more thing, has anybody realized that Zombie Gras literally means "Fat Zombie"?

    Oddly enough, that's one of the first things I noticed (thank you, 5 years of French).

    And now all I can picture are the Boomer zombies from Left 4 Dead walking around and vomiting as much as the usual drunks during Mardi Gras.

  17. Let's just all say that we never, ever saw her on the forums. ;)

    Also, to add information that is probably useless, IH confirmed that Ryan Richard and Dr. Thorncastle are prime suspects in regards to the infiltration of the Main Access System and that they fear a collaboration of the two against LT.

    Just felt like sharing. Can't wait to watch the conference.

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