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Posts posted by FlamingBunnies

  1. I don't recall EVER hearing how her house was "just the beginning." I DO recall hearing however that they decided to give her a house, for the fans who knew who she was. I was also under the impression that her house was a prequel. A member of the general public probably has no clue who Cindy is. It just doesn't make sense to have a "farewell year" when people interpret is as a "farewell, EXCEPT this one character." Idk, I'll admit I'm wrong if she has something to do with this, but I just don't see a connection at all between gambling and some demented orphan.

  2. So, as for wishful thinking, I would like to see a new "futuristic" house, cause I dont think Uni has gotten it right just yet. Something like Jason X kind of stuff. Space serial killer, spaceship feel where you walk through a hallway or a cockpit where you feel like you're looking out into space just as someone sneaks up behind you...

    Interstellar Terror was one of my favourite houses in '08. They did a good job on that then.

  3. To be completely frank, I would not like to see Cindy this year. I would not like to see anyone we've seen before. I just want them to be put away, and not mentioned for a long time. For the sake of moving forward, they should build onto what they have and expand more. I don't see a connection between the casino and Cindy. I mean, you could make one, but that would work with and of the previous icons too. Mary could have escaped the mirror and now owns a casino. The Storyteller is just telling a new story. What I think, is that this is all new, and we won't see anything we recognize.

  4. I don't think a Bioshock house would ever happen. Unless a movie happens first, I know that the game was extremely popular, and I love it (I own two copies) but thinking of how many people come to the event, and comparing that to how many people are gamers, it just doesn't click for me. Imagine if you'd never played the game and saw Bioshock, or Rapture: Sea of Dreams slapped on a sign, it wouldn't make much sense, some might view it as the biblical rapture. Idk, at this point I'm just rambling.

  5. Not sure if this is possible, but I know they utilized fire last year, and I think it would be cool to see them use a room with a lot of water. Water dripping, spraying, slight flooding (not wear geusts are walking, obviously a hazard), steam, maybe a boiler room malfunction type deal. With electrical wires awry. It would be cool.

  6. Just thinking, it doesn't have to necessarily be supernatural. Back in the urmm, maybe the 30's and so on, in big casinos didn't they used to off the people who were cheating? I like the feeling of organized crime this year. But if that's not scary enough, they could always make them "The Undead Mafia." Where they collect the souls of the people who lose to stay alive for so long. Or something along those lines.

    Also, are we expecting to have regular site updates with little clues here and there, almost like the Palace in '09?

  7. I had these pictures since last Friday but I have been too lazy to get them onto my computer from my phone. These were taken from the Disaster queue and I didn't go into any off limit areas. You could hear them constructing before it started to rain.



    Second one is shitty, but ehhhh :D


    Not to be a negative Nancy, but I absolutely do not like the idea of an extreme house. And it's been talked about ever since I can remember, but it hasn't happened. It's one thing to be scary, and intense, and fun, but it's a completely different thing to be like.... REAL. Not to mention the wavers and lawsuits that they would have to deal with. Once someone invades my personal space it just... I don't like the idea.

  9. There was a small portion of the Creatures! house in '08 that involved a hotel, I'm not sure if it's been done before, but a demented hotel maze would be kind of cool! Like, you know you can check out but you can never leave. They could even play Hotel California in the queue line. Over and over.

    Also, why are they called mazes? They hardly feel like mazes. They feel like, "Oh hey, follow the path given and get scared in the process." But I love them none-the-less. And I suspect it would be terribly difficult to make them actually more maze-like.

  10. I was thinking when I was at Uni, and are we speculating that scare zones will be in the same place this year?? They usually add one or two that aren't on the map right? Like in '08 they had the mirror men and the zombie zone.

    Also, completely random, bu I would really like a demented carnie house this year. (Notice I didn't say clown, it's beginning to be slightly over used.) A carnie house would be cool. Didn't scary tales already do a house like that though?

  11. No honestly I have never been on their page before. Anything to do with the fact that I'm in the UK? If anyone has troubles, if you can tell me how to record a YouTube clip I'll upload it. It is SO good, the girl in the video becomes possessed with FEAR!!

    You aren't supposed to make us jealous!! Lol.

  12. Don't know if this has been posted yet but it is a GREAT look into the Hallow'ed (?) Past house. It's a media incite video.

    It says the video is private and it's not letting me watch it :(

    EDIT: Uhmmm wow, I didn't get a double post I got like a 547645 post. Weird. What's up with technology messing up lately.

  13. Sry if it was mentioned b4 but does anybody know if they will finally bring back queue line videos? The past couple of years have been lacking in both quality and quantity.

    I believe they said somewhere that they were going to enhance queue line experience? If someone knows a definite answer that'd be great.

    EDIT: Edited out all my poor grammar mistakes.

  14. I really don't see the big deal in a "safe zone". They're not affecting my experience, I could care less if people choose to get scared. Honestly, if this is someone's first year and they REALLY aren't having a good time and they don't like it, who are we to say they should suffer through it. If someone is in tears because they're terrified, they shold have the right to step off to the side away from the crowd and everyone else to collect themselves.

  15. If you go to the regular media site for Universal Orlando at..


    and watch the slideshow of photos, there are 4 images for HHN20 we havent seen yet on the HHN site under news..


    I think there's more than four. Let me count real quick.... there's five. Hahah. The zombies, the Yoda sculpture? The weird S&M Mask looking thing, all the body parts in the cage thing, and the harlequin jester thing. I wonder where each picture is from?

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