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Posts posted by Cinderelly115

  1. Okay... am I missing something? I absolutely hated the movie and only watched like half of it because I was so bored so I don't understand the hype that this house is getting.


    Maybe I need to give it a second chance..

  2. This house will be freaking amazing.. I'm calling it now.. If it isn't.. I will cry. Real tears. Not fake ones. I'm looking forward to this house the most although the house I look forward to the most is usually my least favorite..


    I need to brush up on my Halloween movies before I head to Florida though.. it has been awhile!


  3. I work special events throughout the year elsewhere in Florida. Not necessarily with the park but I used to work at a convention and a rave as staff. Generally most issues the source of the problem is a hydration or nutrition issue by passing proper meals and drinking lots of water over the course of the event. I used to be a big advocate about this with the event staff I worked with. I made sure everyone ate properly at least once throughout the day instead of junk food. 

    These situations are magnets for "accidents". Especially amongst staff members who pull long exhausting nights and probably still try to balance a day job. While I can't comment on the girl in your story directly as I do not know the situation and I too hope she's fine. But overexertion or not knowing your limits for events amongst staff is a real thing. Especially when they mess up your normal routines for only a weekend, week, or in this case a month for horror nights. You need to know your limits and eat properly and stay hydrated. Also you need to know how well you can handle fog, loud noises, and strobes. 

    I used to be on seizure patrol for raves and let me tell you, it was a terrifying duty to have and I have had to deal with them unfortunately as they do happen without fail despite warnings verbal and written. Hydration was still the biggest factor for attendees/staff falling ill during raves/working and not just the strobes. When you dance a lot in a hot crowded space, people need to remember they should get a drink of water occasionally.

    It's Florida, it's hot. Even though it's "fall" or it's "dark" it's still Florida attendees and employees a like need to stay hydrated. Especially attendees if alcohol is involved to balance it out with the amount of exercise you're doing walking and standing around for houses in the heat.

    This doesn't even touch base on sad truth that no matter what kind of haunt you have, small or large. There's always people who react when scared or startled with violence even if unintentional.

    TL;DR not weird at all unfortunately. Please stay safe and especially hydrated during your visits to HHN!

    Hmm. That sounded a lot like a PSA. Most people here are veterans and don't need to know that bit of into. While the topic of 'accidents' was fresh. It's still important :)

    Granny BA is out~

    I saw a couple people dealing with heat exhaustion/dehydration at HHN when I was there last weekend.. I believe that is a common theme for theme parks for employees & guests..(especially with alcohol involved)  many forget to drink enough water and believe they are fine. I drink tons of H2O while at the event to the point I'm probably a tad annoying to the people with me.. haha

  4. I enjoy the random people with chainsaws. Especially if they use them well. The voodoo preist, for example. He hides around the stages, and gets the people without them expecting it.

    The voodoo priest is definitely good with it.. I will admit that one!

    • Like 1
  5. Is the winner based on the cast? Like Cast A is one and Cast B is the other? Every single time I went through this house Jason was the winner..

    Holy crap.. How did they find so many guys to fill the Jason role that were so ginormous?

  6. This house is AMAZING. This is my absolute favorite house! Every run through I had was incredible! The Santa with a chainsaw got me so bad every single time I went through this house.. as did the Jacks. This house was amazing not just because of the scares but because of the scenes.. although I do agree it needed a catacombs scene! Catacombs was one of the best houses I've ever gone though so I don't understand why they didn't show it some love!

  7. This house was probably my least favorite. I hated how half the lights were strobe lights because it messed it with me for awhile. I feel the scaractors did great with what they had but I think the house itself was meh. This house could have been so much more if it wasn't 3D and didn't use strobes so much.

  8. Before the event.. I fully expected this house to bomb. After I have attended the event I will admit I was wrong! I felt the house was pretty intense and people would pop out from the most random places.. in fact one came popping out of a place that I don't believe was intended for a boohole and ran straight into me full force.. (I think I was closer than expected).....Great house! I didn't see the scream similarities though.

    • Like 1
  9. I went through this house 3 times, and eh. I didn't really understand the house tbh. I get the premise of it but I didn't really see it in the house I guess... I wanted to like this house, but it was just okay. I felt there weren't enough people in this house, but maybe it was just my timing?

    • Like 1
  10. This house was intense! I went through quite a few times and thought it was incredible every single run through. I actually didn't have high expectations for this house so was glad it was a lot better especially since I loved the movies!

    • Like 1
  11. This zone was so pretty! I loved walking through this zone so much, and got scared every single time by the bushes looking things. (No idea what you would actually call them).

    This zone was super foggy this past weekend so I could hardly see a thing in it at some parts, but that definitely wasn't a bad thing! The zone was definitely tight and at some points was a little hard to walk through so I would hate to see it when the park gets super packed in a  couple weeks.

  12. Why isn't fear in this zone?

    I actually thought this zone was rather bland when I first went through but the more I went through it..the more I loved it! I absolutely LOVED watching the Usher (both casts) in this zone! He was amazing! He just played his part soo well and came off so incredibly creepy. ..

    I also saw different characters every time I went through that I hadn't seen before so I found that pretty neat as well.

    Icons having chainsaws = NO. Please take the chainsaws away from random characters.. kthnx. it seems like they just pass extra chainsaws to whomever. No one in this zone needs a saw.

    • Like 1
  13. Jason did a great job of scaring and doing  photos with people from what I saw this past weekend.. He had ton of people calling his name.. pulling at him (ugh) and constantly posing with him but he also kept getting the scares in there as well.. He would take a picture of two then walk away to scare before posing again. I saw him walking away from quite a few people who tried to take pictures with him.

    I must say I feel bad for those two this is going to be a long run for them!

    • Like 2
  14. I think the commercial is better than recent years, but it's nowhere near as good as the classic commercials. Not even close.


    I don't get the vibe that this is a real icon year.

    What do you mean you don't get the vibe that this is not a real icon year?

    Jack has his own show plus there is a scarezone dedicated to the icons..... What else do you need to make it a real icon year?

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