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Everything posted by DraculaTeeth

  1. Valid? That’d be an odd one for sure. The word mythos connects to HHN 20, 20 weeks ago it was November 30 and 20 days ago it was March 30. I’m pretty sure something I mentioned for the first time in this thread (I went back & checked a couple days ago) was I believe the 29th or 30th. I still feel like I’m not getting this one though. It’s the patronymic thing! @mystiquephreeq you’re stumping me big time on this one lol Another edit cause I don’t wanna spam with replies but patronymic seems to have to do with fathers. I googled father & horror and basically everything attached and Romero is mentioned (considered The Godfather of the Dead, Father of the Zombie Films), AHS is mentioned (for something far more disturbing), Poe is mentioned (The Lost Boys) and, of course, Stephen King (IT). Still not sure I’m getting this though. AND AGAIN lol does this have anything whatsoever to do with The Caretaker??
  2. Although it is painfully obvious Coach could be a codename for Poltergeist I’m also wondering if Coach could be connected to The Thing. Kurt Russell played a coach twice in the past decades.
  3. Ok Nelson is, by definition, a patronymic. Son of Nell. Does Stephen King’s son have anything to do with this? I’m grasping at straws here. Also, Nell is short for Eleanor, Eleanor is the name of a character in The Haunting. Could Haunt be something to look out for? Again, grasping at straws cause this one’s stumping me lol
  4. Well, looking at the second clue (if this is the second clue, if not then I’m super lost now lol) For=four=four months ago in the beginning of December something changed for this year??
  5. I’m going alllll over the place with this one but based off of what you said...would a change in the patronymic be when it was originally titled Fright Nights?? The two actors I referenced were Vincent Price & Craig T. Nelson, Craig T. Nelson is the father in Poltergeist. The character of Peter Vincent in Fright Night is based off of Vincent Price. However, those are IP’s, not a codename which is what we’re looking for...unless Fright &/or Night(s) is a codename...
  6. @mystiquephreeq I haven’t forgotten what you said yesterday about there being one more codename left. You did say it was in a post, but not which one, so I’m going off of the one Ragtag was in. Hallmarks - a gold stamp &/or standard of purity, could this possibly be the one they picked for ST? Or maybe it was originally for IT? Both I’d consider platinum IP’s to get. Also, Romero was a hallmark to the genre. As is Michael Myers and a potential Halloween best of. Loopholed - Was AHS something they were possibly loopholed into doing another year? Or maybe Halloween-kind of in a “at Blumhouse we’ll let you use the new one, but only one scene at the end” way? House - you said “King’s dislike of haunted house”, not houses plural, and if it is one the codenames House (IMO) fits perfectly to Poltergeist. Might be way off again, but those seemed to fit with what I could think of! Also...it looks like if there is one codename left, that’ll make it seven. Unless any of those are possibly for originals-it looks like we may possibly be down to two originals.
  7. Well I don’t have your exact quote at hand but it was something along of the lines of “show me where I can see a movie in downtown Columbia.” I googled Columbia, SC theaters cause that was my first thought however the results that came up were (IMO) too basic for you and I quickly remembered we need to read between the lines of your clues. Thanks to pageants it hit me-show me state, Missouri, so I googled theaters in Columbia, MO and Ragtag popped up. I had mentioned Ragtag sticking out to me in @mystiquephreeq‘s post, but I don’t know whether that was before or after your Columbia clue. I also google mapped the address of the cinema and it does look to be in downtown Columbia, off of S. College Ave. That whole psychotic wall of text I just left you could be for nothing but that’s my guess! Now as to what IP it might be referring to, I linked it The Lost Boys (duh) and AHS, but I’m sure it can be linked to others. Maybe that’s the one for ST?? And I’m also gonna echo @fvcking cvntand thank you (and @mystiquephreeqand @Ringwraith & everyone else involved sorry if I forgot you) for leaving these clues as they are a hell of a lot more interesting way to bide time. I can’t wait to see how dead wrong I may be!
  8. I hope it’s my Shangri La...BUT IT MIGHT NOT BE! It may be the one where I mentioned screens, and I might have mentioned animatronics &/or puppets, and I know I didn’t mention Zelda Rubinstein but she’s a legend so she goes without mentioning. Could it really be? HOLD ON-FREEZE!!! An incredible actor’s filmography? Maybe it’s too damn early for me to be doing this but we all know what movie Craig T. Nelson is also the dad in.
  9. I made an account at IU eons ago but I don’t remember the password or email so I’m posting this here but @Legacy there’s a movie theater called Ragtag Cinema in the show me state of MO, isn’t there??
  10. Well what I can put together out of both of those words are... Ragtag - The Lost Boys (I knooow, I know) but everyone in that movie is bit of a mixed bag. However I can also link it to AHS because the group led by Kai, IMO, fall into a ragtag category of people. Imagination - ANoES, because nightmares can be linked to your imagination. As for the the last one...I’ve got a few ideas but I’m not so sure.
  11. I could be way off (as usual) but ragtag & imagination are sticking out to me cause I can definitely link them to two IP’s.
  12. That makes sense. But now I’m jumping on this wave and wondering what commonly speculated IP has been taken off the shelf?? As for plug n play, that sounds a lot like a pack n play which is something a child plays in.
  13. Well I’m gonna prefaced this by saying I can only speak to things I’ve heard of. Not necessarily wishlist stuff, just what I can think of off the top of my head. The biggest one I could think of that I don’t believe has been mentioned before (please correct me if I’m wrong) is Night Of The Creeps. Made in ‘86 (if we’re still talking 80’s) haven’t seen it but heard of it. A synopsis from IMDB: Alien brain parasites, entering humans through the mouth, turn their host into a killing zombie. Some teenagers start to fight against. The next one is Vincent Price. He’s been gone 25 years now, and he’s got one hell of a filmography to sift through. The other is one I’m certain has been discussed (Scream-they filed for bankruptcy and he-who-shall-not-be-named is out, so whoever’s left with the rights might be flexible with it) and the final one is something that I’d file into a “never happening” category because I don’t think it’s physically possible to make into a house but it’s something that creeps up on you (It Follows). The only thing I know for certain is that the longer I’m here the faster I’m turning into Charlie Kelly.
  14. Hmmm ok before I put out my crazy guesses (and they are crazy, and are waaay out of left field) I have to ask...should I be reading between the lines of these responses?
  15. Echoing @hunnylvr‘s sentiments, I’m feeling the exact same way just towards The Lost Boys. There’s just so many IP’s being thrown around. Not to discredit &/or offend anyone who is connected and has heard & shared info, but until something is announced by Universal themselves I’m just gonna take everything with an enormous grain of salt. All that being said though personally I’m kinda hoping for something out of left field this year! However I’m also feeling like we’re starting to run out of IP’s to talk about.
  16. In regards to IT I was wondering would WB not allow the use of IT on the west coast (a la Universal/WDW/Marvel) in order to not compete with their own event?? I have no clue whatsoever on how anything like that would go down but I was curious if that could be a reason why Universal would back down from that IP.
  17. I’m not sure if this has been discussed here (and if it has, my apologies) but, IMO, Stranger Things should be the in the front of the park. This morning I actually saw ST comforters and bedsheets for sale in the kids section at Target. I was kinda shocked, I know it has a really broad fanbase, much more so than TWD & AHS, but I didn’t know it was that broad. They’re gonna be up to their eyeballs in complaints from parents that didn’t know it’s not MNSSHP, leaving little Bentley/Mercedes/Aquafina traumatized.
  18. Agree to disagree then! But if “Thriller” were to happen I’d imagine it’d be if AOV were to come back, and the overall theme is 80’s, they’d absolutely have a segment for it in their show (and hopefully “Dead Man’s Party” too. ST, The Lost Boys and then “Thriller” though...I’d probably just die of happiness lol I think it’s perfect for a SS but I could see parade too, especially if they were to only use the billboard for the facade. I’d imagine depending on what scenes they’d wanna put in we might also get water effects too. I could see them building their resort in a similar way to the large, open set in Ghost Town. Basically, if it happens, there’s a lot of ways I can see this IP going.
  19. Laugh at me all you want for this but The Lost Boys (and Suspiria but that’s a whole other Chinese takeout carton full of maggots) is basically my IT, my Halloween, my ANOES, my The Thing, etc. If any of you enjoyed the Vamp ‘55 SZ this essentially would be the house version of it, just subtracting all the girls (except Star, who I’m sure we’d see...Lucy, I’d doubt though) and adding more greasers in an 80’s beach setting instead of a 50’s high school. In a house setting I’d imagine we’d get maybe the Santa Carla billboard facade and a boardwalk scene, the beach concert (the Tim Capello scene has to go in their somewhere), their resort/lair/cave, the “Walk This Way” attack scene, Marco’s death and finale at Grandpa’s house. The Shining took place entirely in one location and (IMO) that was a terrific house. The Exorcist, for the most part, also took place in a kid’s bedroom and that was also (IMO) extremely effective. I just listed six different scenes we could have-& that isn’t including David & Michael’s fight scene and all the deaths at Grandpa’s house. If The Lost Boys does actually come to HHN, I think it could definitely be an average sized house. If it does come and you go into it expecting to be paralyzed with fear, you’ll probably be disappointed but if you go into it looking at it for what it is-a classic 80’s Peter Pan with vampires movie come to life, you might leave pleasantly surprised!
  20. It’s totally fine and I don’t blame anyone who’d think I’m a guy cause I don’t think I’ve ever explicitly stated it & my avatar now is of (one of) my favorite Eagles, so it doesn’t bother me lol This has nothing to do with the topic of gender but I didn’t wanna spam the page so I’m just gonna leave this thought here...if The Lost Boys does indeed come to HHN this year-without giving too much away for those who haven’t seen it-I’d expect they’d utilize the flying scares (a la Fallen) again.
  21. Ooook I’m gonna have to catch myself up on all this but if we are seriously getting one of my all time favorite movies (The Lost Boys) this year AND ST is confirmed... As for other films I’ve brought up regarding 80’s classics they were Poltergeist, Fright Night and I think the other was Sleepaway Camp but I’d have to go back and check. I’m having a mild meltdown over this so y’all gotta forgive me for a minute lol but if the Ifrit is hinting at the 80’s classic to possibly replace IT (or just an 80’s classic IP in general) the most blantanty obvious one in is actually The Lost Boys. Wow. @Ringwraith (and for anyone else who hasn’t seen it yet and is curious) The Lost Boys was just added to Netflix and if you’re a lover of everything 80’s, beautiful cinematography and greasy sax players it’s a must see. If Universal is actually going to do this I cannot wait to see how gorgeous they’ll make it-from their lair to the incredible detail in their costumes-it will be breathtaking, and will absolutely warrant a UTH trip to take it all in. If this happens it might be the first time I carry tissues into HHN to hide my tears of joy lol
  22. But that one isn’t 80’s...unless the classic 80’s IP has nothing to do with potentially replacing IT in the lineup and there’s just another random IP coming too?
  23. SA’s throwing toys at us! I’m sure there’s some on a tough night that would rather pay Universal to let them do that lol In all honesty though I have no idea. Screens? Puppets? I’m sure if it was something they wanted bad enough, they could figure out a way to do it. As for other 80’s IP’s I could really only think of cult classics (Fright Night, Sleepaway Camp, Creepshow, etc.) and if they really can’t use IT I’m sure they’re gonna try for another marquee IP to replace it, and I don’t think I’d categorize cult classics with general classics.
  24. Well I’ve talked about my love for The Lost Boys definitely more than once here, but unfortunately for me I think it’s safe to say we’ll probably never see that one at HHN. The only other real stand out classic (besides what’s already been mentioned & done) imo that has instant recognizability, made a lot of money, even ties directly to ST and hasn’t been at HHN that I can think of is Poltergeist. But I have no idea about the rights to that one.
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