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Everything posted by wow

  1. Hopefully HHN has learned that literal repeat houses(AVP at Hollywood, AWiL in Orlando) never do well and are generally never asked for.
  2. Since you're new I'll just give you the whole lineup for HHN 27: - AHS: Asylum, Coven, Roanoke - The Shining - Blumhouse Mashup(Get Out, Split, Insidious, Ouija, and Sinister) - Jigsaw - Evil Dead - Bayou of Blood - Gothic/Catacombs Crossover - Scarecrow maze set in the Dust Bowl - Vampire maze
  3. We are getting a saw maze, but it will be solely based off of Jigsaw(well at least in Hollywood it is, I don't think Orlando would do another mashup)
  4. Bayou of Blood should be really good if they can execute it properly, I'm really excited to see how the steamboats gonna look. I agree with Critical on The Shining solely because idk how they're gonna replicate the scaling and pull off some of the scenes, but it will be in a soundstage so I'm confident in it.
  5. Yeah that one seems off to me too. It was heavily rumored at first that it was a Hollywood exclusive so idk how it turned into an Orlando maze, but it does make sense marketing maze and should be a pretty good maze.
  6. They really are running out of things. I mean, next year will probably be the end of AHS at Orlando because they won't have anything to work with(season 7 is based on the election so Universal won't mess with that). Also, they should really branch out into more stuff(like video games, other TV shows, maybe a music house a la Hollywood). Idk, I just think eventually they need to give other properties a shot before doing more respeats; hell they could've done It this year. Anyone else wish they could do a year like 2009, 2008, or 2011 again? Those years seem to be regarded as some of the best years in HHN history. I wish they would bring back the Usher or Lady Luck because they had a really strong Lineup when those two ran their own events
  7. I'm not too crazy about but Evil Dead but I never did it in 2013, so I'm just hoping it's fun. I think the only reason they're naming it Ash vs Evil Dead is because if they named it "Evil Dead" people would confuse it for what was at 23, which was based off of the remake. Since it's named after the show, people will think it's something new; I don't agree with it but I see why they did it To me the only weird thing on it is the Vampire/Conjuring replacement maze. Unless it's based off Vamp *insert year* or Castle Vampyr I really don't know what they could do
  8. Not really too crazy. Last year's American Horror Story was called "American Horror Story" but only focused on 3 seasons, instead of all 5 at the time. They're only calling it Ash vs Evil Dead to promote the show, + everyone wants to see Evil Dead 1 & 2 so it works out for everyone.
  9. The leaked list seems pretty realistic though
  10. Hollywood has already announced they're having an announcement next week, and it's going to be for Insidious Chp. 4(a Hollywood exclusive). Either you guys will announce one of your exclusives next week, or announce it today or tomorrow. To me it seems rediculous that you guys might have to two months for another announcement while Hollywood has it on a somewhat schedule. Also, Hollywood announced their AHS last week so you guys are very dry on announcements.
  11. Thanks for telling me, the audition process sounds pretty tedious but it's definitely worth it.
  12. Congrats! So how does auditioning/casting work at Uni?
  13. It's rumored there's an announcement tomorrow, and I'm betting it's the icon or Bayou of Blood or Gothicombs
  14. Another big difference between Orlando and Hollywood is that Hollywood rarely has original mazes
  15. So are Orlando and Hollywood's AvED mazes both gonna be based off of the first two movies, or is Hollywoods based off the movies and Orlandos on the show?
  16. They're very different; Besides sharing IP's their mazes are usually different and they usually have one or two exclusive IP houses(this year they have Insidious and Leatherface or The Thing). It looks like the only Icon house(s) would be if the unused icons are the icons this year, which would make Bayou of Blood and the Scarecrow house Icon mazes.
  17. Orlando mazes are: - AHS: Asylum, Coven, Roanoke - Blumhouse Mashup - The Shining - Jigsaw - Ash vs Evil Dead(Evil Dead 1 & 2) - Bayou Of Blood - Gothicombs - Scarecrow House set in the Dust Bowl - Vampire maze with Conjuring aesthetics I think Coven was a great season of AHS, but it has very little to work with besides LaLaurie's attic and the occasional hell scenes. Personally, I think that if they could make Freak Show scary they could easily make Coven horrifying *I really wish it was just a solo Asylum or Roanoke maze though*
  18. AHS Coven and Bayou of Blood don't share very much in common, aside from a New Orleans location. Coven focuses more on witchcraft and most of the maze section on it will probably be in Madame LaLauries attic. Bayou of Blood is voodoo centric and will most likely features sacrifices and people who practice Voodoo. Blumhouse isn't replacing the Conjuring, a Vampire house is. Blumhouse is rumored to be in the MIB Tent, and the Conjuring was supposed to be in one of the Sprung tents
  19. What do you mean Blumhouse would change? The only scrapped property was the Conjuring
  20. (1) Blumhouse was heavily speculated to be a Hollywood exclusive, but up until like a month ago it was basically confirmed to be shared with Orlando (2) The properties confirmed by the Ifrit for Orlando's Blumhouse are Insidious, Get Out, and Sinister; but there could be more
  21. The GAME OVER house is a really good idea, but it should have an Outlast room
  22. Hopefully, it seems like a waste to not include some of the classic traps
  23. Rumor has it the 2017 edition of Saw will solely be based on the Jigsaw film, or at least maybe just for Hollywood; but I'd expect it on both coasts
  24. I guess we can guess who the main icon is if this year has a medley of the unused icons; or who knows maybe they all have equal representation
  25. My guess is the next announcement is the Icon, and then after that Blumhouse or Saw, and then Evil Dead at comic con
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