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Posts posted by LV-426

  1. This is the Biggest Bull... Ever!!!

    I liked going to wikipedia, i never cared that everyone around me said it was not accurate, or that the information was false, never cared about that, But This! i can't believe they would say this, besides i have seen the Stupidest and dumbest things in wikpedia, like internet celebirty bios and stuff like that.

    If they take out HHN, i will just stop going, this looks totally biased,

    and you are right MahB, the page has the whole history of HHN, what type of sources do they need, i call boycott.

  2. Either Harry Potter opened or Universal decided to host their own Woodstock.



    OH MAN!!! :blink:


    sorry about that, but that's what i was kinda afraid of, and what keith hutchy said is true, but i never thought it was going to be like this, now im really praying that is only for potter and that people might be afraid of HHN, hopefully, Im glad for new fans, and i would be glad to see the event growing and have attendance, but not like this, well we'll see

  3. What if...

    Shadows of the past scarezone was a clue, a clue that we would not see those characters again. A farewell tour so to speak. Giving way to the new horror to be bestowed upon us.

    From your words to god's ears...

    no but seriously, if they did that why would they have cindy,? it would make no sense at all to put her out for the general public to see, after she was there i bet everyone started to talk about that character.

    about jack the ripper, i dont know, the body collectors do exactly what he does, it would just simply be another body collectors house, the idea would be cool, and i wish they would do a brand new house, but being a reunion i just expect the BC.

    It would be pretty awesome to see the Cryptkeeper, not even as an icon but just to have him in the event somehow, as a character or, even if it was a picture in one of the houses, any acknowledgment would be nice

  4. We're probably going to have Justin Bieber. That girly boy is way more popular than you should legally be allowed to be.

    Have you seen the site: lesbians who look like justin bieber?


    he is too popular for his age, people agree with you:


    About Bill and ted, Besides the Awesome Dance scene from the beginning i was kinda disappointed last year, nothing was funny to me, and the fanboy thing was just weird

    I liked 2008's WAY better, i dont know why and i might be the only one but predator and tin man Ironman were just Hilarious, the whole show was a lot better in 08, I hope this year There are less celebrity and pop culture jokes and more movie jokes,

    maybe im wrong?

  5. Aren't the only dead Icons (or iconesque) Cindy, Mary, Crypt Keeper and the Usher. Aren't Jack, The Caretaker, The Storyteller, and The Director all alive still. I remember the year Eddie was supposed to be used he was supposed to kill Jack with the slogan "No More Clowning Around." Maybe it is the end of an era because all of them are going to be murdered, and possibly take their revenge for their deaths out on us?

    I think it would be awesome to have the front gate look like a huge tree that you have to walk thru to get into UO, and maybe they are making all of UO "Hell" this year.

    I would like to see the Midway of the Bizarre, People under the stairs, and a museum type house. Just heard the first two were awesome and I think having a house with the classic monsters would really go back to where Universal Horror started (maybe make it the Crypt Keepers house, or even the Ushers house, ending with the Phantom of the Opera)

    Yuo gave me a really cool idea, It would be pretty cool if the Icons became the victims of a New more twisted Icon, i real messed up psycho type of icon, the houses could start the same, Jack, the Director, Storyteller, the way their houses work, but what if this new Icon went into their houses messing things up and at the end of the house in the last room we saw all the Icons being tortured or killed (I don't know how this would work with the "Undead" icons, but im pretty sure they would work something out.)

    just an idea that your post gave me, that's all, but it would Really turn things around, it would be a Really unexpected twist I would love to see Jack and the Director getting a taste of their own medicine

    I would LOVE for them to make a HELL related HHN, using Darkness as the Icon or the Devil,

    after seeing Bloody mary for the first time on the site i was kinda shocked at first, i was like WTF!!!! they took a real urban myth and twisted around, it was really surprising and one of my favorite icons now, then i kept thinking, what if they did a hell HHN.

  6. Last year, we got to Florida on Fri Oct 2nd...but our flight landed sooooo late from delays we didn't go to the park that night. We went Sat night and it was DEAD...we got everything done within an hour (we also did the Stay and Scream so got a little head start) and even went on all the rides that night. Did a couple houses as many as 3 times.

    The next day was Sunday and we thought it would be dead. We went out for dinner and watched some football and got to the park a little bit after it opened and it was PACKED. Took us forever to get in and lines near the gates at Wolfman were like 45min and Saw was already 90min. It was pretty crazy and unexpected.

    Each year there seems to be a "surprise" like that where it's DEAD on a weekend night and then a Thur or Sun is packed.

    the reason for that is that Thursday and Sunday are frequent fear pass days, so everyone with FFP goes on that day,(that seems obvious i know)

    BUT those days are also the days that you can get a 30 dollar discount for residents with a Coca cola can or Bottle, so those days that is packed is because of the people that pay cheaper.

    I did this in 2006, It was Halloween day the last day of HHN and i got 30 bucks off, but it still was kinda empty, i was able to do all the houses twice.

    Also there is a Sunday that Gives discount to UCF students , that day was the worst day as far as crowded goes, you could barely walk and the waiting line in the houses were like 2 hours and a half or something like that.

  7. I really hate lighting, i like rain but not the lighting, the worst thing is that everything has to be turn off and disconnected to im in my room bored as hell and hot because the fan is off.

    I wish it would only rain at night

  8. 1) I think they will add the final Friday/Saturday again. That's just my prediction.

    2) Halloween was the last night of HHN last year as well, soooo I don't quite understand what you're getting at.

    Last year was the first year we missed attending the event when it was open on Halloween night...sounds like we missed some good deals on booze! LOL ;) With Halloween falling on a Sunday night and most people having school/work the next day, I bet we will see slower night....at least that's what I'm hoping for.

    Halloween night at HHN is always a good time, the only thing that comes close is spending Halloween night in Key West... ;)

    What hush said is what i meant about being on sunday and people having to work the next day, that's what i was wondering but also Sunday being the day that people can get the discount with the Coca Cola can, I wonder if this would also affect the attendance, Probably not, but is a discount night nonetheless

  9. MS has been rumor to come to HHN since last yr. I can see them maybe performing but only on opening night or a select handful of nights during the event.

    They have been hinted at this the last couple of months, there just waiting for the go ahead from UO to announce there plans.

    yeah i agree, they would probably play once, and probably come as guests for a radio station like Dee Snyder came for the radio.

    For the Hardcore fans, this will be a Delight, but i wonder what the general public will say, would people really be into it? or just think there are some guys playing some creepy weird music? I wonder how MS playing would be received.

    I really wish they would come

  10. well, whats done for this year is done, we are speculating but we'll find out soon,

    I just really hope that these Theme of the shadows of the past leading us into the future of HHN is true.

    I really hope that this will be the last of the past icons we see at least for the next couple of years,

    and I love the icons dont get me wrong, I love their stories and i know UNI reuses a lot of stuff and props for the houses,

    but i really hope that they can come up with new icons for the next years and new back stories, There is still so much they can do, what about a Voodoo Priest icon, i know there are many tales and things that could be used for HHN. i just want to see the "Family" grow, seeing Cindy being used finally last year was just amazing. i know she is not new but it was the first time i saw her. Bloody mary, The usher, They were also amazing, I love Jack, but maybe they can come up with a new type of Clown, maybe someone related to jack.

  11. Love the page. Very basic, very clean look to it. I've actually not been a fan of the last few years. Feels way too cluttered. And I know it's just a placeholder site, but it just looks and feels so much more like HHN should be. Without the icons strewn all over the place and the buttons everywhere. Some will disagree with me, but I like it. Makes it really look like a true Halloween event.

    Try to read back on posts you missed dude.

    Oh im so sorry about that i did look back but i missed that post i guess, :P

    Yeah i completely agree with you i love the clean feeling to it, and you are right about this being how HHN should be like. I love the icons, but this teaser really makes it feel like a look into the past of HHN

  12. Potter should have a positive impact due to the cross-marketing.

    The typical "Come Back Tonight for HHN" is going to be seen by many more people than usual. The only problem I see is that Potter is scheduled to be open later to accommodate crowding so it may not close until 9 or 10pm if they shift the schedule that much. Plus Forbidden Journey has a 6-7 hour queue that could get filled taking several hours past closing to clear out.

    Really? oh, is going to be so weird having potter and HHN going on at the same time. so it might really not affect it much,

    thinking about it more, i see it this way,

    they are coming all the way from England to see potter and probably both parks, im pretty sure people might get Really curious about HHN, they might see the decoration and scarezones during the day and might really want to come, so i think that it will affect the attendace, i think people might really want to check this Halloween event out. Specially if they haven't seen anything like it before. Also people might not think is that scary or that bad at all, so i can predict seeing more kids or families in the event

  13. It depends if you are satying from the day or not, but I get there around 5-5:30 PM or something like that, There rides that are open During HHN are Men in Black, The Simpsons, JAWS, The mummy, but again if you plan on going to the park during the day you could do all the rides and then at night just do HHN (which would be a lot better). Bill and Ted and the Rocky horror picture show seem to be the same here than there from what i have seen, so i think you could skip them,

    About eating, it also depends where you are, when i was there, I did not like the burgers or the Turkey legs, but loved the Pizza, i don't know, Mel's Drive in is the best because is right in front of the scarezone.

    Is still really light out when they open the park, so sometimes some houses (the ones in the sound stages) are way too dark, I remember last year in the Dracula house i could not see anything at all when i went when they opened the park, then the next day i went at night to the same house and could see everything perfectly.

  14. I Think that The Director could become Possessed with the Usher's soul...


    Just kidding :) But for real, I don't know if i would like to see the two icons in a house together, or each icon having their own house, this is a really difficult year because Both the Usher and The Director are awesome by themselves, by putting them together in the same event then is just not the same, i don't know, also After seeing Silver Screams and the Usher, i kinda wish that the Usher will handle movie Scenes from now on, I feel the Theater is much better to show movies, The Director is great of course, but i really would love to see him Direct his movie trough the house.

    Yeah i didn't know the observation deck was in a tent, i missed that, is probably not Kong related, I just really wish they could use Kong in a way, if they have the stuff from Konfrontation, my biggest regret is not seeing Kong,

    Also,about the Greek mythology stuff, I would really hate it if the icons turn out to be Greek Gods or something, I think it would really take away their uniqueness, I love their Icons for their uniqueness but if you add a back story then they become just become whatever the back story says, i would rather have the icons bring the Greek mythology out themselves or something

  15. However, Universal has maintained those rights fairly well now for over two decades with their park attractions and movies, and many people associate Kong exclusively with Universal as the first experience they had with the ape was on Kongfrontation.

    I have very fond memories of that ride myself, and first rode it in 1991 while attending Fright Nights. I also remember when Darkman showed up on the ride at HHN in 1992, and the Nightmare Creatures (house? scarezone? it was a bit of both!) about 10 or 11 years ago where you walked through the streets of New York with Kong above you.

    A Kong house would logically follow the pattern you gave, but I did not mean that this would necessarily be a Kong house even if the Observation Deck was a scene with Kong in it.

    Rather, I think that if they used Kong they would include him a house devoted to classic films. After all, we have been speculating that various Icons from recent years would all have their own houses. Although I would prefer The Director to have a house about his own demented film career, Julian Browning is merely an Usher in a grand cinematic palace. Just the sort of theater to show King Kong, among other great movies I would think. That plus Universal having the rights, seems to me to be a perfect fit.

    Omg everything you just said about the past years sounds really awesome, I wish i could have seen Darkman.

    I was never able to ride Kongfrontation, which is something that always makes me really sad, i remember seeing the billboards for it before it was taken down,

    So i really wish that this house has to do with the Usher and that is a Scene from Kong, i Would LOVE that. if they use the props from the ride, that would be really amazing,

    And they did Phantom of the Opera last year, so the idea for Classic Films could happen, I just wonder, What other Classic films could they make into rooms for HHN?

    and I agree, after being in The Director's house in 06 and the Usher's house last year, I think the Movie scene rooms fit a lot better with the Usher,

    i Love the Director, but i would love to see him in an Original Movie house, specially because the house could have really cool stuff like props, I remember that in the Jason House in 07, There was a Jason in the Roof that would make two metal containers hit each other, and That was one of the biggest scares for me, i thought the roof was falling on me, so i could see this being done for a movie house with the Director

  16. Halloween night was quite slow last year. Longest wait during the busiest portion of the evening was only 25-30 minutes.

    Everything was also discounted including the alcohol. Souvenir shots were going for $5 with $4 refills.

    It stands to reason they would offer Halloween night on the FFP. They just want to get people into the event and it sounds like they have a difficult time during that evening.

    well, the last year October 31st was on a Saturday, which is a day that FFP holders cannot go to the event but it was added because of how slow it is, so it was an extra day you could go, it was not part of the normal FFP days

    But this year October 31st is on a Sunday, which is the day FFP holders are Allowed To go to the park, They are not adding or offering anything this year, Halloween falls on a Sunday which means is a normal FFP day.

    The question I have is i wonder if they are going to add any Extra Fridays or Saturdays to the FFP, i wish they would add at least 1 friday and 1 saturday besides opening weekend.

    Also, Halloween is the Last HHN day, i wonder if this will affect the attendace more than usual

  17. So this yr we dont have to beg and plead to go on Halloween Night.. Maybe thats another sign of LT coming back, they can do another party..

    Also where only missing 10 nights? Thats not a lot but then again they raised the prices again.. its going to get to a point where they raise it so much nobody will go.

    Halloween Night is on a Sunday, i was SO happy when i looked at the calendar a few weeks ago and realized this :)

  18. It's somewhat interesting with these new clues to look back at old speculations. For example back in early 2008 we had all heard rumors about a female icon "Jill" who would rule over a world of urban legends, fables and nightmares. This was because of such a proposed scenario in a survey from Universal.

    In another site's spec thread (as this site had not yet been born!) C_D suggested an evil sandman/boogeyman as an icon for a nightmare themed year. I have posted the picture in a post above. This inspired me to start a thread devoted to Nightmares on that other forum. Now that forum seems to be gone for good and we are all here on a site devoted to Nightmares!

    Oddly enough some of that rumor proved true after all as 2008 did have a female icon, Bloody Mary, who did have her own "world" made up of urban legends, fables, legends, fairy tales, and yes, nightmares.

    In early 2009 on that same other site many of us were speculating wildly about what the only clue we had "CLASSIC" could mean. I goofed on the definition of classic to mean of or pertaining to ancient Greece and Rome with a rather silly speculation about Greek Mythology. I included a picture of the Greek gods which I will not post here as the somewhat blatant nudity offended a few people back then. (They were only clay figurines, and that's how the Greek gods dressed, or rather undressed, but nevermind.)

    Now it appears that they will be using Greek myth in at least one house this year!

    Could it be that somebody at A&D reads these sites and uses some of the ideas we throw out in wild speculation? I hope so, because as many have said, often our ideas are rather good and sometimes seem better than what is actually realized.

    SO let's keep posting our best ideas! Maybe somebody is reading them and someday we will be able to experience our own nightmare at HHN brought to life!

    Better yet, maybe some of our younger people will someday join A&D themselves and bring their nightmares with them!


    I think a good idea would be an alien/UFO house, like A fire in the sky/ The Fourth Kind type of house!

  19. I'm afraid I won't be posting quite as often for the next month or so due to a certain major international sporting event. I will check in in between matches.

    Please don't feel slighted, well, this video expresses my feelings better than I can:

    I should add that although I usually do so, I will NOT be supporting England on Saturday.

    oh, i wish USA won the world cup, probably wont happen, but i wish...

    Who are you rooting for Dr. Jimmy?

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