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Posts posted by LV-426

  1. The King Kong conversation that is in the past pages made me wonder, What did Universal did with the Kong from Kongfrontation? i was just wondering where did they put that? that looked huge(i was never in kongfrontation so i only know from youtube)

  2. I was listening to the awesome band The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets and was reminded of something when I heard there song Marine Biologist.

    What if our Observation Deck were something like this:


    please don't take this too literally, I do NOT mean that Universal will be using 20.000 Leagues!

    And what if it looks out on something like this:



    Oh, i just saw that movie two days ago, pretty good movie.

    Octopus fighting a cigar Lmao!

    If they did something like this, it would be really epic. specially if they are looking at something really scary.

    About the red light in the shadows of the past, doesn't that part of the park always have red light? i remember taking some pictures in another year from there, and it was red as well

  3. I'm cool, I'm hip.


    I wonder what determines whether or not you can't sleep even if you haven't slept much.. I went to bed at like midnight and wake up 320948732947 times to pee, yet I become wide awake at 530am? I have a doctor's appointment at 10:45 so I don't really want to try to go back to bed now, though NOW I am tired. Why does that happen.. can't sleep, get up, then get tired, go back to sleep easily?

    Yeah i hear you, i am the same way, i also have this problem, lets say today i slept 3-4 hours, then the whole day im up, at night im really tired, but as soon as i sit down in my bed to eat (yeah i eat in my bed, im cool like that) or i sit down to relax, the sleepiness goes away, i could be up until 6-7 in the morning, then i crash. i dont know why but being so tired, i should be able to go to sleep as soon as i get home, not 8 hours later :blink:

    I would like to hear more vuvuzelas at sporting events.

    yeah totally, they are only 4 Dollars! pretty cheap, i would love to hear them in basketball, baseball, tennis, Golf, Football specially!

  4. i think it all depends on the situation,

    Houses of course not!!!! One of my Worst memories of the event was, The storyteller house in 2006, it was halloween the last day of the event, i made this long line to go in the house, everything was fine and then all of the sudden this drunk guys started taking pics of every room, The scareactors were really nice and sometimes smile or let them take the pics, and maybe because it was the last day they let them, but it was my first day in HHN, and it ruined the house.

    as far as scarezones,

    i say Yes, But With Moderation, I love being able to have pictures of the memories of HHN, pictures i can look at later and remember that particular year, I also love seeing other people's pictures, some of you have really good cameras and take amazing pictures, i would be really sad if i could not take pictures in the scarezones, But there is where my "moderation" comment comes in, when im taking a picture, i only take one, and i make sure that the scarezone is empty, i see people taking up to 20 pics at once, now thats really bad.(if i take more pics, i do it away from them and of the actors scaring people) and i usually chose only one day for pictures.

    Also HHN opens at 6, and from 6 to 7 P.M. the sun is always still up, so i take that time to take pictures, that way i dont need any flash, besides the pictures come out better.

    so i dont see anything wrong with taking pics as long as you are considerate, Also,some of us use FFP so we have been trough the scarezone many times,(actually, i cant think of one time that i have been scared in a scarezone anyway)

    I would hate it if they dont allow cameras in the event :(

  5. My my my, plenty of wishes and dreams and not too much on the true speculation side, tsk tsk tsk.

    Just some things to keep in mind, JMR, while a major player when it came (notice I just said came, past tense) to HHN was not the be all end all of HHN. It is a true team effort back there with everyone lending ideas and fleshing out storylines and designs. And now JMR is no longer a part of that team. In the time since his departure a lot of what was on the roster for HHN XX has changed. Various elements have been partially or completely altered while many others have been done away with and replaced by others. The event as he knew it before leaving is not the event as it is now and even if he were to come on here and post anything it would only be speculation, or anecdotes about what was a part of the event when he was a part of it. Yes his resume says he worked on the development of HHN XX, and that is a totally valid and honest statement. It just so happens that the development he did changed drastically after his departure.

    As with all things in life, change is an inevitability and a new era of fear is rapidly approaching so forget about that reunion because there's a lot of new and interesting things on the horizon. Thats not to say you wont see something familiar here and there, but to be honest, who wants to see the same characters and houses over and over again every year?

    And yes, for at least this year, let go of the desire for movie based houses, while they can come in handy from time to time, HHN is kind of above that. There is so much they can do and such terrifying images they can unleash when they allow their creativity to run free and not be limited by some pre-existing character they had to borrow and try to make their own without straying too far from that original character's storyline.

    Amazing and fascinating things are coming out way kids, so stop obsessing with the past and get ready for a future of new and horrifying things you aren't expecting.

    And no, Robosaurus will not be back ;)

    Yep, i guess im very guilty for some of the wishes and dreams, i was just giving my opinion about it, and there isn't that much to speculate anymore right now without an update, sorry about that B)

    as for movie houses, I dont know, they age money makers, I would like to see originals, and is becoming ever worst now that they do movies that are not horror, when i first saw doomsday and cirque du freak in the event i was like Wtf? seriously? Doomsday ended up being a really good house, but i still was scratching my head.

    I know that the people in HHN can take anything, and make it really scary (like wizard of oz and alice in wonderland for example) they are really good at that, but with movies is kinda different because is not just a concept, but there is a story and characters that you are familiar with, and the houses end up being as close to the movie as possible. all I'm saying is that I like movie houses, The Thing was one of the best houses i have ever seen, just wish they always use horror movies.

  6. Part of me wouldnt mind having HHN back at IOA for one more yr but its never going to happen. There is to much legal paperwork in that park now that it wouldnt work. I also dont miss it being at both parks, even though it wasnt all of the studios (NY and SF) my legs where killing me by the end of the night.

    Plus it would be an operations nightmare to run both parks again.

    yeah, i know, :mellow: and after Potter i was thinking they will probably Never do both parks and lose money like that, i really wish, but i guess i see it will never happen

  7. This has already been discussed quite a bit, but my two cents about both parks: After HHN 2004, I remember being exhausted from traveling back and forth the two parks. The huge distances between the attractions really took their toll. I remember we decided to try to make it back to get in line for the Mummy (the ride, which had just opened) before the park closed and we literally had to jog all the way there because we were somewhere in Islands. Plus there were quite a few dead zones with no scares whatsoever. I always felt the scares are better in Universal, aside from the Jurassic Park area. Definitely had some scareactors jump out of the bushes in IoA and scare the crap out of me.

    yeah I totally get you, I just wish that they did it at least ONCE more, I mean i know you got really tired, but you got to experience it, a lot of us whose first year was 06 or 07,08,09 never got to see IOA as HHN, or be in the park at night that late, I know there are some issues with doing it at IOA, i just wish they would do it just one more time in the next years, maybe for HHN 23 or something.

    Plus if they did it in IOA, in a future year they could totally do something with Potter, after all the craze has gone down, they could make potter really scary, don't know just day dreaming i guess <_<

  8. We never had shirts before. This will be the first year, after an unsuccessful attempt last year. So if you order one this year, you will have the 1st Annual HNN T-Shirt in your collection! :)

    Omg i wish, If i get a job, i would buy a shirt right away, wish me luck :)

  9. How was it at IOA? I get alot of mixed reviews about it when it was over there. I know they most likely wont do it over there again; they had alot of legal issues w/ the widow of Dr. Suess (I heard it had something to do with her not allowing Universal to "besmerch the image of her husbands work." Or something like that lol

    yeah I hear the crowds were horrible and that there is more room in the other park where is held now, they can sell more tickets,

    I missed the HHN in 2005, i was in Citywalk with my friends and i saw the entrance, it looked amazing, well, Islands is a pretty amazing park by itself, I missed it and i regret it so much.

    I been waiting since 06 for them to do it in both parks, i would give anything to be able to see HHN in both parks or at least in IOA. :(

  10. the van is interesting, also from what i can see in the pic, the room is not very large? i dont know, probably not.

    One thing that would really scare me (and everyone else) but they would probably not do it is if they put some sort of prop below the car to come out when you're passing by, Whenever i have to walk through a parking lot, between cars, it always freaks me out the "what if there is something underneath the car" also i remember that Alligators hide under cars and bite people...

    if they did something similar to that, that would would be horrific.

  11. I hope this is ok to ask, but i just wonder, whats gonna happen with the Vault Shirts? are the actors gonna scare you more like they did before? what happened with the people that never received theirs? I always thought about making one, but now i dont know

    I gotta say i never saw a horror night nightmares shirt, so im going to be checking this year

  12. i keep wondering if we are going to get an update today, im going to keep checking all day...

    well anyways, about the teaser that is on the page right now, I really hope that the demon that is in the page will be used in the event, i never saw it before so i didnt know about it, but is one of the best costumes i have seen, is really creepy,

    i know if he jump out in a house at me i would scream!

  13. Sweet 16, Oct 31st

    The Director's house

    This was my very first year in HHN, i was super excited but i didn't know what to expect, My first house was the director's house, it was scary but everything was ok, then, i entered the hellraiser room, All hell broke lose! I am afraid of that movie, so seeing that make me really freaked out, then a girl dressed as a hellraiser character started to follow me and she stood in front of me and wouldn't let me pass, i freaked out and yelled NO MORE! then ran out. at the end of the house i saw the door, i thought it was over and one Director came to me and put the flashlight on his face next to me, i screamed and ran out of the house.

    Carnival of Carnage,

    The Thing

    I was really excited for this house, and i knew it was gonna be scary, so i went inside, i was walking around getting scared but not that much, then I entered a Pool Table Room, and i looked to my right and saw this horrible creature, i freaked out, then the thing moved, it really freaked me out and i screamed and ran out of there leaving my friend alone, i was horrified

    also, there was a tunnel you had to walk trough, i was walking not expecting anything and a Weird Dog thing came out of the side, it really scared me!

    Bloody Mary

    Dead Exposure

    The WHOLE house made me freak out, every room made me scream, the worst room was where there were A lot of mannequins painted like zombies, the whole room was full of them, the lights flickered and there were like 2 or 3 actors, From the moment i Entered i was freaking out, i was really scared. then I was trying to find the way and both actors got me so bad i was terrified. That's the house that i been the most scared

    those are like the biggest scares i had.

  14. Watch. In the future HHN will NO LONGER EXIST. I can feel it in my gut, but mostly it's what my mental illness tells me...

    I KNOW, I feel it in my heart too! :lol:

    I don't think it could happen, Well, it could but i hope and pray to the dark gods that it never does, I would have nothing to look forward in October, Oh my dark lord, that would be horrible, no HHN!.

    i guess Howl-O-Scream is there, but is so far away.

    About the Wikipedia page, I just Saved the Whole page in pictures, it took a while but i have all the info, if they wanna delete it, Fine! i already saved all the stuff from there, Ha-Ha :angry:

    Also, the only reason i Go to the Studios is HHN, but the park itself, if there was no HHN i would have no reason at all to go, unless they make a new ride. I would go to Islands probably, but not to the other

  15. Uh oh stand back everybody the good doctor is about to let out a giant (maybe) rant!

    So I've the speculation thread and I'm notcing people want remakes or rehashes of past stuff. Why dont you guys really want something original? The fear of the unknown is a very good scare tactic cause you really dont know whats coming. Yes we all love certain Houses/SZ cause where comfortable with them, but if they do something new you dont know what to except. Now if we have returning houses your almost guaranteed to know what its going to be, even if its a new story. Hell for example lets look at Body Collectors, for starters we know well have the gentleman, and two well have a spinal cord room. So already you know what most of the house is. Same thing with Screamhouse, we know in almost every room will feature Albert in some form of fashion.

    So maybe having an original storyline could do wonders, hell TJ made the Skoolhouse the central part of the 08 story. Did anybody see that coming? Nope!

    Plus Roddy loved horror movies, who doeesnt, but these days you need to get approve for them in some shape or fashion (back in the 90s thru 03 that wasnt the case). It takes a lot of time to get the rights, plus a lot of money. So maybe this yr we wont have a movie base house nor any movie characters. They could use the money they need to buy those characters and put it right back into the event. They can fix up houses, give us better merch, or even add stuff to the site. Remember they do have a certain amount of budget and cant go over it.

    I also think this thread is one giant wish list and will get only worse.

    Yeah, i know, i even wrote before that I wish the icons were not used in the next couple of years, at least the next 5 years or more.

    I would also love new houses, but like everyone else just said, reunion means reusing,

    I would have No problem at all if they want to reuse stuff, as long as everything about the house (The story, the sets, the way props are used) is all new ideas. I agree that when they remake a house you already know whats gonna happened, is like a remake of a movie, you know exactly whats going to happen.

    But that's exactly what i mean, some movies are remade and are completely different than the original, The Thing and Texas Chainsaw Massacre come to mind, So if they keep redoing houses, i also wish that is really different from the original.

  16. I hope there would be some Harry Potter references to tie in to WWOHP, maybe the show could start with Potter "delaying" the regular show for several minutes?

    hahahaha, that sounds so funny, it would be cool if they had harry potter as the main thing, kinda like hellboy was in 08, i would like to see that!

  17. sorry about that, i knew it was something simple, thanks. I think if they did Carnival of Carnage meets Reflections of Fear that would just be epic, i would love to see that.

    and Dr. Jimmy your suggestion totally shocked me, if they did the creature i would probably go every night of the FFP, That is my favorite movie from the classic monsters, i just love it. I was really sad that they didn't used him in 2009, and a show would just be amazing. they would probably wouldn't do it, but that would certainly be a big change, and everybody knows who the creature is, so it would be a well received show, now i really wish they did something like that

    (Also i Cannot wait for the remake, in 3D, is funny because when the original came out, 3D was the hype, just like now)

  18. I talk to JMR quite regular and he has never said why he left and I have never asked. He is extremely passionate about the event though and we're probably see him there with us queuing up!

    He has told me some interesting things about what's not at HHNXX. He told me that the event he initially pitched is nothing like what was potentially agreed on. What he wanted to do was to have an event that celebrated HHN's past, present and future. He told me that the style would be CofC meets RofF. His centre-piece would have been a soundstage located uber house (uber for length) where we the people are stuck in a battle between Freddy and Jason (No Leatherface for some reason). Warner Bros, who now are in charge of NLC holdings, were even contacted and were 'very' positive. However, all house ideas are voted on and this idea was not voted in. It is worthy to note that Warner do seem more relaxed and proactive about distribution of their holdings than NLC have ever been - which might be good for future years to come.

    He also tells me that when he left nothing was certain and that anything could change after his departure. He left in December and accordingly the HHNXX is finalized for house content by February. All he had heard that there were no movie houses planned after he left and that Warner Bros were EXTREMELY positive for their franchises to feature, he told me that they might appear but it will be very low key to the overall event.

    I speculate that this event will be HHN16 the sequel, the only difference being the streets will step up another gear. I am also pleased that the audition pages (yet) do not advertise for Rocky Horror performers - that show has been at HHN too many times now!

    (CofC meets RofF) im sorry, what's this?

    a jason vs freddy house sounds like my dream come true, but i would highly doubt it would be made. I would love to see this house, but most people hated freddy vs jason,( I love it is one of my favorites), i wonder if the no movie house is for real?

    that would be a change from the past 4 years.

    also if they don't do the rocky horror, what could they do instead?

  19. Yeah Kris, sounds good, hopefully it would work, But it seems they have their minds made up, whatever, im really not going back if they do,

    ok this is what HHN orlando says:

    (This article is being considered for deletion in accordance with Wikipedia's deletion policy.

    This article needs reorganization to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. There is good information here, but it is poorly organized; editors are encouraged to be bold and make changes to the overall structure to improve this article.)

    and now this is what Howl-O-Scream says:

    (This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. Please improve this article if you can.

    This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed)

    so they are giving HOS a change to fix up the page but just deleting HHN?i guess HOS has better sources? i would think they are equally important

    I just realized, First the Vault dies off, now Wikipedia is going to delete the info, What's going on this year? :blink:

    i dont like this one bit

  20. death_ciertificate_HHN-resized-600.jpg

    This was found secured to a trash can towards the Vamp Assistant's scarezone last year - this cert has nothing to do with the movie, so we can only guess that it is a clue to hhn20.

    Also, don't forget TJ did say the theme this year is 'Arts and Crafts.' Like Roddy said last year's was 'Classic.'

    Out of all the speculation I'm hoping CD's is right.

    IF i remember correctly, there was also a carriage or something like that outside the park, i remember seeing pictures of that

    (sorry if this has been said before)

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