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Posts posted by Nightshade

  1. You may not like the arguably unsupportive approach some actors are taking to this issue, but they are right. Just like with any other profession, if you can't handle being a scareactor, don't be a scareactor. It's really that simple, because the nature of the event, ugly side included, is NOT going to change in order to accommodate the newbies. Yeah, it sucks, but it's been like this for 25 years. ALL haunted attractions have these same problems, albeit on different scales. 

    And some of the suggestions I'm seeing to try to "fix" the event are, quite frankly, completely inane and just bad business acumen. You can't always make everything perfect. If there were some magic bullet that could make HHN all rainbows and unicorns for everyone involved, Universal would have already used it. Also, many newer guests don't seem to realize how much the event has already  been affected (for the worse) by increased security measures and policies. They can only do so much.

    Just be thankful Fox News doesn't get a hold of this story, or the scareactors will be rolling around in protective bubbles next year.

    • Like 1
  2. He has too much creative control. 

    Marketing has too much creative control. Is Aiello guilty of doing pet projects when he could be using his imagination instead? Yeah, but he's the lesser of two evils. 

    • Like 2
  3. maybe it wasn't possible or maybe the end of the house was spread built, but It could have been nice if the end of the house with the two chainsaws was made into a final room inside the house ( or maybe a room before the jack room)

    the props were there, the actors had their costumes. I know that house ending is a big surprise for people and no one expects two chainsaws after it was over, but inside it could have been cool too

    The saws are outside due to their fumes. The only time you can have saws indoors is when they're not actually running and sound effects are used instead. I would have liked to have seen them continue the house up until the actual stage exit, like they used to, but I'm guessing there's a reason they always leave an empty space at the end now. 

    I personally would have removed Forsaken, Havoc and Bloodengutz and replaced them with Winter's Night, Catacombs and The Thing. I also would've scrapped the rather jumbled homage to Screamhouse/LT/Dead End and just made it a more recognizable Screamhouse scene. Not really sure what they were thinking there. Also, I think they should have tried to include the other icons as well. The entrance is themed around them, yet you only see 4 of those characters in the actual house.

    • Like 1
  4. If you say "one more time" That clearly implies you have done it more than once. 

    I do no nothing about you but reserved seats are reserved and if it wasn't reserved for you I don't really see the problem with asking you to move? So yes; they'll probably continue to keep doing so if you continue to sit there without the proper qualifications...... 

    I've done what  more than once? That sounds awfully accusatory. I guess the B&T staff can do no wrong, so it must be my fault. 

  5. Do you know what ADA is? If it was reserved then it was reserved. Mostly for people with disabilities and not all disabilities are visible to the naked eye. How about just sit somewhere that isn't reserved or have yourself one of their disability passes or a wheelchair and they'll let you sit in an ADA section that isn't reserved yet or try to make similar accommodations elsewhere so you may enjoy the show. It seems like you make a habit of this with "one more time".....

    And Clash speaks the truth. If anything I thought Amy Winehouse was "too soon" But then again it's been 4 years which is longer than I thought. It really seems like just last year. Either way at the end of the day I enjoyed the show and went on my way. 

    You clearly know nothing about me, much less what my "habits" are. But everyone's an expert. 

  6. Okay, Freddy vs Jason, listen. I know I didn't like you. Thought you were a pretty big disappointment filled with dumb mannequins and corny video displays in lieu of scareactors. But that's no reason to try to strangle me to death. Seriously, someone in the safety department should look into those hanging plant-like things towards the end. If not, I'm bringing a damn weed wacker to the park next week, and you can't stop me.

    • Like 1
  7. This picture is from Singapore

    AND IT LOOKS AMAZING. I would love a prop setup like that in Orlando and I'm incredibly jealous. I can't imagine the effort it took to pull that off. As you can see there's a lot of reinforcement beams across all of the buildings to support that monster. But I bet it looks amazing at night with lighting and effects. Maybe we can expect something like this in the near future? Maybe over Sting alley or someplace with close enough building facades to pull it off. 

    That entire setup is being suspended from a permanent roof, a luxury our park doesn't have.

  8. I'm not saying you're wrong or right here, and that's not only because I've been threatened with a fish, but would you like to explain what its representative of, if said previous examples were not it?

    I'm actually asking because I'm a huge nerd and I like knowing things, but please explain it in a pm or another thread, I don't want to derail this one any further.

    Eh, people are gonna discuss the annual April Fool's stuff anyway.

    SnS didn't really represent anything. It was an "original" concept with only a passing resemblance to anything in particular, other than a very general steampunk motif. Not a bad house, but not terribly creative, a few cool effects notwithstanding. It's annoying to see it get compared to Rapture, one of the best, most distinct settings in video games, or any entertainment medium for that matter, just because it had a guy in a diving suit. There's just so much more an ACTUAL BioShock house would offer.

    Of course, it would also be crazy expensive if done properly.

  9. If the adults on this board feel that they've "earned" the right to see a museum of great stuff simply by being older (not that I'm accusing anyone of having that philosophy, mind you!), I think that's a bit of a flawed argument.

    I think this is your own fallacy. What you're failing to realize is that this upcharge attraction is a privilege, not a right. No one earned it and no one has an inherent right to see it, even after they've paid their $9.99, regardless of age. Universal, being private property, has the sole right to decide who this privilege is given to. They're doing this on their own terms, because they can. You have to respect that. And as I said before, they likely have a logical reason for these terms, even if you disagree with them. You have the right to disagree. However, you're not being wronged in any way, which is why your formal complaint will be rendered moot. Sometimes you just have to accept the way things work, even if you perceive it as being unfair. Having the maturity to do this is part of being an adult.

    Its not a personal attack on you due to your age... but your age is a limiting factor on many things in life... I cant get the senior citizens discount (yet)...

    Don't worry, you're getting there.

  10. It's a little odd that it's 21 and over when there is a lot of under age members here... I mean, the whole VIP Lounge seems more like a fan thing than a general public thing.

    It is a fan thing... an adult fan thing. While I sympathise with some of the younger members of the HHN community, I'm sure that they had a perfectly reasonable motive for enforcing an age restriction. And I wouldn't necessarily assume that it's alcoholic-related.

  11. This question of whether Jack is a "sell-out" really makes no sense. He was created for marketing purposes... to help SELL the event. You make him sound like a real person with his own possible motives, rather than the mere marketing tool that he has always been.

    Yes he is a sell out. But that is nothing new. He has always been a sell out.

    But I'm not understanding the hate for the ringmaster Jack. he has been very funny/creepy everytime I've gone through there... and I don't like Jack in the slightest.

    No offense to the actors in Fear Revealed, but seeing them and seeing the "real" Jack at the photo booth are two completely different experiences. There's just no comparison.

  12. I just saw it too, it's great in comparison to the one here. What the hell... I guess with the budget spent on all the houses and scarezones they had to make cuts somewhere. :(

    Budget? Good jokes don't cost more to write than bad ones. And there's nothing wrong with the show's production values, beyond having an uninspired set. Budget is irrelevant.

    I still don't see what's so bad about it. Out of the 10 B&T shows I've seen, I'd rank this one no lower than 5th. It's pretty par for the course imo. It certainly isn't laugh a minute, but B&T never is.

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