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Everything posted by NowYouKnowJack

  1. Very cool update. I was actually expecting videos in Behind the screams.
  2. Ah, i see what you mean. It does without a doubt look like a pattern to a gate or something.
  3. I have a feeling that the burnt markings on those photos are made by the lantern. you can really tell in the pic of the torture truck. The shapes in the way it was burnt resemble the ones on the lantern itself. Sorry if this was said already, ive not had much time to go back and catch up.
  4. Idk why this reminds me of the Caretaker. *Bring that Unbeliever to me* or Nonbeliever this may have nothing to do with this but it just reminds me of it. Beat me to it lol
  5. This new update is pimp. I wonder what the rest of those photos will reveal
  6. Wow, your right! Very interesting So maybe its safe to say that the lantern holds all the history of HHN past,present and whats in store?
  7. Wow, IF this ends up being confirmed then that just throws everything in a loop. I'm starting to get the feeling as well, that all these cast names are just code names. Well, we will find out soon enough what Uni has under there sleeves =)
  8. The drawing. The logo is legit. I agree, IF its a real leak, then we have something interesting to speculate about =)
  9. I have a feeling its fan art. Someone who noticed the new tag line and said well, I could add something more to it to keep people speculating!? But who knows, i could be wrong.
  10. The new Iphone 4 and how Steve jobs is sending people free cases for them to work properly Or holding them the right way so you don't lose reception lol. Something along those lines. Oh and lady gaga In some ridiculous outfit that will cover her from head to toe, which most likely she wont even be able to walk around in right cause its so ridiculous
  11. Most likely the end of Aug/Beginning of September if i remember correctly.
  12. Same here. I'm happy about the FFP+. Its so convenient to have FFP-ExpressPass added for those who attended a lot like i do . My guess is its gonna cost around $149 with the AP Holder discount as well.
  13. We have the same Birthday! No worries man, you'll be back in no time.
  14. Thats true. Maybe when we finally get to see what the event is truly all about, the tagline will fit in place better in my head I do see your point tho.
  15. I'm not shooting down the event lol. Just not digging the tag line thats all. Just seems basic to me but of course thats just my opinion. Regardless of this years theme name, i will attend
  16. ^ I hope not. Twenty years of fear just doesn't sound catchy to me
  17. Idk why but when you write things like this, i highlight everything you write and click all the words just encase you added a little clue in your posts like you've done in the past
  18. Yeah, that smell was nasty but that was the point! lol. it was a very creative house
  19. Fml....I hope this is just a coincidence cause I agree with money that could have been better spent imo.
  20. ^ I would hope so cause Twenty years of fear sounds pretty cheesy imo. I'm sure they will have a better event title.
  21. YAY!!!! Update Finally!!!! It feels good lol. To think that its just the teaser page too
  22. Brilliant! i agree. I'm sure they read what we have to say and take a idea or two from them
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