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Everything posted by Brandon_Voorhees

  1. So, I'm in a Horrorpunk band called Graveyard Smash and just wrote a song about HHN 26 haha!
  2. I'm admittedly biased as a Misfits fan, but they're huge right now. Last show they got top billing over Rob Zombie. Even if not specifically Misfits, horrorpunk would still be cool. Something like Return of the Living Dead II. Zombies, Mohawks, chainsaws...
  3. This one is way out there, but I thought it was great when the Black Sabbath house was done. For music, the Misfits are working on a new album and tour. For those who aren't familiar, the Misfits are a punk band who's entire look and sound revolves around horror movies. I realize this is a stretch, but would be awesome. Horror Punk house!
  4. I love Stranger Things like everyone else, but would personally be bummed to see it at HHN.
  5. I wasn't there to see it in person, but it seems everyone loved Nightingales. What did everyone love about it so much? I did a little research but obviously some things don't translate their amazingness from pics and videos.
  6. "I said back off" has become a common quote heard around the home haha!
  7. I legitimately loved the event so much this year (my first), that me and my girl have started talking about moving to FL and getting annual passes. I've also seen a lot of people post that they thought this year was 'meh,' which makes me even more stoked for a year that the majority of people actually like!
  8. I just got back from my first HHN and loved it. I went last Fri and Sat and thought all of the houses were great! It's pretty hard to scare me because I've been working at haunted houses since I was in 2nd grade and travel all over to see the best ones, but they were very entertaining and detailed! The only thing I didn't really like was all the alcohol/drunk idiots. Thinking about possibly checking out Hollywood next year.
  9. I fly to Orlando on the 13th and will be at HHN the 14th and 15th!
  10. Just throwing it out there, but I joined this board because I'm stoked to check everything out for my first time and get pointers and advice from everyone. Stopped checking this forum near as much because of the constant negativity. I think everything they've announced is awesome, but also get that I never got to see the years that people considered HHN in its 'prime.' Things may be different, but damn, at least let people check the employee sneak peak (or whatever it's called)! If you want to tell me to get fucked for being a nu-nee or whatever, that's fine, but I'm just giving an honest outside opinion.
  11. Is that a typo? Shouldn't there be an 's' after the apostrophe for Banshee's Lair?
  12. Give me a skull, a sharpie, and 20 mins and I'll give you a hell of a deal... $75! That's $5 cheaper than the "big names!"
  13. I'll be there on the 14th & 15th (Maybe 13th too depending on what time I end up flying into Orlando). We have Fast Passes for everything and are staying at the Cabana Bay.
  14. From what I've seen yes, once the yellow rope goes, they're all open.
  15. This is my first year. I'm going as much research as possible and am staying on property. Any advice is appreciated.
  16. Awesome and thanks! So stoked to experience my first HHN!
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