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Posts posted by RustySomebody

  1. 21 minutes ago, faceleg said:

    Any chance they will update the main site? Everything seems a bit disjointed to me, since their isn't separate pages with a list of all the houses and another page listing all the sz's like in years past. So far everything is just on the announcement page. I mean no big deal either way, just hoping they would give a little more backstory to the whole Chance stuff and how everything connects, cause right now nothing connects lol.

    I posted something along the same lines on HHN Orlando's twitter account with no answer.

    I would love a good website to go along with this (presumably) amazing year!

    At the very least, catch us up to where Hollywood's is now.


    • Like 1
  2. This year will be my first RIP tour experience. We're doing the public tour the last Sunday of October. We're also doing the stay scream. Since our tour starts at 7:30 (tried to get the earlier one, but whatev) how do you think we should attack our evening?


    Here's my plan for now:

    Day at IOA

    Dinner towards the end of the day/early evening at IOA


    Wait in line, use our early entry time for dinner in the park

    Meet at the front to start the tour


    I don't know. I'm open to suggestions from anyone that's done this before.


  3. 12 minutes ago, Gambit said:


    I actually miss the excitement of those days. The days when this site would crash after the reveal from the amount of people wanting to talk about it. The days we would spend hours playing flash games just to get a card to build a card house. Great, now I'm depressed. 

    My fav was the one for The Usher where it was revealing different parts of the building  until final reveal and the whole thing was miniature replica that you could explore.

    • Like 3
  4. Thats what i'm thinking as well, which is why we may be getting the extra drama around this reveal. Not only will we get AHS, but maybe this is Chance's big moment. If they play this right, and GOD I hope they are, we'll get afull site with tons of content and maybe some more details to fill in the gaps that we've been having questions about. Maybe we get a little bit of a story (not that we dont know Chance's story, but the gen pub wont) 

    Also, maybe those poor folks in Hwood will finally know dates,ticket prices and such. I'd flip if i still couldnt plan my trip by now. 


    Happy final reveal everyone!

  5. 2 hours ago, hunnylvr said:


    And why did I expect this from you?  smh  Dude, you seriously need to chill.  it's usually an original that ends up being one of the best.  The fact that they keep teasing this one indicates to me that they are excited about it.  If they are excited, it means we should be excited.  We know nothing official about this house other than its name, so how about we wait for more info before determining the relative suck factor?

    Speaking of more info......does ANYONE have any guesses as to when we'll get more (if not the remainder) of the info for this year? (including the full site)

  6. 1 hour ago, Badge said:


    It is a little crazy but still a really good value over all. I mean, did you look at the prices for express passes on Saturday? Your looking at between $110-120! Add that to $92 for Rush of Fear and your at $202. That's why the RoF + Express pass really isn't that bad. After two nights, it has paid for itself and then some considering how nice it is to skip 90+ minute waits. 


    Still, going to be interesting to see how many teens avoid the event this year because they got priced out. Would love for the price hike to knock out some of the HS and "I just turned 21 so lets get wasted and trash stuff" crowd. 

    I agree it's a little pricey.  BUT remember what you get; the number 1 haunted attraction in the country and a few of the great USO rides. 


    My wife and I will be coming in from Iowa but i grew up in Plant City, FL and went to HHN as often as I could. Now when I only get to go every few years, it's worth the price. I even signed us up for the RIP tour since it's her 1st time going and i didn't want her (or me) to wait in 90+ min lines and we definitely wanted to see all the houses. 


    Again, pricey but worth the experience.

  7. 1 hour ago, Gambit said:

    It seems there's some info about scarezones finally leaking out. It's from Legacy over on OU who's a pretty solid source.


    "Alright... Who wants scarezone hints?

    Interstellar Dreaming
    Revving Sun
    Black Goats
    Red Goats
    Evolutionary Turning Point
    ????? "

    Im stating upfront that i have no clue what any of these codenames mean, but my first thought when i saw goats was that sometimes is used as an acronym for Greatest Of All Time. Since we have some returning characters this year (from both horror movies and past HHNs), could these zones be re-imagined zones from the past?


    Again, just speculation and spurring discussion.

  8. To add to my above post.....

    It seems that the website has excluded TWD from any sort of possible 'theming' as they aren't in the rotating pics of the houses. 


    So, let's examine the main characters in each house

    The Exorcist- Reagan

    TCM- Leatherface

    Halloween 2- Michael

    And then there's Chance and her house


    Are we able to say that each character has 2 sides/personalities? Idk. Again, just adding to my question to try to figure out what's next.

  9. Hi everyone. I thought this was the most appropriate place to post this question. If there's somewhere else, please feel free to let me know. 


    In past years, when we've had an icon, the houses sort of followed along with the icon's back story, right? Most specifically The Usher and all of the movie houses, etc. 

    That being said, we've gotten a pretty solid Chance backstory with her two personalities/mental points of views and the whole "Theater of the Mind" take, including the theming on the website. 

    My question is, how are the houses announced so far connected to her story? I think that once we figure that out, it might give us a more clear path to what houses we can expect next. 


    Maybe I'm just off base. 


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