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Posts posted by Stumpy

  1. I'll be using the same plan as last year, paired with the Stay and Scream holding area in New York. Worked out great last time, though with some houses supposedly exiting in different spots this year, I may have to adjust it accordingly.

    1. Winter's Night

    2. The Thing

    3. The Forsaken

    4. In Between

    5. Nevermore

    6. Saws 'n Steam

    7. Holidays

    8. Nightingales

  2. They added three new multi-player games. One for The Forsaken (Secret of the Stones), one for Nightingale's: Blood Prey (A Bit of the Bubbly) and one for Bloodengutz (The Final Cut). When you beat these new multi-player games, you unlock the second half of the corresponding poker chip on The House page. Clicking on the corresponding colored circle on the house of cards will bring you to a neat page with click-able items providing detailed backstory for the house.

    It also looks like the banishment time has been reduced to 30minutes.

    Awesome! I knew we'd be getting new games. Thanks for the info.

    Edit: Luck is with me tonight. Just beat 'em all on my first go :)

  3. 1. H.R. Bloodengutz Presents: Holidays of Horror

    2. Winter's Night: The Haunting of Hawthorn Cemetery

    3. Nightingales: Blood Prey

    4. The Forsaken

    5. Nevermore: The Madness of Poe

    6. Saws 'n Steam: Into the Machine

    7. The Thing

    8. The In Between

    This was really hard because there are so many good, creative ideas! Really, any of my top 4 could have made my #1 slot. They all sound promising.

    It will be interesting to see what changes between our "anticipated" lists and how we feel about the houses once we've experienced them. I wonder if we'll have a "sleeper hit" this year?

  4. My token count is still up its at 23220. I did this all in less than a week, so I was not even around for the "refreshers". If I did refresh it would say "no cheating the house always wins" I did that one time on accident.

    Were you Danny B.? I checked the board earlier today and was wondering where your score went. That sucks that they took you off. There's no possible way you could have cheated.

  5. For those still having trouble, this is what worked for me:

    When starting the game, don't focus on anything but keeping the cannon balanced. Eventually, you'll notice that it calms down for a second or two and doesn't go flying as easily. Use that opportunity to go after one of the ropes, and repeat until you've got them all. Really, the hardest part is keeping the cannon from crashing.

  6. As the current head of the leaderboard, I also want to say that I didn't intend to ruin it for everyone. I enjoy competition and wanted to see how far I could go. Everyone else was using the refresh exploit, so I figured it was fine until Universal said otherwise- which they now have. Besides, it took considerable effort... I think I clocked over 20 hours to get 34,000+ points. :o They are welcome to remove me from the Leaderboard, I will understand, though at this point I think the fairest thing to do would be to wipe the whole thing and start over now that no one can "cheat".

    Off to play the new game now.

  7. I liked the scare zones, but some of the people they had working them were god awful, one girl tried to scare us by following behind us, after rolling my eyes at my friend I felt bad for the girl and gave her a little jump so that she wouldn’t feel bad that her efforts were wasted, well she preceded to yell to the other works about how she scared us and sound like an excited kind kindergartener, yes very scary. :brick:

    Okay, this person is a jerk. I'm pretty sure I know which scareactor they're talking about, and it makes me mad because she was one of the best, IMO. She was very energetic and interactive with guests, especially if they were fans. I got the best scare I've received from ANY haunted attraction thanks to her and some of her castmates.

    They never seemed to use the bait and switch method where your attention is on one thing but the scare is beside or behind you.

    They must not have been paying much attention because this tactic certainly was used. I know the spine rip in Hallow'd was one example (BC would come up behind people and scare them while they were watching the scene), and I think Catacombs had it too... I remember being distracted by a doctor out in the open, only to turn around and end up nose to beak with another one (who happened to be from this site :P).

  8. This is a little old, but it's funny. There's an uncensored version too :lol: I love how they included her pronunciation mistakes.

    I really wish more theaters were like this one. I hate paying all that money to see a movie and then having someone's cell phone screen light up every 5 minutes... that's pretty distracting in a dark theater.

  9. I got an email yesterday that Rock The Universe tickets are on sale. Is this early? If so, does anyone know if we will get Halloween Horror Night ticket sales early this year?

    The generic website went up June 14 last year, and select tickets (General Admission and Express passes) went on sale that day. The other ticket options (FFP, FFP+, etc.) didn't go on sale until much later, I think it was near the end of July. I'm guessing it will be around the same time this year, but who knows, they seem to be doing things a little earlier without Potter in the way.

  10. I was introduced to HHN in 2003, when I began seeing images of a creepy looking director in the avatars/signatures of users on various forums. However, I didn't realize he was actually tied into HHN (I thought he was just some scary Universal character) until October, when I watched Art of the Scare on the Travel Channel and they played one of the Director commercials. It looked really cool and I searched for some info about it online, but ended up forgetting about it for a while. Fast forward to November 2005 - in a fit of boredom, I happened to remember HHN and decided to see what was new. It was then that I came across HHNVault, and from that point on, I was hooked. I lurked on that site every year, "living" the event through what the fans would post, and vowing that one day, I'd experience it myself. Last year, that dream finally came true. I had so much fun that I just had to plan another trip for this year, and I'm sure I'll be back again in the near future.

  11. yeah I Recall an archive for the vault somewhere,

    what if it was horrornight.be? they had the archives of every year of hhn sites as well....

    It was HHNRumors that had the Vault archived. I think it's been taken down, though.

    That sucks about horrornights.be. The update checker on that site was fantastic. :( I hope it returns eventually.

  12. Unfortunately, it was mostly focused on FFP and Rush of Fear (two things that don't apply to me, because I'm going October 7th, 8th, and 9th for sure). The survey didn't feature any questions regarding houses/zones/icons/characters/themes/ect, though.

    I am going that weekend too, and since it said "first 10 nights of the event", wouldn't it apply to us? It'd be the perfect ticket option for me. I'd like a version with Express though.

  13. This one was REALLY tough, because there were a lot of cool costumes. It's a toss-up between Fear and his Minions for me, but Fear won by a smidge because his appearance alone was enough to freak me out. Good god, that face. D: Universal did a good job with him, I thought he looked very cool and scary. The Minions were cool too, though I agree with Andrew that the actors were what really made those characters.

    Honorable mention goes to Esqueleto Muerte - their costumes were gorgeous at night, the colors just popped right out.

  14. Excellent post! This was a fun year, and I really enjoyed reading about everyone's special moments and scares. I hope more people will come and share their memories on this thread. I would like to share some of my own... I tend to prattle on, so I apologize in advance for the wall 'o text. :blush:

    This was my first Halloween Horror Nights, and it turned out to be everything I dreamed of and more. My friends will tell you that I am the biggest haunted attraction fan they know. I look forward to haunt season more than ANYTHING every year, and I am always searching for the best scares. And as far as HHN goes, I came to Orlando looking for the ultimate scare. I think I can safely say that I found it. Case in point: when I visit a haunt, I am pretty hard to scare. I'm usually at the front of the group, bravely plowing ahead of everyone else, or bringing up the rear because the rest of the group doesn't want to be followed. Prior to visiting HHN, few actors could get more than a jump out of me, none of them could get me to scream, and chainsaws? No reaction at all.

    And then I went to HHN. Holy crap! I don't know what happened... maybe the other haunts were doing it wrong, or I just got caught up in the energy... but I got scared senseless every single night I attended. Almost every house and scarezone got me to scream, I RAN from numerous scareactors, the same scareactors got multiple scares on me throughout the weekend... it was crazy! My friends would have wondered what had gotten into me. But I loved every minute of it.

    I had many great scares and memories over the four nights I attended the event, and I wish I could list them all, but here's a few of the best:

    Not getting many scares in the houses my first night, then going into the scarezones and getting wrecked in every single one of them. The houses were fun, but I liked the scarezones a little more and had my best moments in them.

    Going through Catacombs alone, what a treat! My first visit was not good, but this time I found out just how scary this house could be if you caught the scares (even worse when they're all directed at you!). After this, I didn't have another bad visit.

    MrBungle repeatedly scaring the $%^& out of me throughout the weekend. It was so funny because he always caught me, despite my efforts to avoid him. In the same vein, me running from at least four guys with chainsaws, after I posted on this site that chainsaws didn't scare me :P

    Lamenting my lack of scares from the Usher on Saturday (10/9), and then not only seeing him in Hallow'd Past my first time through that night, but also getting a scare from Cast A's in Fear Revealed (he actually got me to jump and yell!). Either he got the memo, or luck was on my side. Regardless, my night was made! :) He was also the last character I saw in Hallow'd Past on my final visit, which made me quite happy.

    20 Years of Fear... I got so much "love" in this zone it was almost scary. lol! I always looked forward to my first trip through every night because I always got a warm "welcome" from the warehouse inhabitants. ;) Lots of memories here. Cast B's red haired cheerleader stalking me all night, Army chasing me through the zone a zillion times, Cast B Alice greeting me (yes dear, you truly are craaaazy :)), a couple of epic group scares... the list goes on. I had a cute moment with one of the Wolfies on my last night too. This zone was tons of fun, and I hope I see some of the same people next year.

    In conclusion, I REALLY enjoyed this, it was the most fun I've EVER had in my life. Thank you to everyone who works this event for making my first HHN a very memorable one. I won't be able to come back every year, being out of state sucks like that, but I will definitely be a repeat customer!

  15. Congratulations on Street of the Year! I'm so proud of you all! :) Thank you so much for all the scares/attention every night I visited, you made me so happy. If any of you are working next year, I will be on the lookout for you. You guys are the best. <3

  16. Right! I would never say never. I could easily see a "triumphant return" year at some point where the icons come back to take the park or something. It wouldn't surprise me at all. But I think putting them away for a few years is a good thing.

    Well, the thing is... there have already been two years where all the icons got together - Sweet 16 and this one. If every big milestone is going to result in all the icons returning, fans are going to get tired of that really quick. And A&D have said they do not like repeating the same ideas. I will keep my fingers crossed, but I am not optimistic about their fate.

    Just wondering - have you read the legend of Adaru on LegendaryTruth's Facebook page? It ends with this:

    "Another wall painting depicts the five men bowing to what is believed to be Adaru the Demon of Fear. Shown standing in flames that lead back to the lantern, Adaru has a hand outstretched from which thorny brambles wrap the five men completely. Blood surrounds them."

    And then there's this comment by Fear:

    "Taking my playthings from inside the box, and accepting their willing sacrifice."

    I'm wondering if, at the end of the event... having served their purpose... the icons will be sacrificed by Fear, and He will start over with new servants (provided LegendaryTruth doesn't come along and whoop his ass, of course ;)).

    BTW- despite all the flack that Fear has gotten from the fans, I've actually warmed up to him a lot as an icon. I think he's very cool. I just think Universal missed the boat on making him front and center for the event so he never really felt like THE icon for this year. He needed more presence in the marketing, website, archway video, and throughout the park. Because they wanted to keep him "in the shadows" it really undercut his influence. It's a shame, really.

    I totally agree. Fear and his minions were great characters, IMO, and I would love to see them come back to the event someday. But Fear needed to be done up a little bigger. He was great in the media stuff, but his presence in the park wasn't very strong... you could feel it, but it was weak. I almost feel like Jack overshadowed him, and that's bad considering he's supposed to be the "icon of icons".

  17. Me too! I choose to celebrate HHN all year long! However- I do always go through a week or two of depression after the 31st knowing that it's over for another year.

    However- those of you in FL are lucky. You can still go for a few days still. My trip to Orlando is over so HHN XX really is over for me :(

    Despite this being my first year, I know how you feel. My trip has been done for over a week, and I'm still pining to go back. It was so amazing. I just can't believe it's almost over already.

    I think what tears me up the most is that this year is probably the last year we will see ANY of the icons - save for maybe Fear - ever again. I can find something I like in ALL of them, and I really don't want Uni to kill them off... just lock them away for a few years. But with Jack going around telling the media it's his "final bow", well... I have a bad feeling this is the end. I will miss them all (of course, you know who I'll miss the most). :(

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