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Everything posted by Alice

  1. I ended up getting called for a full-time job here a few weeks later so it all worked out for me, lol. I believe they do end up scheduling more auditions as needed. Not sure on the timeframe. I hope you're able to get into one!
  2. Per some of my regular scareactor friends, the 'outside' auditions are booked up because they changed the way that returning TMs signed up for theirs and those spots ran out quicker than usual. So now people who would usually go to those internal auditions are now having to snag these spots. It took me a couple of rounds to score a spot last year, too. (I didn't end up getting picked, either)
  3. Well f*ck, I agree with you. Are we sure there are no flying pigs? I'm itching for information at this point, but as someone mentioned before I get that UO would have wanted to avoid HHN press around this time. Fingers crossed we get a reveal soon. I'm waiting on more reveals before booking my mother's flights to come down. She decided she wants to go. She's never even watched a horror movie. It'll be interesting!
  4. I'm kind of annoyed that we got this beautiful website reveal with no context...what are the chances of a house announcement this month?
  5. Yes, pretty much every time you see stilt people at Universal that's what they're using. Which is why the 'hybrid' stilt auditions are interesting--usually they don't use anything other than Bigfoots IIRC. So...maybe something new inside a house? Or they wanted a different height range for street stilts?
  6. Thanks for clarifying. Wonder how much truth there is to any of the icon rumours anymore.
  7. Don't fear the reaper? Can't tell if witty tagline tie-in or actually hinting at a Grim Reaper icon.
  8. Anyone else noticing the transition from red to blue and the extinguishing of the candles going along with that? Hot/cold? Descending into something? Or maybe just a design/aesthetic choice.
  9. Official blog post says 9 houses though.
  10. RE: hidden messages, there's a little circle just to the left of the leaves in the frame that doesn't seem to be anywhere else in the background. But I don't have a high-res enough file to get a clear idea of what it might be. ETA: never mind. It does pop up in a couple of other places. Please resume the search, lol.
  11. I think we have better things to talk about, but I wasn't accusing anyone of 'stalking'. This IS an invasion of someone's privacy, though. It's crossing a line. And I can imagine if you were in their shoes, you'd be creeped out by it, too. There is absolutely no reason to drag someone's personal life outside of their job into this without their consent. That's all I'm saying. Anyway, let's get back to the important stuff.
  12. Yup. I'm also going off of anecdotal evidence but there's a LOT of toxic fandom around SAs and especially Entertainment performers. When I was just a guest I saw a lot of it among my social circle. Personally, I prefer it when fandom stops when the show/event/etc ends. ETA: On a different note, I'm waiting with bated breath for Thursday and whatever information the Q&A (right?) may bring.
  13. I seriously thought this was a Poe/satire. Speaking as a TM (but not as a part of the HHN team or for the company, as always)--please don't let your speculation extend into our personal lives. That's....a whole new level of unnecessary.
  14. So...the second video. How likely would it be for Jack to return this year? Not that I want that, but with corporate having so much control over things I would not be surprised if they were to force it upon us. Is that audio specifically linked to Cindy too? (Apologies, I'm a noob, only started going in 2015)
  15. How would Wizard of Oz translate to a horror maze? Who even owns the rights [eta, I'm an idiot and didn't read above]? I feel like that's just not realistic. The whole rumoured lineup/icon doesn't seem right to me. We'll have to see.
  16. So if we are getting 2 houses in B79, I'm wondering what the tradeoff is. Are we confirmed for 9 houses or could it be stretching to 10 (not including any VR possibilities?)
  17. I'd love a house based on the Argento version of Phantom of the Opera. Just the film itself is bad enough to be scary...
  18. A) I actually found the BEST solution...I started working for the company a couple of weeks ago. Now I just pop in from the back B)That's the funny part...I actually found one since my boyfriend works in Texas. Hung out with all the Leatherfaces one evening before their orientation. It was literally what you described--5-foot-3 me in a crowd of 6-foot-5 burly dudes!
  19. This is true, but my point is less 'there should be a way to get to B&T without going through zones' and more 'there should be better communication about where people with disabilities and varying needs can take a break from the scares'. Just like how those of us who use the AAP need a break from the crowds and such. I LOVE HHN, I love being scared, but I have a smaller 'capacity' of how much I can handle. I meet the park halfway by mapping out my own path through the park, where I can take a break, etc. Just wish there was the same kind of guide to HHN as there is for the park itself for those of us with these needs. IIRC Universal is slowly starting to bring in more people to their Diversity and Inclusion department, specifically for disability access type stuff, so my fingers are crossed that they will improve in that area. I always have a laugh when people tell me 'you should avoid HHN if you're like this, you chose to go'. I like HHN *because* I'm autistic, as it has become a special interest of mine. Anyway, back to the regularly scheduled discussion.
  20. Political debate aside, I wish they would designate some kind of safe space. I almost didn't attend my first HHN because all I wanted to do was go to B&T (I was going on a comp ticket) and I would have had to go through 2 scare zones either route to get to the theater. Since I was pushed into experiencing the event itself and found a great community of friends who also go so I was able to enjoy it, it's less of an issue, but being autistic with SPD means I need to have the ability to regulate my 'intake' of this stuff. There are ways of hiding out in certain places, but no true safe space other than Diagon. Even Mel's wasn't safe if you sat in a window seat. I won't be crying out to Guest Services anytime soon (mostly because they already don't have a great handle on disability stuff--waiting in line to get the AAP so I don't have to wait in line, anyone?), but still. Accommodations are no political claptrap or joke
  21. Has anyone ever had any success asking their Publix to take the standee home after the event? I want one so bad.
  22. I can't remember who shared this yesterday, but I downloaded it to my phone, lol. It's comiiiiiiiing!
  23. So I'm not in any way a fan or follower of AHS, but this article caught my eye: http://m.tmz.com/2016/08/01/ahs-season-6-theme-set-photos/ This is a little left field, but is Requel really an original? Or could it be that Roanoke has been re-fitted to match the IP?
  24. Heh. Kind of annoying for us grumpy locals who don't feel like spending $ on the hotels after buying into passes.
  25. No. None of the hotel Express benefits apply to HHN, and even if they did, Cabana Bay is not included in the onsite Express stuff.
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