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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Woah, The Director and The Usher should not go together in the same house! All Nite Die-In was a way better house than Silver Screams, and The Director is way cooler than The Usher. Thats what I think.
  2. Why is everyone thinking that HP is going to be apart of HHN? I think there is no way HP will be with HHN unless it takes place in Islands, which its not this year. It will be at the studios. They wont open up just the HP part, that would be a waste. I SERIOUSLY doubt that HP will be used...
  3. I'm with you on this one, I like to walk through the houses and its brand new to me!!! But I have to admit for HHN 17, the Dead Silence house was amazing!! Well actually, all the houses were good except for Jacks house :/ Well they have only really done the movies thing since HHN 17, I believe. The movies do bring more guests to the park so I guess from a business stand point the movies are good, but I do agree with Goo (lol thats a funny name). I want to walk through the house and only know the backstory of it.
  4. I doubt it, I think that was just a one time deal.
  5. I know they won't be back, I said I seriously doubt that they will be back even if the contract is still active!
  6. Actually, it came about that there was no 3 year contract and that the contract still exists today. So they may still be used, even though I seriously doubt they will. If you scroll down like half way on the page you will see that article about it. The title is "NLC back in the mix". HHNRumors
  7. When did this idea come up? Using an HP house or scarezone, it won't happen...
  8. Well I was out at the park today and they put up a wall at the far end of Disaster que, and after riding the Simpsons ride I peered over at the sprung tent and the door was open and there were a couple of golf carts parked outside of it. Maybe they were working on a house in there? Just letting you guys know
  9. I will check as soon as I wake up tomorrow, hopefully the permits will be up!
  10. The archive site goes up about June 1st or the beginning of June, if I'm correct. It goes up sometime around there.
  11. My first year was 2006: Sweet 16. I had been wanting to go since 2002 when I saw a commercial for it. I thought it looked like the coolest thing ever! I was like 11 at the time. My parents thought it would be too scary for me. Then the next year I saw the travel channel special on it and I wanted to go so badly. But I had no time to go since i helped at a local haunted house. Finally after multiple years of just looking at the website and hoping the travel channel special would come on TV I finally went. I was hooked and have been getting the frequent fear pass since then. I go probably 4-5 times a year now! I wish I was like a couple of the people that have been going since Fright Nights! You people are so lucky.
  12. I'm sure they will give it a makeover. If I'm correct it has a bunch of HHN 18 things on there so they will have to update it to the HHN 20 LT information.
  13. I checked for the building permits but I couldn't find anything . I will check alittle later to see if they are up.
  14. It doesn't really hurt the Carey, Ohio theory, it just makes everything tie in with each other more, Cause Shady Oaks could be linked to Shady Brook like Mae said. I was just thinking, maybe all the icons originated in Carey or born there. There are so many theories that could come from all of this. Like you could say, hmmm Shady Oaks, maybe this tree that everyone is talking about is a very large Oak that creates shade! (of coarse I'm joking) But like I demonstrated a lot could be said about everything that has discussed over the past month. I hate to say it but we probably wont get any where closer to all of this until the code names are found or the teaser page is put up . Well, I guess we will see! Edit: Grammar corrections.
  15. Same thing happened to me. That site should change it and let you view it under 1000. Cause 250 is just too small!
  16. How do you know he wasn't lying? Like I said, the website could already be done or they are working on it now. It takes a long time to create an elaborate site like the ones from years past. I do doubt myself, I don't think the website is done yet, but they are probably just now starting on it.
  17. Oh, I'm sure they are creating the website right now. So when the time comes for the full website to be reveled it will be put up. Hell, it might already be done and just waiting on the server, who knows? I just hope LT will be back.
  18. Yeah true, they should just let people go where ever they want, but PLEASE BRING BACK THE ARRIVAL or opening scaremonies, they were so fun to watch.
  19. I believe it is called Universal 360. But I want them to do another Arrival Show like they did for Sweet 16, that was my first taste of HHN and is was AWESOME! I liked how they funneled everyone over to that stage and made them watch. I would wait by that restaurant on the far right and they would normally open the blockers when there was 10 minutes left in the show and I would run and get through like 3 houses without waiting at all. That was one good thing about blocking the people but I'm sure a lot of people complained about that.
  20. Same here, if I am waiting in a long line for the disaster house, I always hope the show is on so I can at least enjoy my wait! I especially like doing the Time Warp!
  21. What show do you insist on them doing this year?
  22. I wish they could have a house from every year! Oh if I could go back in time I would visit every single year of HHN! I guess I will have to go talk to Dr. Brown about a time machine, it will cost a fortune lol.
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