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Everything posted by Circ

  1. If the pattern on image five is a clock then it's in the wrong place on that circle image you got. Eventually it's gonna have to move down and to the right, around the middle, if we're trying to match the lantern.
  2. I would like to make something clear to the thread. While I am flattered by the fact that people have guessed me to be a profile for one of the Directors of Legendary Truth, I'm just a CRO or CFO or... which one is the acronym for you guys? ... It's CFO, right? CFO. It was a very good guess though. Keep trying guys! On a side note, has anyone noticed the fact that LT just put up a picture from another website? Seems that a few people dissected the lantern and good goddamn they picked up a bunch of stuff we never noticed. Including Mary herself. It does seem rather weird to have a year without Mary and yet have LT, doesn't it? I mean, the two of them seem intertwined. Like two forces dancing together in the night, one leads and the other follows. (OOG: Has it crossed anyone's minds that the reason Bobby Weir hasn't said anything about Mary is because Universal doesn't want anyone to know she either said yes to letting them use her again, or that she has no control over that version of Mary?) fake edit: Also, I'm not the guy who's running the Jack FB, just to make it clear as well.
  3. It'd be better to make a HHN wiki and have a section of it for LT. If you're asking if you could, go ahead. :3
  4. We don't know yet. Sometime in the future they'll be giving it out. Probably after solving a puzzle of some sort.
  5. It's a very bad idea. Like others have said, it could throw the game off. Don't even use a variable for his name. Just leave him be for a bit.
  6. Agreed. We're playing a waiting game here with LT. Don't tire yourself out chasing white rabbits or red herrings or mixing metaphors like I'm doing. Also, don't trust Nellie Lovett. Anyone with a Mr. B Natural avatar is obviously working for Satan. :V
  7. We have to do it. We have to move Universal Studios Orlando.
  8. Personally, I'm going to be internet-only by choice when it comes to LT. At least for this first time. HHN is about having fun for me, the way I choose. I'm not going to compromise that for the other people I'm going with by running around, looking for clues. I'm just going to enjoy the houses and scarezones. I am, however, going to help you all in any way I can. Trust me.
  9. I, personally, would suggest that until evidence makes it clear otherwise, the connection between the HHN website and LegendaryTruth goes as far as the lantern. Remember, Shadow Creek was found out from the latern. Keep your minds boxed in for just a bit, until it's clear that Universal wants us to start looking there. On a side note, does anyone think that the former CEO was the one who vacated? Himmel didn't want to speak about him. Does anyone think there's a possibility LT's been infiltrated by God knows what? Just putting it out here.
  10. They'll give you the password when they have something for you to see. Even if you did have the password, what you'd probably see would be a 404. But, yes, there will a password. And I bet it will be coming soon, once the game REALLY kicks off and we have some more idea on what the hell's going on.
  11. Personally I don't believe telling Mrs. (Ms. ?) Himmel to watch out for Mr. Fell is going to do you a whole lot of good. She seems a bit enamored by the man.
  12. You could always try both. I mean, hidden drops do seem like a very "LegendaryTruth" thing to do.
  13. Sorry to go off on a tangent, but you're both wrong. Horus is right in that it's unlikely that they'd mix Cthulu and Greek myth in the same house. However, Greek myth does have a place in Lovecraftian fiction. Hypnos, the personification of sleep, has actually shown up in some of the work that makes up said universe. Anyhow, I doubt that they'd take from the storyline to Doom, although it is a possibility. I'm actually thinking more mutants or aliens. Shadow Creek, Shady Creek... I don't know. It gives off a Hangar 18 feel to me. Unless they're going to say that the demons from Hell ARE mutants. That... would be pretty silly, though.
  14. GUYS. Guys. guys What does every school have? That was the hint. What does every school have? A sports team.
  15. I could see where your dad's getting this Raymond. Pajamas are an innocuous thing to see in a house, unless the person wearing it looks fucked up. Is anyone else thinking that Universal is going with the awesome idea of making an Innsmouth house/scare zone in Amity?
  16. It's the internet. You can swear, don't worry. This totally blows. Why is it that HHN has more draw and yet Howl-O-Scream is the one that stays up?
  17. Wait a minute... Stonehenge, a museum, and Greek myths? Aww damn. We may just be taking a trip back into the past of horror.
  18. I respect you and all because you give good information, from what I've heard, you have proper grammar and don't sign your posts, and because you sound like a cool guy... But good god, there goes anything to speculate about. Not mad at you or anything, just... welp. X3
  19. Dante's Inferno is Christian myth son. fake edit: Also Dante's Inferno was a hot game?
  20. This is a silly idea but... chainsaws are anathema to trees right? Maybe Eddie is the antagonist (or protagonist) for this year?
  21. You aren't outgrowing crap. The difference between this year and some of the years before is that B&T is now taking from the school of comedy that the guys who made Epic Movie, Disaster Movie, Dance Flick, etc. do. Basically, no real joke, just "HEY GUYS REMEMBER THIS? ISN'T THAT FUNNY, THIS ONCE EXISTED!" It's not the fact that you're outgrowing it. You can't outgrow something good. It's that the show is lacking in quality. :3
  22. Okay, so, HHN18. For the past years before that I'd been following the lore online, but was too much of a pussy to go. But, goddamnit, Bloody Mary was so awesome, I just COULDN'T stay out. So, I went with my dad. And, it was one of the greatest nights of my life. No shit. :3
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