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Posts posted by AaronPaHHNFan

  1. I have to say I don't think I'm going to be buying a hoodie now. That design is terrible. They could have put something on the back and I would have bought it for sure. Honestly I could print out the logo take it to my local screen printer and have that exact hoodie for somewhere in the range of 15 dollars. It's just not worth it being so basic. The sad part is if this is a test hoodie to see how they will sell we may never see a well designed hoodie.

  2. My guess is that Mike may not have been familiar with the whole Cats n Combs phenomenon last year. To explain, after Catacombs had bun dubbed "Cats n Combs" by Andrew Shrimp, I for laughs brought a plush toy cat and a comb into the house. This caught on, and soon many fans of this house began taking in toy cats. Then toy dogs started being taken into Havoc.

    So, I am attempting to recreate some of this activity this year.

    I knew why personally but I figured he was just being a jerk, oh well. I'm glad you explained it though. I see a money making opportunity with these finger puppets, count me in for one if anyone takes the bull by the horns on this one.

  3. When it comes to the roof discussion I see both sides. Universal puts on a fantastic event year after year. The Scareactors and designers give everything they have to make each year better than the last. It doesn't mean I can't hope for roofs on houses, I have the right be disappointed when the house doesn't have a roof. HHN as a whole is great, I just feel with a roof the immersion factor is better. Without roofs I do sometimes get taken out of the experience because I naturally like to look up. It's not that big of a deal though. Roofs or no roofs I will continue to believe that HHN is the best event in the country. The sets are the most important thing and I think we can all agree they are top notch every year. This house seems to be an amazingly designed house and I can't wait to experience it with or without a roof.

  4. I'm really looking forward to this house. It seems amazing all around but I can't wait to see people's reactions to the cold. Lets face it, I'm used to cold weather. I can walk around in shorts when it's 30 degrees out. Anyone from Florida is going to freeze in there and yes I will laugh at the shivering teenagers who are wearing next to nothing.

  5. Maybe they went to Wicker R Us! ;)

    I realize that it is light and won't take up too much room, but it's still wicker. Let's just hope they don't try to stand on in.....that will certainly end in disaster.

    If someone is dumb enough to try to stand on a wicker chair lets just hope someone is taking video at the time.

  6. I watched an Unmasking the Horror walkthrough on YouTube and the gentleman said that Universal purposely did not include roofs lately because they wanted ambient lighting and sound to add to the atmosphere.

    There has always been ambient lighting and sound in the houses as far back as I can remember (someone can correct me if I'm wrong). How does a roof stop them from having sound? It's easy to place a speaker in the corner of any given room and hide it with a prop of some sorts. Yes it's easier not to have a roof so you can just have one large sound system or lighting rig. Although not having roofs takes away from the overall feeling of the house. I see why Uni wouldn't want to have a roof considering it's easier and costs less to not have one but I think they listened to the fans on this one.

  7. Not to piss on everybody's parade, but I don't see roofs in the picture.

    The Jail Cell looks like the rear wall just ends, no roof at all.

    The "hallway" roof looks more like a grid of wood slats....like a picket thatched fence. EDIT: Found a better picture:


    That gives a bit of an allusion to a roof, and allows for the cool lighting affects.

    I'll take the illusion of a roof over no roof at all. Obviously it's not going to be a solid roof. I think they probably compromised with the inspectors this year so we at least get the illusion of a roof. I will just be happy we got what we got honestly.

  8. Is it me, or are those chairs in the 7 zone not going to last too long? They are wicker chairs...not the most sturdy pieces of furniture ever created.

    They look cool & I hope they last the whole run.

    Just sayin'.


    They should last if they keep them covered during the day or rain. At least there not where guests will be sitting on them. Wicker isn't the brightest choice though.

  9. with all things I think it should be taken with a grain of salt. I know not all houses are longer than years past. A few are shorter and a few are longer. but many things are changing and a lot of new ideas are being used. So I would say the excitement is most likely warranted... just to what level. It is easy to build things up in ones head to an unobtainable level. I agree, I have not been this pumped since 18 either. I've seen the event evolve from Fright Nights and I've seen the up and down years. I think we are on an up swing and that makes me happy. :)

    I feel your right when you say we're on an up swing. Or should I say I hope your right. If this year is like last year I don't think I can get my wife to allow me to spend the several thousand dollars necessary to attend HHN next year. She was disappointed last year to say the least. I liked last year based on the sets and the nostalgia feel. Overall last year was lacking in certain areas last year. The sets were amazing as always but overall there was just something missing for me. I still can't place what I felt was missing. Maybe it was the fact that Fear was just a photo op and had no real other presence in the park. I hope the rumors of houses being longer are true. Although if you say some are longer some are shorter I think it will all even itself out in the end. I do know they plan on using effects we've never seen before and that has me excited to no end. I think expectations being high this year is a good thing. I honestly can say I'm more excited for this year than I've been since 18 which is saying a lot.

  10. I actually think it will be more like Cirque Du Freak in 2009. The "main" characters on mini stages for visual candy and the rest will be in the streets doing the scaring, using the Sins as a distraction.

    Agreed, the "minions" will be the ones doing the scaring. The Sins on the stages will be there to look pretty and pose or as you put be visual candy. Maybe though since they are going to change throughout the night they will get more active throughout the night.

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