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Posts posted by dante

  1. The more we talk about the cards the more that i cant wait to see the reveal of the icons......I dont think were looking in too much into the cards symbolism has always played a huge role in this event so unless the theory is totally out there and far fetched i dont think a symbolist idea should be disregurded

  2. "Psychoscareapy" was not a icon house. They forced Jack into the mix in 2006. Regardless, we have been told all these franchises are done. I'm not sure what you mean by resurrection.

    I am befuddled by the want for a sequel house at all. To me a sequel is a cop-out in a way. We were promised a New Era and I was completely thrilled to hear that the old was dying and we could expect fresh new ideas... but every year, regardless of what has been said, people want to dredge up old ideas. True I have my fond memories and favorites from all the events past but I don't want to see a rehash ever except for possibly a "best of" type deal... But even so, didn't everyone get there fill of that last year? We had a house dedicated to the past.

    I don't know if it is just a lack of creativity or a fear of change but it seems few people stray out of the realm of what we know already when speculating. Heck it seems like Hollywood has lost all creativity as well with all these crappy rehashes. Now a CONCEPT is far different than a Sequel. There is, after all, only so many situation one can be put in. Using a similar Concept to tell a different story is fantastic but simply saying "I want Catacombs 2" is just weak. for example Psychoscareapy was not the first house we had that delt with an insane asylum.

    I know we will always have the returning franchises... it is inevitable and really so long as they tell a different story (or a GOOD continuation) I'm fine with that. But I don't want to see something (such as Catacombs or Havoc) come back simply because people liked it and I certainly don't want to a sequel already out of the jump gate of the "New Era".

    As for Movie houses... I think they are a core part of the event and I expect that they will stay current for the most part. I think The Thing could easily be back so long as the movie is decent and it is different enough from the original that it doesn't feel rehashed.

    There are a few houses that i would want to come back like ive posted but my Ultmiate want would be Leave it to Cleaver...it dosent have much ties to the old era and the concept still has many ways it could go i mean weve seen the rise of the Meetz empire but we should see the Fall and revenge of the empire!!

  3. Meh. There's a limited amount of stuff you can do with Chucky; it's hard to do anything with costumed scareactors once you get past the demented toys theme of 2009. Besides, he's a very one-note character: a wisecracking creepy doll that stabs people or sets up "accidents" to kill everyone. I don't think we'll see him again for a while unless Universal decides to do a new movie.

    Well there are rummors of a remake film so perhaps it could be incorparated into a house one of these years...

  4. I have a feeling that the next update will show us signs pointing to the diffrent rooms....a blackjackroom a roulette room and a slot room... then after that well get a look at the diffrent rooms and similar to 09 there will be a story behind the casino and diffrent events that transpired

  5. I don't think that would happen, due to the difficulty building the house, when it's only going to be torn down after the event, not to mention the liability. But it's definitely a cool concept.

    The unreliableness of the floor would make it a real adventure but of course you would have to put all your possesions in a locker

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