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Posts posted by DanHHN3333

  1. I pestered my hubby into looking at the pics of burnt wood (he works with wood and is in the construction field)....

    First and foremost, if there was a small fire, the wood would not be burnt in select places. Fire rises, if it was not a designed burn, then you would not see an area of burnt wood. Three boards with very random spots of burning? The only way it could have burnt in a pattern like that is if it was held over a fire sideways or a torch was used. The middle piece was most likely held over a fire.

    Secondly, 2x4s cost $2 or $3 dollars. If these pieces of wood were burnt in a fire Uni could have bought more and not used them in a house. An inspector would never allow these pieces to be used for a structural setting.

    These are prop pieces. Or they are waiting for the junk pile.

    We will probably see an old burnt down building in the Jaws que.

    They will most likely be wall/ceiling cladding. You're correct that they cannot be structural.

  2. If Universal would just throw us a bone then at least our speculation would be more concentrated and specific instead of totally random and annoying.

    Burnt wood could mean anything. Combine it with some noise, smoke and lights and you got yourself a pretty scary fire scene. Could be that we all revisit Bloody Mary's office/world and it ends by the place burning down or Caretaker's place burning down or Jack's etc.

    Ready for some new icons next Fall... Fire could mean *bye* *bye* to an icon(s).

  3. I also was quite tickled with the use of a certain poem which by some amazing coincidence was also used yesterday somewhere else in another context. This was merely an amazing coincidence as that hadn't actually happened yet when the OP posted it!

    So I must congratulate all newlyweds real or imagined here or elsewhere.

    That made me laugh too! Cough Dr Who.

    I also agree we should give TJ and Co more credit!

  4. I agree he is passionate about movies..But he is an Original Person and doing a remake of 2 Already Established franchises as a house is very strange. This is a Man who brought US Jack and worked on Shows at Both Universal and Busch. So I think he would be aimed at making a very Original House as the Center Piece of the event... Seen to much of his work to think he would go to 2 horror Franchise as a Center piece....

    He won't be making it the centrepiece of the event as he doesn't work there and they have gone with something else.

    You have to appreciate that franchise owners like NOES, F13, Coke, Burger King, whatever - fall over themselves to be associated with a large event like this.

    What also goes against your theory is HHN18, JMR was the one who passionately argued for the Doomsday movie to be used - yet the event was completely non-movie focused.

    Whatever they are up to this year, it is safe to say there won't be much if any movie based or connected houses/scarezones.

    I think we're all be pleasantly surprised at what they are up to... ;-)

  5. Wow so far as I read a lot of these things, I see Nothing Original...Is all people wants are remake of Old ideas and Movies? Also I don't see JMR wanting to make a Center Piece of NOES and FT13th, I have to Call BS on that Idea. I would think people would want to see original Houses and unique scares Not recycled ideas over and over again.

    So lets see some Original thoughts and not rehashes.

    You're entitled to your opinion, however, it is clear that the GP are more attracted to franchises and characters they know and are familiar with. As HHN is done to make money and not just for the fans, pursuit of the dollar they will go...

    In respond to your JMR comment, anyone who "knows" him, knows that he is the biggest movie geek ever and he LOVES working with characters that he has adored since he was very young. Since leaving Uni he has been working on a show with the Marvel X-Men characters in Germany (and other projects), so in answer to your statement, the man is very passionate about movies.

  6. One other thing he told me was that they wanted to bring Saw back. They wanted to put it in different location, make it longer and do some different scenes. Accordingly LG was keen for this to happen as Saw 7 comes out in Oct. He said last he knew this was "definitely off the cards for the foreseeable". So you never know, accordingly guest feedback was extremely positive about this house last year.

  7. I talk to JMR quite regular and he has never said why he left and I have never asked. He is extremely passionate about the event though and we're probably see him there with us queuing up!

    He has told me some interesting things about what's not at HHNXX. He told me that the event he initially pitched is nothing like what was potentially agreed on. What he wanted to do was to have an event that celebrated HHN's past, present and future. He told me that the style would be CofC meets RofF. His centre-piece would have been a soundstage located uber house (uber for length) where we the people are stuck in a battle between Freddy and Jason (No Leatherface for some reason). Warner Bros, who now are in charge of NLC holdings, were even contacted and were 'very' positive. However, all house ideas are voted on and this idea was not voted in. It is worthy to note that Warner do seem more relaxed and proactive about distribution of their holdings than NLC have ever been - which might be good for future years to come.

    He also tells me that when he left nothing was certain and that anything could change after his departure. He left in December and accordingly the HHNXX is finalized for house content by February. All he had heard that there were no movie houses planned after he left and that Warner Bros were EXTREMELY positive for their franchises to feature, he told me that they might appear but it will be very low key to the overall event.

    I speculate that this event will be HHN16 the sequel, the only difference being the streets will step up another gear. I am also pleased that the audition pages (yet) do not advertise for Rocky Horror performers - that show has been at HHN too many times now!

  8. death_ciertificate_HHN-resized-600.jpg

    This was found secured to a trash can towards the Vamp Assistant's scarezone last year - this cert has nothing to do with the movie, so we can only guess that it is a clue to hhn20.

    Also, don't forget TJ did say the theme this year is 'Arts and Crafts.' Like Roddy said last year's was 'Classic.'

    Out of all the speculation I'm hoping CD's is right.

  9. Paranormal Activity the House: Only at Halloween Horror Nights Orlando!

    After a young, middle class couple (Katie and Micah) moves into a suburban 'starter' tract house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be somehow demonic but is certainly most active in the middle of the night. Especially when they sleep. Or try to.

    Katie discloses to Micah that she has been haunted since she was eight year-old. The skeptical Micah buys a camera to videotape the paranormal activity in their home during the night. Katie calls Fredrichs, to help them, but he explains that he is not a specialist in ghosts. However he feels the presence of a fiendish ghoul and advises the couple to call the experts in, the Legendary Truth Collective.

    The Legendary Truth arrive at the home and try the door bell but no one answers and no lights are on. They force their way in and you enter with them and discover the truth about what happened to Katie and Micah....

  10. Nearly every HHN in the last 5 years has had productions of various movies on-going during HHN. For example there was a TV show shooting last year, Ace Ventura 3 the year before, Final Destination 4, Bring It On 3 or 4 or whoever cares the year before that - my point being, what with the economy being screwed and that new noisy HRRR ride just outside - maybe this year there wont be any movie productions onsite - and if this is true, that means there would be at least another one soundstage free. I have always thought that the SSs make the best houses.

    Does anyone know if any straight to DVD or straight to trash movies are being shot this year in Oct at the studios?

    If anyone says Bring It On 5 - I swear I will headbutt the keyboard!

  11. 1 & 2: 2 x soundstages

    3 & 4: 2 x tents

    5: Float storage hanger

    6: World expo hanger

    7: Disaster Queue building

    8: Jaws building

    9: Hercules building (needs rehab)

    Scraping the barrel now...

    10: Nazaarmans building (not starbucks half) and Sting alley

    11: Stage 54 storage area, next to interactive Donkey

    12: Brown Derby and neighboring storage units

  12. Well then, welcome to HHN Dan! I hope you have fun here!

    As for speculation, I just hope they don't do a house per icon year with a scene from each house of the year (ex: HHN18; House includes a scene from Scary Tales III, then a scene from Interstellar Terror, etc). I like JWFearman's idea, and others I've heard here, but not with the multiple house scene's in a house. It wouldn't do it for me. Multi-scened houses like ANDI and Silver Screams are okay, but they don't flow well to me, or at least as well as others. Know what I mean? I don't remember where I heard the idea, but it's just something I thought I'd bring up.

    Also, I'd just like to say that Silver Screams was still an amazing house, and I never experienced ANDI. I was simply using examples. :P

    I agree with this totally. Those houses just don't gel!

    This then leaves you with story houses or movie houses - both having a developing story as you walk through.

    All the houses in HHN19 were story/movie houses, except for Silver Screams - and it was Silver Screams which got the most mixed reviews.

    The positive thing about the multi-room houses is the fact that they try to cater for all fans and all tastes of horror.

    Changing the speculation somewhat - lets face it Uni always do excellent houses and they learn their lesson on scarezones from 2007 - so what I would like them to give some consideration to is some kick-ass shows, attractions, merchandise and a really wicked exhibition. TJ if you reading this - please take note! :)

  13. Hi there,

    I'm new to the site and I would just like to say that I am so glad to see serious and careful speculation going on.

    Really is nice to see. There's no spamming, bumping, trolling, n00bing, newbing or flaming - which is such a relief - keep it up friends!

    As for my own speculation, I would imagine that USF probably wouldn't have a 2 park HHN just because of the recession.

    Many thanks then,


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