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Everything posted by marc

  1. The Orlando HHN address is now redirecting to Universal's main site. Looks like they finally figured out how not put things up early. And awesome that tickets are now up. Just gotta get the UOAP discounted ones to come up and I'll be set.
  2. You also mentioned Creepshow. Don't think it'd be Fright Night since they'd already have vampires covered with Lost Boys. And someone else said Poltergeist right before you, so that's probably not it. Though I'm sure that would be this year's "vortex" house if it was true.
  3. Man, I was hoping it was gonna be the person who guessed Gremlins. I love when they do snowy/winter houses and it's one of my favorite 80s movies.
  4. Happy TrT is confirmed. And Invasion sounds awesome! Hope there's at least one alien that will creep up behind people with a probe.
  5. I've done it the last few years. They open 3 houses at 5:30 for AP's the first 2 Fridays and Saturdays. You have to RSVP (usually sign ups start the first week of September) and are allowed one guest, as long as you each have a valid ticket for that night's event.
  6. HHN starts 5 weeks from Friday. I had to check my calendar a few times to make sure I was counting right.
  7. Oh, my bad. I thought it ended today with the Ash announcement.
  8. And the clock has reset to another week so it looks like announcements will be coming every Thursday from now on.
  9. I went by Krampus a second time later on and it was closed again. Looked like it had re-opened and then shut down. I didn't stick around for it to re-open again. I'll try again on Sunday. Anyone find out what was going on? Overall, a very successful night. Got through 8 of 9 houses in about 3 hours with Express. Longest Express line was AHS (about 25 minutes and the screen said 80 for regular). Most of the others didn't have much of a wait at all.
  10. I went by Krampus earlier and it was closed. Not sure for how long, though.
  11. In line for the AP event. Happy opening night, everyone!
  12. It's down poured each of the last couple opening nights so nothing new there. After standing in line getting drenched, you just learn to accept it and not let it bother you. Then when it finishes you go on Mummy and dry off in the fire sections.
  13. AP HHN mailer came today with info about exclusive shirt and pin.
  14. https://www.universalorlando.com/rsvp/hhn/uoap-rsvp-sign-up.aspx
  15. Passholder night registration will start September 6.
  16. HHN store returning this year. This time, it'll be in the Macy's. https://hhnunofficial.com/2016/08/13/huge-dedicated-hhn-store-returns-for-hhn26/
  17. The revving of motorcycles away from the rising sun because they're vampires.
  18. Looks like the Walking Dead logo above Exorcist. Makes sense if it's sharing top billing with AHS.
  19. Hmm.. Maybe Cooties? Zombie kids running around??
  20. Yeah, I'm just gonna do what I did last year- RoF and a separate Express add-on for opening night. Now I can officially get excited!
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