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Everything posted by thewordwisper

  1. Ok this is relevant to my search to find who she is http://carcosa.wikidot.com/4-11-10
  2. http://weirdfictionreview.com/2014/03/carl-lee-and-cassilda/ I thought this was a clue to her but the names are different but still a cool read.
  3. And it's little stuff like that even if we find out it's not real it was still fun and interesting.
  4. Would it make sense in the hhn storyline for jack to come back.
  5. Cassi said master maybe fear or she could be the icon. Or the reason we are getting an icon. legacy or anyone what do u think?
  6. Now just saying wouldn't be crazy if they have a place in Dagon ally for hhn like ioa and saving it for a big year.
  7. there is too many connections with this pic you could even say it pointing to pyscho path
  8. They are not doing dusk till dawning la Llorona is posible but there is alot of urban legends they can do so it would not make sense if they use la Llorona again.
  9. MIsfits will be having a house according to the hints on Twitter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misfits_%28band%29 100000000000000% this have to be that's my prove not sure what song they will be doing thou they have a lot a amazing one's for Murphy they had a skit they did called Murphy s law
  10. Dr.jimmy postes allot of jack the ripper. But if u remember jack never happened according to hhn. What Really happen was the bodyclactors came to town so they might have a house.
  11. http://screenrant.com/terminator-5-release-date-2015-new-trilogy/ look it up we might get a terminator house i hope not.
  12. True but you can add him as a urban legend But u guys r right it isn't going to happen
  13. How about Eddie? Jack the clown could be a clue for eddie.
  14. That was a dick move buy that lady And screw auto correction
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