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Everything posted by thewordwisper

  1. Im really surprised walking dead wasn't first, could it mean fear the walking dead is coming
  2. Is it safe to say it's not going to be at 12.
  3. I hope it's tonight with a house and maybe more info about the old icons
  4. Let's take bets here, I say it's walking dead
  5. Do we know if we are sharing any house this year with them if so it that house.
  6. I trust legacy sources, it like he said his sources has a solid track record.
  7. You can make run in to a carnival game house
  8. Do u guys think one is happening tonight?
  9. I can see that happening Does anyone know when the first maze will be announced?
  10. my biggest question is why? like the old saying goes, if it ain't broken why fix it .
  11. Your jumping to conclusion way to quickly If dr.jimmy didn't do the run, rabit, run ill believe matt be what legacy said dr.jimmy was never wrong never he did the Psychoscareapy and Body Collectors in the same video he didn't do it because he was lazy he did because it was going to be the same house after a good month looking at the clues its safe to say run is coming And mat is a troll
  12. See I can't confirm that all the clues I'm getting and research is say a house with Eddie but it won't be run
  13. I looked at every angle on the run maze I'm stumped I don't no if it is run or not..
  14. Never say never, they can do it they got JK rollings blessings
  15. remember everyone he was fears favorite.
  16. Do u think there be other icons Dr.Jimmy?
  17. I wasn't to off ether I would not be surprised if they hah the whole event streets as carnival of carnage with different parts of the carnival
  18. that's so awesome can't wait I Take we r only get jack this year as a icon
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