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Dead Inside

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Posts posted by Dead Inside

  1. My predictions for waits at their highest in different night tiers:

    TWD: 120 minutes off-peak, 140 moderate, 180 peak

    FVJ and Insidious: 90 off-peak, 140 moderate, 180 peak

    M&M and Purge: 60 off-peak, 120 moderate, 150 peak

    AWIL, Body Collectors, Asylum, and Run: 40 off-peak, 90 moderate, 120 peak


    The originals in the last tier could change depending on word of mouth.

    • Like 1
  2. It depends. If I can do Stay and Scream:

    Whatever two soundstages are open (let's assume it's FVJ and M&M)




    Bill and Ted


    Body Collectors



    Carnage (if I can watch after Body Collectors then I'll do this before the last two)

    Repeats and taking time in scarezones


    If I can't do Stay and Scream:







    Body Collectors





    The shows are where I'm stumped in the second plan. If I go see the first Bill and Ted I risk the chance of the soundstages having longer lines.


    • Like 1
  3. Holy cow that map is filled with errors. 4 houses end across from MIB gear? Honestly I would think Insidious would be the correct exit location and the other 3 are incorrect considering they are nowhere nearby. 

    I hope they manage to catch all of this before the guest maps come out. Otherwise that'll be embarrassing. 

    Tent 1 always exits by MIB.

  4. First off, RIP Wes Craven :( Thankfully there's still FVJ to have as a tribute. On the topic of waits:

    1. FVJ

    2. Insidious

    3. TWD

    4. M&M

    5. AWIL

    6. The Purge

    7. Body Collectors

    8. Asylum in Wonderland

    9. Run


    The first four are pretty much set in stone. FVJ will have the longest lines as it's in a soundstage and features two icons return to the event. Insidious and TWD will be close but the former will benefit from Bill and Ted. M&M will have the largest house and anniversary push. Things get trickier from there. AWIL will be the first house guests see but since it's a repeat I wouldn't be surprised if it's lower. The Purge will be next to TWD and the scarezone last year was very popular. Body Collectors is in a soundstage next to FVJ and word of mouth will spread over the event. AIL and Run are a toss up for last but since Asylum is closer to the front I think that'll get longer waits at first.


  5. I definitely see what you mean about the cast with G&G but I personally think Dracula Untold takes the worst house for 2014.

    Dracula is either 2nd or 3rd worst tied with Roanoke from last year. Roanoke had great sets but despite the cast's effort it just wasn't scary, while Dracula was able to catch me off guard a couple of times with great sets but lack of coherency. 

    • Like 1
  6. Is that spec or were you given that info?


    And I think by reversed entrance, I think he just means the door on the left of that side of the building, the door they used for cast changes. I doubt they're going back to the other side of the parade building.

    Spec, these seem like the only possible scenes.

  7. Which is the reason why I didn't go into the house last year, lol. It was my first year and I still am not a huge fan of horror but last year I had SO much fun! Skipped Halloween (kinda regret it now) and Giggles and Gore. This year I am forcing myself to go into each house. Don't want to look back months after and regret skipping a house. 

    G&G was my least favorite house last year. The cast I had wasn't really into their roles, the sets weren't noteworthy, and the hallways before the finale were lame. You missed out on Halloween though.

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  8. Part of me thinks they haven't even attempted AHS after the last time they attempted it. Either way for anyone who's thinking about AHS, remember this...a couple years ago HHN tried to get a AHS house. However they ran into some serious creative differences with that IP, which lead to it getting scrapped and replaced with Evil Dead.

    Several things would have to budge in order for AHS to happen, and considering the egos of some behind AHS I don't see them budging. As mentioned way earlier one of the only possible ways AHS could happen would be in the form of a extreme house, and even then that's a bit of a stretch. (Yes, this year the event had a extreme house in mind before it got cut via budget...but they had Hellgate Prison in mind, not AHS.)

    Jimmy said that it was tried again in 2014 but they didn't meet Fox's demands. Disneyhead on OU said towards the start of speculation season he has reason to believe it was coming this year, but no such luck.

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  9. I know the speculation map says Insidious is going in the tent over by Kidzone, but are we sure it's not in the tent by MIB? Because the facade for the tent by Kidzone does not look like a house whatsoever where the facade for the other looks like it could very well be the house from the first two Insidious films. 

    I thought it was in the MIB tent?

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